
En los últimos años, el video se ha convertido en una parte integral del marketing digital. Si hace un año las empresas todavía dudaban si debían apostar por el video marketing, en 2019 no se trata de si empezar o no. Es una cuestión de cómo hacerlo de manera más efectiva.
Le pedimos a destacados expertos en marketing que compartieran sus consejos y predicciones de video marketing para 2019. Según sus respuestas, encontramos 8 tendencias principales que dominarán el panorama del video marketing este año. Siga leyendo para averiguar lo que dijeron.
- Tendencia 1. Los videos reemplazarán otras formas de comunicación
- Tendencia 2. El video seguirá creciendo
- Tendencia 3. El auge de los videos cortos y verticales
- Tendencia 4. Crear videos será más fácil
- Tendencia 5. Los videos deberán optimizarse para cada plataforma
- Tendencia 6. Vídeos personalizados y auténticos
- Tendencia 7. Colaboración con influencers
- Tendencia 8. Nuevas formas de video
Tendencia 1. Los videos reemplazarán otras formas de comunicación
El video está pasando de ser una herramienta visual complementaria a convertirse en la pieza principal de contenido. En lugar de enviar un correo electrónico o un testimonio escrito, las personas simplemente comenzarán a grabar videos. Lo más probable es que el video aún no reemplace las formas de contenido más tradicionales, como las publicaciones de blog. Sin embargo, podríamos esperar que el video tome una postura más firme en 2019.
Andy Crestodina
Cofundador y director de marketing de Orbit Media
El video reemplazará el correo electrónico diario para todo tipo de comunicaciones:marketing, ventas y atención al cliente.
Andy Crestodina comparte las tendencias de video marketing para 2019
¿Qué debemos tener en cuenta en 2019 en términos de video marketing?El video ha sido un canal de uno a muchos durante 90 años. Ahora es uno a uno. ¿Lanzamiento de un editor para un esfuerzo de relaciones públicas? Hacer un vídeo. ¿Contactar a un influencer para colaborar? Hacer un vídeo. Cada vez que hay mucho en juego, en marketing o en cualquier otro lugar, el video reemplazará al texto y al correo electrónico en 2019.
Andy Crestodina es cofundador y director de marketing de Orbit Media, una galardonada agencia digital de 38 personas en Chicago.
Durante los últimos 18 años, Andy ha brindado asesoramiento de marketing digital a más de 1000 empresas. Andy ha escrito cientos de artículos sobre estrategia de contenido, optimización de motores de búsqueda, marketing de influencers, conversión y análisis.
Ian Cleary
Consultor de marketing de contenidos, fundador de RazorSocial
La mayor tendencia es el continuo crecimiento masivo en el video marketing en 2019, se volverá cada vez más importante. Pero aquí hay 3 tendencias específicas que veo que suceden.
Ian Cleary comparte las tendencias de marketing de videos para 2019
¿Qué debemos tener en cuenta en 2019 en términos de video marketing?1) Video de formato corto en Facebook:es muy difícil lograr que las personas en Facebook interactúen con un video largo. YouTube es un canal mucho mejor para contenido de video de formato largo. Así que en Facebook puedo ver más y más empresas creando videos teaser para promocionar contenido de formato más largo en otros canales.
2) Realidad virtual:será más económico y habrá más herramientas disponibles que lo ayudarán a crear videos de realidad virtual. Por ejemplo, si está haciendo un gran cambio de imagen en la casa, caminar por la casa "renovada" antes de que esté lista sería una gran experiencia.
3) Videos en el correo electrónico:los buzones de correo electrónico están sobrecargados y recibir un video personal corto en el correo electrónico puede ser muy poderoso. Es una táctica muy poco utilizada en esta etapa, pero creo que 2019 es el año para que esto aumente.
Ian Cleary ayuda a los especialistas en marketing a cerrar la brecha entre el marketing y la tecnología y se especializa en marketing de contenido. Contribuye regularmente a Forbes, habla en las principales conferencias de marketing de todo el mundo y es un bloguero apasionado.
Louie Luc
Blogger en IncomeProdigy.com y presentador del podcast OnlineBusiness.FM
Testimonios en video. ¡Sí! Testimonios en formato de video. Los testimonios en video son la nueva tendencia en marketing de video para 2019 y tiene mucho sentido. En estos días, las personas generalmente carecen de tiempo y ciertamente no tienen interés en leer testimonios escritos. Probablemente ni siquiera creerán la mayoría de las cosas escritas que se muestran en la página de testimonios del sitio web de alguna empresa. Pero si en lugar de texto pudieran ver y escuchar lo que dicen los clientes sobre un negocio, sería un escenario completamente diferente. Un escenario incomparablemente más creíble y, por lo tanto, mucho más efectivo para el crecimiento, promoción y notoriedad de su marca.
Bloguero en IncomeProdigy.com y presentador del podcast OnlineBusiness.FM, Louie es un hombre con una misión:ayudar a los emprendedores en ciernes a iniciar, hacer crecer o escalar negocios en línea rentables y exitosos.
Tendencia 2. El vídeo seguirá creciendo
En 2019, la implementación de video seguirá creciendo. Podríamos esperar ver más videos en redes sociales, correos electrónicos, sitios web y casi en cualquier otro lugar.
Mike Schiemer
Emprendedor frugal y especialista en ventas sociales
El video marketing será aún más frecuente en 2019 gracias a una mayor tecnología y las expectativas de los usuarios. Toda una generación de adolescentes y jóvenes ha crecido con videos de YouTube, clips de Snapchat, GIF virales e Instagram. La gente, en general, no quiere leer tanto y las imágenes no son tan dinámicas.
Facebook Watch ha crecido rápidamente y seguirá creciendo. IGTV, propiedad de Facebook, también se expandirá aún más para enfrentarse a YouTube por la supremacía de los videos de formato largo. Los mejores creadores de YouTube disfrutarán de un éxito continuo, pero los YouTubers de nivel inferior tendrán dificultades para obtener ingresos significativos solo con los videos.
Desafortunadamente para los anunciantes, el alcance orgánico se estancará en la mayoría de las plataformas y, de hecho, disminuirá significativamente en Instagram. La publicidad paga para videos también será más costosa a medida que más grandes corporaciones se suban al carro del marketing en redes sociales, especialmente Instagram. ¡Aproveche el alcance orgánico y los precios bajos mientras pueda!
Mike Schiemer es un emprendedor frugal y especialista en ventas sociales. Es gerente de marketing digital, consultor de SEO y experto en divulgación de bloggers. Ha escrito más de 3000 entradas de blog sobre Bootstrap Business, Frugal Fitness y Lean Startup Life. También es el autor de The $10 Digital Media Startup disponible en Amazon.
Dustin Stout
Empresario, orador principal y consultor de marketing digital
En 2019 verás más videos que nunca. Hace poco ayudé con una serie de estudios realizados por BuzzSumo donde todos los signos apuntaban a una tendencia al alza de videos cortos (30-90 segundos) que dominan las redes sociales.
Dustin Stout comparte las tendencias de marketing de vídeo para 2019
¿Qué debemos tener en cuenta en 2019 en términos de video marketing?¿Por qué? Porque es extremadamente difícil mantener la atención de las personas durante largos períodos de tiempo. Si bien los videos que duran entre 3 y 4 minutos tienen el porcentaje de participación más alto, la tasa de abandono comienza a aumentar a los 20 o 30 segundos si no logras captar el interés del espectador.
Estas son buenas y malas noticias para los equipos de contenido. Buenas noticias porque no tienen tanta “producción” que hacer, ya que los videos más cortos tienden a ser más fáciles de completar. Pero la mala noticia es que es mucho más difícil concentrar toda la información que desea transmitir (de una manera poderosa y convincente) en menos tiempo.
Creo firmemente que los profesionales del marketing creativo descubrirán que este desafío los convierte en mejores narradores de historias en general.
Dustin Stout es empresario, orador principal y consultor de marketing digital. Su blog, Dustn.tv, ha sido nombrado uno de los mejores blogs de redes sociales en Internet y sigue siendo un recurso cada vez mayor para profesionales del marketing, empresarios y blogueros por igual.
Syed Irfan Ajmal
Empresario, orador principal y consultor de marketing digital
Las 2 tendencias que puedo ver son:
1. Según un estudio de Nielsen, YouTube llega a más adultos (solo en dispositivos móviles) cada semana durante el horario de máxima audiencia que cualquier red de cable.
QUÉ SIGNIFICA:más empresas comenzarán a pasar de usar anuncios de televisión a usar anuncios de YouTube para llegar a su público objetivo.
2. Según Cisco, para 2021, el 80 % de todo el contenido en línea consistiría en video (según Cisco).
QUÉ SIGNIFICA:La adopción del video como medio de marketing continuará aumentando rápidamente en 2019 y más allá. Sin embargo, los ganadores de esta carrera no serán necesariamente las marcas más importantes o los creadores que tengan los dispositivos y estudios más caros.
En su lugar, serían los inadaptados, los rebeldes y los pensadores originales quienes pueden idear grandes historias y excelentes disparadores emocionales para mantener a su audiencia interesada, informada y entretenida, todo al mismo tiempo, incluso cuando se trata de un video relacionado con un negocio.
Syed Irfan Ajmal es comercializador digital, orador internacional y presentador de programas de podcast. También escribe para Forbes, SEMrush, el Banco Mundial y muchas otras publicaciones.
Joe Williams
Ejecuta Tribe SEO
Creo que los videos en vivo seguirán creciendo y estarán en el corazón de muchas comunidades en línea. Ya sea que se trate de Facebook Lives, la enseñanza de cursos en vivo o algo nuevo, esto abre una conexión más profunda con el espectador y algo que las grandes corporaciones tendrán dificultades para hacer de manera auténtica. Facebook Lives y Facebook Messenger combinados desafiarán al marketing por correo electrónico como el principal canal de generación de oportunidades para algunos expertos en marketing digital.
Joe Williams dirige Tribe SEO y ofrece cursos en línea para ayudarlo a familiarizarse con SEO rápidamente. Es el profesor principal de SEO en el Instituto de marketing digital y ha aparecido en The Guardian, Cosmopolitan y Huffington Post.
Mike Allton
Bloguera, autora y oradora galardonada
Obviamente, el video ha estado a la vanguardia de las tendencias de marketing en los últimos años, y 2019 no es diferente. De hecho, aunque sea difícil de creer, en realidad esperamos ver MÁS videos creados este año, particularmente transmisiones de video en vivo. A medida que las empresas comienzan a comprender cada vez más cuán efectivo puede ser el video para establecer Saber, Me gusta y Confiar, las plataformas de visualización como Facebook Live y YouTube Live ven un mayor uso. Y como resultado, otras plataformas, como LinkedIn, agregarán la función de video en vivo para seguir siendo relevantes.
Mike Allton comparte sus predicciones y tendencias de video marketing para 2019
El video obviamente tiene estado a la vanguardia de las tendencias de marketing durante los últimos años, y 2019 no es diferenteLo que significa que si aún no está integrando un aspecto de video en vivo en su plan de marketing general, ¡ahora es el momento! Cree una estrategia para video en vivo y luego use ese video grabado para impulsar el resto de sus esfuerzos de marketing de contenido y redes sociales. Use fragmentos de esos videos para crear videos completamente nuevos con herramientas como Wave, o transcriba los videos y conviértalos en publicaciones de blog, etc.
Mike es un bloguero, autor y orador galardonado que enseña un enfoque holístico del marketing de contenidos. también es Brand Evangelist de Agorapulse.
Salma Jafri
Estratega de contenido
El SEO de video será una ventaja competitiva.
Salma Jafri es estratega de contenido de video y presenta un programa semanal "Be The Media" en YouTube para emprendedores que desean hacer crecer su marca personal en video. Es socia de canal en Entrepreneur.com y habla en eventos de video marketing en todo el mundo.
Arnie Kuenn
Experto en marketing digital, orador y autor
Creo que en 2019 se verá un gran aumento en vlogging (video blogs) de organizaciones de todos los tamaños. Esas mismas organizaciones ya están acostumbradas a los blogs, y el paso más fácil para ellos es convertir esa escritura en un guión y comenzar a filmar.
Arnie Kuenn comparte sus predicciones de video marketing para 2019
Creo que 2019 va a ver un aumento muy grande en vlogging (video blogs) de organizaciones de todos los tamañosArnie Kuenn es un autor, orador y experto en marketing digital reconocido internacionalmente. Es coautor de Content Marketing Works y autor de Accelerate. Arnie habla y entrena a miles de personas cada año en todo el mundo. En 2006, Arnie fundó Vertical Measures, una agencia de marketing digital muy respetada y galardonada con múltiples premios.
Jeremy Ellens
Co-fundador de LeadQuizzes
Creo que cuanto más te acerques a una interacción en persona, mejor podrás construir relaciones con tu audiencia. El video le permite a su audiencia ver su rostro y crea un vínculo más cercano, por lo que creo que es importante, pero no creo que el video sea más importante que otras formas de contenido como los blogs en el futuro.
Creo que las plataformas que intentan lograr una mayor adopción de videos, como Facebook y LinkedIn, le darán más prioridad a los videos a corto plazo, lo que le dará la posibilidad de llegar a más personas, pero solo mientras beneficie a estas empresas.
Pensemos en sus intereses por un minuto...
El crecimiento de usuarios de Facebook se ha ralentizado en los últimos años, ejerciendo más presión sobre ellos para aumentar los ingresos de diferentes maneras. Capturar más tiempo de sus usuarios en su plataforma y generar oportunidades adicionales para mostrarle anuncios puede ser una forma de aumentar su crecimiento, razón por la cual creo que han dado un mayor impulso al contenido de video.
¿Recuerdas cuando se lanzó Facebook Live y recibías notificaciones cada vez que una página que seguías o un amigo tuyo se activaba? Facebook quería impulsar la adopción de este nuevo tipo de contenido de video, por lo que crearon más oportunidades para los primeros usuarios. Bueno, esto ya no sucede de forma predeterminada porque Facebook alcanzó la adopción que buscaban o no tuvo el éxito que querían.
Creo que el video seguirá siendo un gran canal para crecer y conectarse con su audiencia, pero tenga cuidado de no dejarse atrapar por oportunidades a corto plazo si no está dispuesto a comprometerse a largo plazo.
Jeremy Ellens es cofundador de LeadQuizzes, un software de cuestionarios y encuestas creado para que los especialistas en marketing aumenten sus clientes potenciales y aprendan sobre su audiencia. Sus usuarios generaron más de 4,7 millones de clientes potenciales y respondieron 73,9 millones de preguntas.
Nicky Kriel
Consultor Internacional de Redes Sociales
El video dominará el marketing de contenido en 2019. Producir suficiente contenido de video marketing dirigido será un desafío para los especialistas en marketing. Creo que más contenido de video corto se producirá internamente en lugar de subcontratarlo a empresas de producción de video para ahorrar tiempo y dinero.
Analizar el efecto de las campañas de marketing de video será fundamental para los administradores de redes sociales a medida que se creen más videos.
Nicky Kriel es un consultor, capacitador y autor internacional de redes sociales que empodera a las empresas de todo el mundo para obtener mejores resultados de las redes sociales.
Daniel Glickman
CMO en Wave.video
Los especialistas en marketing utilizarán cada vez más las publicaciones de video para promocionar el contenido del blog.
Daniel Glickman comparte las tendencias de marketing de vídeo para 2019
¿Qué debemos tener en cuenta en 2019 en términos de video marketing?Daniel Glickman es el director de marketing de Wave.video y autor de "Disrupt That".
Julie Revelante
Propietario, Revelant Writing, LLC
Con más empresas que nunca antes dándose cuenta del valor del video para generar confianza, educar, generar clientes potenciales y fomentar la lealtad, el video seguirá desempeñando un papel aún más importante en el viaje del comprador en 2019.
De hecho, según HubSpot, más del 80 % de las personas compraron un producto o servicio después de ver un video.
Julie Revelant comparte sus predicciones de video marketing para 2019
Con más empresas que nunca antes de darse cuenta el valor del video para generar confianza, educar, generar clientes potenciales y fomentar la lealtad, el video seguirá desempeñando un papel aún más importante en el viaje del comprador en 2019. 👉https://animatron.com/blog/video-marketing-trends-2019 Julie Revelant es propietaria de Revelant Writing, LLC, una empresa de marketing de contenido que se especializa en las industrias médica y de atención médica B2B.Ya sea un video explicativo, una entrevista, el testimonio de un cliente o un anuncio, las empresas de todas las industrias utilizarán el video en cada etapa del viaje del comprador en 2019.
Julie Revelant es propietaria de Revelant Writing, LLC, una empresa de marketing de contenido que se especializa en las industrias médica y de atención médica B2B. También escribe en un blog sobre cómo criar niños que anhelan alimentos saludables en julievelant.com.
Marcus Miller
Estratega digital
La gran tendencia que creo que veremos en el video marketing es realmente solo crecimiento. A medida que las personas se alejan de los hábitos tradicionales de visualización de televisión y se trasladan a Internet, las marcas orientan más que nunca sus anuncios a plataformas de video en línea como Youtube.com. En la superficie, esto es obvio ya que los anuncios de Youtube son más baratos y llegan a más personas. Tenga en cuenta las opciones de segmentación avanzadas y las formas de realizar un seguimiento del rendimiento y el marketing de vídeo en plataformas digitales es simplemente una opción más segura y sensata.
Siento que también veremos a las empresas más pequeñas moverse hacia el video. Siempre he sentido que el marketing de contenidos ayuda a tu audiencia a construir una relación contigo y tu marca. Esto es cierto con el contenido escrito, pero aún más con el contenido de audio y video, como los podcasts y los videos de marketing. Dado que casi todo el mundo tiene una cámara de vídeo en el bolsillo, ahora la barrera para crear pequeños vídeos de marketing informativos es más baja que nunca. Al igual que con todo el marketing de contenido, habrá más cosas buenas que malas, pero aquellos que se esfuerzan y crean videos que son realmente útiles para su público objetivo obtendrán las recompensas.
Marcus Miller es estratega digital. Ha estado trabajando en la industria durante casi 20 años y usa muchos sombreros (hongos) como desarrollador altamente técnico y SEO, e incluso tiene un título en ciencias informáticas para probarlo.
Tendencia 3. El auge de los videos cortos y verticales
Según eMarketer, más del 75 % de la visualización mundial de videos se realiza en dispositivos móviles. Naturalmente, podríamos esperar ver el aumento de videos verticales, ya que es la forma en que sostenemos nuestros teléfonos, después de todo. Con más información disponible para que la gente la consuma y períodos de atención más cortos, los videos también serán más cortos.
Donna Moritz
Estratega de contenido digital
En 2019, probablemente veremos más del cambio que está ocurriendo hacia el video vertical. Después de todo, así es como sostenemos nuestros teléfonos, así que creo que veremos muchos más videos verticales y plataformas que nos darán formatos verticales para jugar y priorizarán el video vertical.
También veremos la tendencia continua de contenido de video "Netflixed" o contenido que es de naturaleza serial. Nos encanta ver series enteras en exceso, por lo que las marcas inteligentes que piensan como un productor de una serie limitada de Netflix verán al público devorar su contenido.
Donna Moritz comparte las tendencias de marketing de vídeo para 2019
¿Qué debemos tener en cuenta en 2019 en términos de video marketing?Y, por último, es probable que veamos una división continua en cuanto a dónde funciona mejor el contenido de forma corta y larga. YouTube seguirá siendo el rey del contenido de video de formato largo y Facebook seguirá siendo el lugar donde compartimos videos cortos y atractivos que pueden captar la atención en el suministro de noticias de rápido movimiento. Entonces... capacite a todo su equipo para que pueda capturar y crear videos sociales cortos y use herramientas como Wave para editarlos y publicarlos rápidamente.
Donna Moritz es una estratega de contenido digital apasionada por la narración visual y fundadora del galardonado blog Socially Sorted. Ella ayuda a las empresas a aprovechar el poder de la narración visual y la estrategia de contenido, y soy un orador y capacitador habitual en las industrias de marketing y turismo a nivel internacional.
Tabita Jean Naylor
Propietario de TabithaNaylor.com
El video marketing continuará siendo una fuerza dominante en el marketing en línea en 2019. Una forma de video marketing que podemos esperar que se vuelva aún más popular es el uso de anuncios de video en las historias de Instagram. Los anuncios en las historias le permiten saltar directamente a la parte superior de los feeds de Instagram de los usuarios. Sus anuncios aparecerán entre las historias de los amigos de los usuarios. Y debido a que los usuarios ya están enfocados en el contenido, estos anuncios de pantalla completa serán bastante efectivos para captar y retener su atención.
Para crear anuncios de historias de Instagram que se conviertan con éxito, los creadores de contenido deberán concentrarse en crear videos rápidos y llamativos con un diseño nítido y CTA convincentes. Cuando se ejecuta correctamente, descubrirá que los anuncios de historias específicas desempeñarán un papel importante en la conversión y la participación de los usuarios en la plataforma.
Tabitha Jean Naylor es propietaria de TabithaNaylor.com y consultora certificada de marketing entrante con más de 15 años de experiencia en ventas y marketing. También es la fundadora de WEcanmag.com, donde defiende a mujeres empresarias, fundadoras de empresas emergentes y propietarias de pequeñas empresas.
Maryrose Lyons
Fundador de Brightspark Consulting
¡Más formatos de Historias en todas partes! Muerte del suministro de noticias.
Maryrose Lyons es la fundadora de Brightspark Consulting, una agencia de marketing irlandesa que se especializa en crear contenido excelente y promocionarlo a través de las redes sociales y Google.
Amanda Webb
Ayuda a las pequeñas empresas a ganar en la estrategia en línea
trabajo de araña
La mayor tendencia en 2019 tiene que ser el video vertical. A medida que más y más consumidores miran videos en sus teléfonos y se vuelven más reacios a darle la vuelta al formato horizontal, debemos adaptarnos.
Eche un vistazo a sus análisis y estadísticas sociales. Si tu audiencia visita predominantemente desde dispositivos móviles, debes adaptar al menos algunos de tus videos para ese formato.
Amanda Webb comparte sus predicciones de video marketing para 2019
La mayor tendencia en 2019 tiene que ser vídeo verticalLa segunda tendencia para 2019 será aún más historias. Instagram, Facebook, Whatsapp y Snapchat. Cuando crea elementos de video para estas plataformas, la edición y el movimiento del video son muy importantes para mantener la atención de su audiencia. Si puede ser creativo aquí, obtendrá mejores resultados.
Amanda de Spiderworking ayuda a las pequeñas empresas a ganar en la estrategia en línea.
Es una adicta al contenido confesa.
Su blog ha ganado premios a nivel nacional e internacional y le encanta hablar de marketing.
Cuando no está creando, le encanta ver Dr Who, jugar con sus gatos y andar en bicicleta por la campiña irlandesa.
Gleb Losev
Estratega de marketing de vídeo
Predigo que las Historias llegarán aún más lejos de lo que son ahora. Probablemente, se convertirán en parte del feed y podrá recibir notificaciones, y será posible aún más interacción con ellos. La próxima tendencia de video marketing que puedo notar es que más marcas descubrirán el poder de crear y reutilizar videos entre los canales sociales.
Gleb Losev es un especialista en video marketing con 5 años de experiencia en redes sociales. Colaborador de muchos blogs de la industria y del libro Wave.video "Guía de marketing de video en redes sociales 2018".
Roberto Katai
Gerente de Marketing de Contenidos de Bannersnack
En 2019 veremos una gran disrupción entre videos muy bien documentados, incluso si serán videos de formato largo. Más marcas invertirán más dinero en videos de marca documentados que tienen una historia poderosa que contar e inspirar a su comunidad.
Y la segunda veremos más contenido efímero que desaparecerá en 24 horas. Estos son el tipo de videos que mantendrán al usuario interactuando con la marca (es por eso que Instagram lanzó recientemente funciones que conectan más fácilmente con los seguidores:encuestas, reacciones emoji, cuentas regresivas y otros) y ser parte de la historia de la marca.
En 2019, también veremos el video como un gancho para un contenido más grande. Últimamente vi más y más creadores de contenido que están pasando de solo crear contenido a lanzar nuevos podcasts y hacer una reutilización entre video y audio. Así que quizás veas la entrevista de formato largo en YouTube, pero probablemente te suscribas a Apple Podcast para escucharla cuando quieras.
Robert Katai es el gerente de marketing de contenido de Bannersnack, una aplicación profesional de creación de banners para diseñadores y especialistas en marketing. Su trabajo apareció en Adweek, Entrepreneur, Marketing Profs, Content Marketing Institute y otros lugares.
Owen Video
Creator of The Video Sales Machine
The rise of short form content. 30-second videos will dominate, boomerangs, tiktoks, etc… will fill the news feeds and people will absolutely love it. We’ll see business owners and entrepreneurs CRUSH new sales with short videos rather than longer sales videos.
Owen Video Shares Video Marketing Trends for 2019
What should we look out for in 2019 in terms of video marketing?Owen Video is the Creator of The Video Sales Machine and host of the Business of Video Podcast.
Zaheer Dodhia
Entrepreneur and visual marketing expert
Top 2 Video Marketing Trends of 2019 would be:
For a long time, consumers were stuck in two worlds. While over 94% of the time viewers hold their phone vertically (according to a MOVR report), they have had to hold it horizontally to watch videos. Plus, let’s not forget that 78.4% of digital video viewers use smartphones.
Now that IGTV and YouTube do allow vertical videos, small and large brand alike will include them in their advertising strategies of 2019, and see brand awareness and user engagement rise further.
Instagram was already an excellent platform for travel vloggers, public figures and entrepreneurs. But the introduction of Instagram Stories, IGTV, and Live Videos took it to a new level. Especially Stories (which was copied from SnapChat for sure) saw everyone who may not have great photos leverage Instagram for pictures adopt to Instagram.
As of August 2018, Instagram Stories already have had 400 million daily active users (and surely lots of them must be using video as well).
This rise of video creation on Instagram is bound to increase in 2019.
Zaheer Dodhia is an entrepreneur, and visual marketing expert who runs Logo Design, and other business enterprises.
Catherine Giese
digital marketer with a startup background
One video trend I think is overlooked is the use of video in Instagram posts (the ones that show up in the grid).
There’s a lot of buzz about stories and IGTV, but a few top influencers have started incorporating videos that easily loop in their regular posts.
This is a great way to not only stand out but keep your followers engaged on a piece of content.
Catherine Giese is a digital marketer with a startup background who uses an interdisciplinary and empathetic approach to drive strategic solutions. Master’s in Management in progress through Harvard Extension School.
Sahil Riaz
Product manager at Scatter
1. Shift from horizontal to vertical format
2. Ads shifting from TV to youtube
3. Employee stories and inhouse content studios
Video marketing trends for 2019 from Sahil Riaz
1Sahil Riaz is the Product Manager at Scatter. He loves to tell stories, build products, inspire people.
Omar Kattan
Managing Director &CSO at Sandstorm Digital FZE
In 2019 we will see more short-lived video (stories) on Instagram &Facebook helping brands get more loyal followers who will connect with their products/services in a more meaningful and intimate way.
Omar is Managing Director &CSO at Sandstorm Digital FZE. He has over 25 years experience in corporate and branding strategy, marketing communications and advertising, spanning MENA and Europe.
Ricky Wolff
Owner of Markletic.com
In 2019, we will see the rise of one-minute videos that are shot on mobile devices and which are not perfectly edited. One-minute videos force creators to be concise and to the point. It is very important to get your message across within the first few seconds of the videos. Failing to do so, will result in people scrolling away and not viewing your video, especially on social media where people have a very short attention span.
Ricky Wolff Shares Video Marketing Trends for 2019
What should we look out for in 2019 in terms of video marketing?Additionally, the one-minute videos do not need to be perfectly edited. A genuine, personable video will resonate much better with the audience. People will often assume that perfectly edited videos are advertisements and they scroll away from your video. To keep the engagement high, make short videos which are genuine and personable. Consider launching a video series of one-minute videos.
Ricky Wolff is the owner of Markletic.com, a trusted source for Growth Hacking &Demand Generation content. Additionally, Ricky is an experienced Marketing Manager, responsible for Northern Europe at a fast growing IT company.
Amanda DiSilvestro
Marketing manager for a leading travel company
I think we’ll see more videos go in-depth – they’ll still be 30 seconds, but instead fo the flashy and quick ads that used to capture our attention, we will be captivated by stories and clicking to learn more (especially on social!).
Amanda DiSilvestro is a Marketing Manager for a leading travel company in San Diego, CA who loves to tell stories. Whether it be through email campaigns, video production, social photo albums, or a well-written article or blog post, content and content marketing has become her passion.
Bhavik Haria
Founder of Cincera
5 years ago, good content based videos around 3-4 minutes were performing very well. More recently, it’s become very very short, as short as 10 seconds on some channels. I believe the longer form content is coming back slowly due to the ‘The Second Screen Phenomenon’ . We’re all guilty of it – scrolling through Facebook or Watching YouTube while the TV is on. Brands are finding ways to capitalise on this idea, with video being at the forefront. Researchers are suggesting that the second screen could become just as, or even more influential in online habits this year.
Founder of Cincera, a full service agency, specialising in creative video production. We want to change the way prospects look at our clients, using forward thinking show-stopping creatives.
Trend 4. Creating videos will become easier
With the overall growth of video, it’s only natural that making it will become easier. New technologies and video makers are significantly lowering the threshold to create engaging videos.
Tim Hughes
La persona de ventas sociales más influyente del mundo
With the cost of creating video reducing (you can use an iPhone for example) and the ease in which it will be consumed on mobile, makes it a great opportunity for sales and marketing to create insightful and educational content. But let’s not forget that any content that is boring, spammy, self indulgent is boring, spammy and self indulgent whatever platform it’s on written word or video.
As CEO and Co-Founder of Digital Leadership Associates (DLA), Tim Hughes is known as a pioneer and Innovator of Social Selling. DLA provides transformation across all company departments, sales, Marketing, HR etc. From its roots in London, DLA has grown to deliver these services, locally, on a global basis.
Ksenia Shneyveys
Experienced digital marketing manager
Now that almost everyone carries a camera in the pocket, short form and live video will continue to conquer social content landscape. So one of the major trends for 2019 will be accessible and affordable video production. With the help of new era video editing tools, creating videos will become an easy one-man task. So use smart online tools like Wave.video and cut your video production costs, not the number of videos you create!
Ksenia Shneyveys is a digital marketing manager with 11+ years of experience, who has worked with enterprises and startups alike. She enjoys being a part of the tech industry growth as she contributes her skills to different IT-companies and projects, now working within Wave.video marketing team.
Janice Wald
Author, speaker, freelance writer, blogger, and blogging coach
More B2C brands will use videos in 2019. I read video will be a mandate and not an option for marketers, and I agree.
Janice Wald Shares Video Marketing Trends for 2019
What should we look out for in 2019 in terms of video marketing?
Here are the reasons videos will be more widespread in marketing than ever before:
1. Consumers trust people they can see. You can see people in a video.
2. In a video, you can show how to use a product and get people excited about using a product.
3. Social media marketers have more access to videos than ever before. For example, Instagram has Instagram Live and Instagram Stories both of which use video. Facebook and other social media sites use recorded and live videos as well.
4. Tools exist which allow marketers to make their videos longer despite the time limitations on social media sites like Instagram.
5. Making videos is relatively inexpensive. There are tools that enable marketers to make videos for free.
Janice Wald Wald is an author, speaker, freelance writer, blogger, and blogging coach. At MostlyBlogging.com , she shares tips for bloggers and marketers. Her blog was nominated for the 2017 Most Informative Blog Award at the London Blogger’s Bash. She published AN INSIDER’S GUIDE TO BUILDING A SUCCESSFUL BLOG. Follow her over to https://mostlyblogging.com for more blogging and marketing tips.
Trend 5. Videos will need to be optimized for every platform
The one-size-fits-all approach might not work anymore in 2019. Videos will need to be optimized for every platform. Creating a video for YouTube and simply reposting it on other social platforms is not the most effective video marketing strategy. Instead, when creating a video, keep the distribution platform in mind.
Mari Smith
Premier Facebook Marketing Expert
Unique, Interactive Video Experiences That Create Community
The KEY difference between video on Facebook compared to video on all other platforms, including YouTube, is the potential for creating unique, interactive engagement experiences for your community.
Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, and his team are on a mission to prioritize content that sparks meaningful social interaction. To this end, Facebook Watch Parties will be one of the primary features marketers incorporate into their 2019 social media strategy. Facebook will continue to improve the Watch Party product, adding more and more features to improve engagement and distribution, as well as offering key insights.
Mari Smith on video marketing in 2019
Unique, Interactive Video Experiences That Create Community. The KEY difference between video on Facebook compared to video on all other platforms, including YouTube, is the potential for creating unique, interactive engagement experiences for your communityIn addition, the main feeds on both Facebook and Instagram will take on a new look and feel, emphasizing video and the Stories format even more and most likely with a horizontal swipe and tap navigation. YouTube just launched a new horizontal swiping gesture that lets users easily move forward and backward through videos. Facebook will continue to prioritize video content and strive to compete with YouTube.
Often referred to as “the Queen of Facebook,” Mari Smith is widely known as the Premier Facebook Marketing Expert and a top Social Media Thought Leader. Mari is a sought after keynote speaker and Brand Ambassador for leading organizations. She is also an expert webinar leader, live webcast host, and author of The New Relationship Marketing and coauthor of Facebook Marketing:An Hour A Day .
Andrew and Pete
International keynote speakers
What’s becoming clearer is the same video re-posted on different platforms is becoming less and less effective. The same video that works on YouTube isn’t going to work on Facebook, and we can’t take that Facebook video, put it in a frame and upload it to IGTV, or LinkedIn.
Users are consuming video differently on the different platforms, and as marketers we need to get use to repurposing smarter, by editing our videos in a way that works for the platform it is being posted on, rather than doing a lazy re-upload job. Looking at things like the aspect ratio, style, pacing and objective, and maybe realising we can’t be everywhere – but where we are posting regularly, we’re putting our all in.
Andrew and Pete, international keynote speakers, authors and YouTubers, are the multi award winning fun content marketing duo who help businesses and brands get faster results from their content.
Krishna De
Digital communications strategist
In 2018 we saw the increase in importance of vertical video and I predict this will continue in 2019.
Brands need to take this into consideration when planning their video stories. For a truly immersive experience re-purposing square or landscape content to a vertical format will not help you increase engagement with your content.
Live video is still used infrequently by most organisations for marketing campaigns, despite new platforms on desktop and mobile being available including Instagram Live and Premier formats on YouTube and Facebook being introduced in 2018, but there have been some notable exceptions for campaigns.
I predict that in 2019 we will start to see apps, tools and integrations available incorporating AI into live video especially for real time transcription and an increase in the use of live streaming by enterprises for employee communications, team working and for customer support.
Krishna De is a digital communications strategist and the host of the weekly ‘Live Stream Insiders’ show and podcast where she shares the latest technology, best practice tips and case studies for integrating video and live streaming into your communications plans.
Lisa Monks
Social media specialist, founder of ChipMonk Media
2018 we saw the use of video grow substantially across all platforms, including being able to upload native video to LinkedIn, which is one platform that is currently experiencing a bit of a renaissance and I predict it will continue to innovate throughout 2019. This is definitely one platform that business owners need to pay attention to.
Lisa Monks shares her video marketing predictions for 2019
2018 we saw the use of video grow substantially across all platforms, including being able to upload native video to LinkedIn, which is one platform that is currently experiencing a bit of a renaissance and I predict it will continue to innovate throughout 2019
As we head into 2019, Facebook will continue to heavily invest in video across all Facebook-owned platforms and Marketers are really going to have to up their video game. To capture and retain the attention of viewers, people will need to be very strategic with the video content they create. Videos will need to be:
1. Extremely relevant to a particular target audience.
2. Created to suit the platform that it is being shared on – one size does not fit all.
3. And my recommendation when creating the majority of your video content is to keep it short, under 1 minute if possible.
Lisa Monks is a Social media specialist, founder of ChipMonk Media.
Alyona Cherny
Customer acquisition manager
Video for Every Stage of the Funnel
It’s easy enough to say that video is absolutely necessary for every business. But why exactly do businesses need it? Many marketers believe that video serves one and only purpose – getting your brand in front of customers. I expect this long-lived myth to be busted in 2019, because video is a powerful marketing tool that has many uses cases beyond the obvious.
This year, we’ll see brands incorporating video into every stage of the buyer’s journey, from awareness, to consideration, conversion and beyond. Businesses will use video to promote their special offers and events, give sneak peeks at upcoming collections, educate customers about their products and communicate with the audience in a more engaging way than ever before.
Customer Acquisition and Retention Manager at a video making platform Wave.video.
Raghav Mathur
Co-Founder and CEO of Black Shell Media
As marketers better understand all the different platforms people consume video on, we’re seeing a lot more platform-native content being created. This means that instead of repurposing the same video for Facebook, Youtube, a website and Instagram, marketers are starting to create either variations of videos or entirely new content for each platform. By tailoring your videos based on customer behavior and the site layout of each platform, you can better engage your audience.
Raghav Mathur Shares Video Marketing Trends for 2019
What should we look out for in 2019 in terms of video marketing?Raghav Mathur is the Co-Founder and CEO of Black Shell Media, a marketing and strategy consulting agency specializing in video game marketing and publishing. Raghav has written books and given talks on marketing, entrepreneurship and game design at key conferences including SXSW and PAX.
Trend 6. Personalized and authentic video
In 2019, viewers are expecting to see a personalized and unique approach in videos, as if the video was created specifically for them. Videos will need to be authentic and interactive.
Ian Anderson Gray
Entrepreneur consultant
For 2019, I think we’re going to see a lot more intelligent repurposing. Video content will be absolutely key in 2019, but I think we have to be a lot more intelligent with how we use it, as part of our overall marketing. Video isn’t replacing everything. I still think blog posts work really, really well, but putting video within that content really helps. And something that I’ve been experimenting with a lot is creating content video first and then, from that, you can then repurpose into loads of different pieces of content including blog posts, podcasts, infographics and more.
For example, live video is a great way to start to create your content. But I think we’re going to have to be more intelligent with how we use it. Whether we create the blog first, or create live video, then the blog. Then, within that, we can then create more video from that content using the likes of Wave.video. A lot of people are watching video silently, so I think we have to grab those users, who are watching silently, using captions, using services to transcribe the video, the captions for the videos, adding show notes, things like that.
Ian Anderson Gray Shares Video Marketing Trends for 2019
What should we look out for in 2019 in terms of video marketing?We’re also seeing much more of a need to be authentic in our videos. The word, “authentic”, is being used a lot. But I think, in 2019, there’s going to be more of a call to show our faces, and to be authentic, and share the bad as well as the good, the ups as well as the downs, or the downs as well as the ups, as well, to enhance our personal branding. I think we’re going to see more of a growth in live video, particularly with other platforms other than Facebook, such as Twitch and YouTube. I do think we’re going to see more of the likes of Premiere – Facebook Premiere, or YouTube Premiere, which is the ability to stream prerecorded content live.
That brings me onto the other thing which is going to be more interactivity. I think we’re going to have more polls and quizzes. We’re going to have the ability to bring in people who are watching that content and to chat with them, and bring their thoughts into the conversation, into the videos. Finally, I do hope that LinkedIn is going to add LinkedIn Live. Video on LinkedIn is working really, really well for many of us, so I wouldn’t be surprised if 2019 is the launch of LinkedIn Live, maybe, in collaboration with Vimeo. Let’s see!
Ian Anderson Gray helps entrepreneurs to level up their impact, authority and profits by using live video confidently. He’s the founder of the Confident Live Marketing Academy and Seriously Social. He has spoken at conferences all around the world such as Social Media Marketing World in San Diego and New Media Europe in London. He lives near Manchester with his wife and two kids.
Marko Saric
Founder of HowToMakeMyBlog
I see many brands trying to chase virality, memes and a lot of video views, but for me the best results in 2019 will come to those who actually focus on the quality rather than the quantity. I see the trend being smart brands caring more about their target audience and putting more effort into building that relationship rather than hoping that they go viral with some meme.
The brands who actually understand the needs of their audience and create valuable, entertaining or educational video content that answers questions real people have will win. They may not have any big overnight hits but they will create a bigger impact to their bottom line.
Marko Saric is the founder of HowToMakeMyBlog where he helps people start successful blogs.
Levi Olmstead
Manager, SEO and Community Outreach at G2 Crowd
Rise of Live Video and How It Builds Brand for Individuals
Video is a content weapon that holds the short-attention span of users moreso than any other form of content in 2019. But look to live video marketing in the forms of Instagram Live, Facebook Live, YouTube, and other platforms to make their splash and become a new trend.
Live video humanizes the person recording. It is more raw than recorded and editing video, and gives a window into what people are actually like. This will help marketers build their company brand tone, but also the style of their personal brand. We’ve already seen this in new-niche news and vlogging platforms, and now look to companies embracing this tactic in the next year.
Levi Olmstead is the SEO and Community Outreach manager at G2 Crowd.
Fiona Lucas
Founder and CEO of iRespectOnline
It’s all about authenticity, more than ever before.
Fiona Lucas shares her video marketing predictions for 2019
It’s all about authenticity, more than ever before. 1
1. Quick short video “snacks” – 15 seconds and under. Informative, amusing, but not salesy.
2. Optimized for mobile devices and placement (newsfeed and stories) (Wave.video makes this easy to do).
3. In an era of fake news and information manipulation, people are looking for transparent and meaningful engagement – so a return to a more personalized, less polished and realistic connection.
4. Don’t ignore YouTube. Great for long form. Be careful with advertising, people don’t like interruption. Mid roll over pre roll is my preference.
5. More “social” ads from Brands. Campaigns will continue to embrace causes or contain a bigger message than just sales (think recent Gillette). Most people want to see Brands having a social consciousness and demonstrating that they care about the environment, the social environment over just selling.
6. Maybe 3D video will appear. We have augmented reality and 3D photos..it’s the next step!
Founder and CEO of iRespectOnline – Online Reputation, Cybersafety, Social Media Education resource, Fiona Lucas is driven to create social change for good in the online space. Embracing technology and the disruption it can bring, she believes in unpacking the fear and demystifying the online environment.
Joe Escobedo
“The Brand Builder”
What I’ve noticed from my experiences sharing videos on social and other platforms is that native videos outperform hyperlinked videos significantly. What does that mean for you? If you’re sharing YouTube videos on LinkedIn, for example, I’d recommend downloading the YouTube video and uploading it natively to LinkedIn and other channels. That should boost your views and engagement. Vice versa, you can always upload your social videos to LinkedIn to give them a longer shelf life.
Joe Escobedo shares his video marketing predictions for 2019
What I've noticed from my experiences sharing videos on social and other platforms is that native videos outperform hyperlinked videos significantlyJoe Escobedo, known as “The Brand Builder,” has presented to or trained over 7,000 business leaders and marketers from around the world on content marketing, social selling, personal branding and media relations. He is also a content marketing advisor to countless Fortune 1000 brands.
Keith Keller
Twitter Video Marketing Specialist
Video continues to dominate the Social Media landscape and 2019 will be no exception. The form that it is takes however is continuing to evolve with some very interesting variations.
Personalisation is the new kid on the block with marketers seeing the value in making specific videos for individuals or certain segments of the market.
Rather than “BLASTING OUT” a very generic video to all your followers at once, we are now seeing an increase in very targeted campaigns designed for specific people or groups.
Sure it takes a little extra time but these are is “HIGHLY TARGETED” so the return on your time (and money) investment is likely to be much higher from these campaigns.
Many now believe this is a better strategy than the generalized videos designed to reach as many people as possible all at once.
(2) GIFS
GIFs really are an art form now and they continue to grow in sophistication every year.
These “SHORT &SWEET” videos can say so much in such a short period of time and the format is really resonating.
They are fantastic for engagement as they “GET THE PARTY STARTED” so to speak and allow you to develop deeper conversations in the threads or via DMs.
I thoroughly recommend experimenting with GIFs in your Social Media strategy and perhaps even try making some of your own.
They really will help you “STAND OUT” in 2019.
Keith Keller is a Twitter Video Marketing Specialist with an emphasis on using GIFs as a dominant strategy to build engagement and get conversations started with new and potential clients.
Jonathan Aufray
CEO at Growth Hackers
There are a lot of trends coming to video marketing:360-degree videos, virtual reality, augmented reality, etc. However, I believe authentic videos will be the trend in 2019. Videos that might not be the best in terms of technology or quality but that are original, raw and authentic.
Jonathan Aufray is the CEO at Growth Hackers, a digital marketing and growth hacking agency. They help our clients get fast and sustainable growth with lead generation, conversion rate optimization and sales. He lived in 7 countries and helped businesses from 70+ countries grow.
Whitney Hahn
Managing Partner at Digital Bard
Continued personalization of messages, supported by smaller audience segmentation and expansion of disruptive messaging. Something unexpected in what you share combined with HOW you share it needs to capture the attention of the viewer.
Whitney Hahn shares her video marketing predictions for 2019
Continued personalization of messages, supported by smaller audience segmentation and expansion of disruptive messagingWhitney Hahn is the Managing Partner at Digital Bard. Whitney’s insights on marketing for businesses and non-profit organizations have been featured in two books and dozens of podcasts, including the “Zesty Marketing Podcast,” which she hosts.
Rafi Chowdhury
Online marketer
I think that videos will be much more personalized and they will appear on multiple platforms and not just on YouTube. For example, Facebook is doing a huge push towards getting creators to submit more videos into their video platforms. All platforms will encourage their users to start creating more videos rather than text bass content. Videos are more engaging than text and they are becoming more popular as overall people’s attention span decreases. Reading text is lengthy and time-consuming, whereas videos are fun to watch and easily digestible. If you have your own blog, my recommendation is to start creating lots of video content and optimizing those videos for Google search traffic.
Rafi Chowdhury is an online marketer and salesman with 7 years of Industry experience.
Ian Moyse
Natterbox Sales Director
Captioning, Leaders being driven to becoming thought leaders through video, personalised 1-1 videos &growth of webinar and podcast video content.
Ian Moyse Shares Video Marketing Trends for 2019
What should we look out for in 2019 in terms of video marketing?Ian Moyse, Natterbox Sales Director, has been a Sales Leader in the IT sector for over 25 years with a focus on Cloud Computing. Ian was awarded UK Sales Director of the year by Institute of Sales Management and is widely known as a leading Social Seller sitting as a non exec at Digital Leadership Associates.
Trend 7. Collaboration with influencers
Influencer marketing is booming. In 2019, it’s fair to expect marketers collaborating with YouTube influencers to co-promote their brand. Other underestimated platforms like LinkedIn might get marketers’ attention, too.
Michaela Alexis
North America’s most in-demand speaker
Brand collaborations with LinkedIn video influencers
Michaela Alexis Shares Video Marketing Trends for 2019
What should we look out for in 2019 in terms of video marketing?Michaela Alexis is currently one of North America’s most in-demand speakers on topics related to LinkedIn and personal branding.
Neal Schaffer
Global social media speaker
As brands realize that consumers are getting back to their roots of being visual animals – and social networks embrace this – the biggest trend will be the continued increase in budget spend and perceived importance of video marketing within the marketing mix. Inside that, I believe that there are a few specific trends for 2019 that will differentiate it from previous years.
Neal Schaffer Shares Video Marketing Trends for 2019
As brands realize that consumers are getting back to their roots of being visual animals - and social networks embrace this - the biggest trend will be the continued increase in budget spend and perceived importance of video marketing within the marketing mix1. Increased Emphasis on Leveraging YouTube Influencers
We all know that influencer marketing is booming, and while most of the attention seems to be on Instagram, I believe we will see a new renaissance of brands working with a new generation of influencers that have large audiences on YouTube. While Instagram has an active audience, YouTube has a larger one with videos that last forever and a built-in search engine that does its best to help users discover your content. It also doesn’t have the one minute constraint that videos on Instagram profiles have. Yes, Instagram released IGTV to steal this YouTube audience, but they have a long way to go. Thus, as influencer marketing and video marketing spend both increase in 2019, influencer marketing on YouTube should see a big increase.
2. Increased Emphasis on Curating User-Generated Social Video
In the past video equalled YouTube. Ya no. Even Facebook is pushing advertisers to repurpose static images into moving videos. Consumers engage with video, so if brands want better engagement with their organic social, they simply need more video, especially in the Stories format. As brands have been challenged to make photographic images that can compete with content creators on visual social networks such as Instagram, the challenge to create engaging in Stories is an even greater one. Thus I see more brands leveraging user-generating content not just for photos but also for videos and Stories.
The above two points tap into what I see is the next revolution of social media marketing where brands don’t look at social media as a place to sell to consumers but to collaborate with content creators and its fans and users to cut through the noise and incite word-of-mouth.
Neal Schaffer is a global social media speaker, social media agency CEO, consultant, trainer and author of the upcoming definitive book on influencer marketing, The Business of Influence.
Lee Odden
B2B marketing strategist
Some people still think B2B means “boring to boring” but luckily the increased use of video is changing that perception. Whether it’s B2B marketers posting native video directly to LinkedIn or creating online shows like the LinkedIn B2B Dinner for Five series by Jason Miller, more B2B brands are trending towards video as part of their marketing mix.
Lee Odden shares his video marketing predictions for 2019
Some people still think B2B means _bko_boring to boring_bko_ but luckily the increased use of video is changing that perceptionAnother video trend in B2B is the integration of influencers through video in B2B content. Examples range from embedded video on interactive microsites to embedded influencer video within Virtual Reality experiences created to promote events and build community.
Lee Odden is a B2B marketing strategist, author, international speaker and CEO of TopRank Marketing, a digital marketing agency specializing in B2B content, search and influencer marketing for enterprise business brands.
Trend 8. New forms of video
Virtual reality, live video, storytelling — all these are not just new marketing buzzwords but some of the video marketing trends for 2019.
Lilach Bullock
social media power influencer
Now that marketers and businesses have truly started to understand the power of video in marketing (not just when it comes to social media, but in email marketing and content marketing in general), I think we’ll see a lot of experimenting with new forms of content this year.
For one thing, we’ll see a lot more interactive videos this year, particularly 360-degree videos. I also believe that with many marketing videos in 2019 there will be a much bigger focus on storytelling. This is a trend that I’ve noticed more and more when it comes to video ads, as well as to social media videos – a good story captures people’s attention and imagination and most importantly, it gets them to take action.
Highly regarded on the world speaker circuit, Lilach has graced Forbes and Number 10 Downing Street. She’s a hugely connected and highly influential entrepreneur, listed in Forbes as one of the top 20 women social media power influencers and crowned the Social Influencer of Europe by Oracle.
Jerónimo Perrin
Founder of J4JAY Studio Web
During the last years, the volume of video items boomed. On websites, on Facebook, on LinkedIn, on Instagram, on YouTube, on Twitter, etc. Videos are everywhere.
For obvious reasons, this tendency shall continue in 2019.
So, what will make the difference this year?
It certainly will be the quality.
This is how the brands will be able to stand out from the crowd.
The quantity of videos will be so massive in the future that it will be more and more difficult to catch the attention of your internet users, for obvious reasons.
As such, qualitative videos will be able to make the difference:videos which are able to capture the mood, videos with great special effects, videos with a better lighting technology, a better sound engineering, a better story-telling, a better scenario, a better product-market fit – and better actors.
Films, TV series and TV spots already showed the way. And there is still an abyssal gap between what we see in cinema and what we see in the digital space. This is obvious.
Filmmaking specialists will definitely influence video marketing specialists, more and more.
In the future, they could also be involved in the whole process.
One of the key decisive factors will be the budget:it is much more expensive to create a great video than a great article.
Jerome Perrin is the founder of J4JAY Studio Web, in France. He helps CEOs, business owners, and decision makers to leverage their businesses on the French market through cutting-edge digital marketing strategies.
Allen Martinez
Creative strategist
Why is entertainment marketing the way forward for video? There are three reasons, and we’ll discuss those below.
Video Is Already King
The first reason is that video is already king, and has been for some time. As highlighted here, 64% of consumers are more likely to buy a product after watching a video. 90% of users report that seeing a video highlighting a product in action helps them make a buying decision. 96% of IT and tech leaders watch videos for business purposes.
We Expect Characters in Advertisements
We’ve already come to expect memorable, humorous, and recognizable characters not only in TV spots or lead-in commercials at the theater, but for YouTube explainer videos and within social media.
Marketing Is Getting More Customer-Centric
Marketing is already far more customer-centric than ever before. Today, all digital marketing begins with a target audience and persona, whether you’re relying on email, social media, or video to help spread your message.
Ultimately, entertainment marketing is here to stay. That’s supported not just by user trends, but by current and emerging technology. For instance, consider the fact that 5G mobile networks will finally be a reality in 2019, with a projected 250 million subscribers expected in the first year of availability alone. Combine 5G speeds with mobile capabilities and you get unparalleled opportunities for video advertising to consumers on the go.
Speaking of “on the go”, there’s also the fact that OOH (out of home) advertising provides placement for video that cannot be skipped. Whether consumers are on the bus or the train, the front seat of their own vehicle, or walking the sidewalk, OOH digital video advertising provides an ideal way to engage, entertain, and connect with Generations Y and Z, both of which spend less time consuming digital media than Millennials, Gen X, or even Baby Boomers.
AR/VR is going to only give us a more dimensional experience. Its not enough to have a “cool” augmented reality experience, it needs to have context so that the marketing aspect of it will actually produced the results you want.
In the end, the entertainment marketing trend is here to stay, and will be a powerful tool for years to come.
Allen Martinez is a creative strategist who has led branding, design, UX and product design, and marketing at B2B and B2C organizations.
Pavel Gurov
Owner of digital advertising agency
Vivid gradients, glitch and neon colors, grotesque images.
Pavel Gurov is the owner of digital advertising agency. Speaker of TEDx.
Kris Degioia
CEO WTF Multimedia
In App Video Marketing has exploded! It is one of the best ways to reach your niche market for you product or service while receiving a huge ROI!
Kris Degioia Shares Video Marketing Trends for 2019
What should we look out for in 2019 in terms of video marketing?Kris Degioia is the CEO of WTF Multimedia, Forbes Top Digital Marketing strategist/Forbes Top Social Media Marketer.
Jacob Cass
Prolific graphic designer
Live streaming is becoming main-stream, as is micro-content, so if you’re wanting to maximize engagement with your brand, be sure to include this in your marketing mix.
Jacob Cass is a prolific graphic designer &branding expert who runs the popular design blog, Just Creative, which doubles as his award-winning graphic design &branding firm.
Douglas Karr
Founder of Martech Zone
Trending video algorithms will apply.
Douglas Karr
What should we look out for in 2019 in terms of video marketing?Douglas Karr is the Founder of Martech Zone, Digital Marketing Consultant, Author of Corporate Blogging for Dummies, and Public Speaker
Mordecai Holtz
Chief Digital Strategist at Blue Thread Marketing
1. Relationship between growth and search will increase
2. Better integration of video into email
3. New aspect ratios will emerge since more people are watching vertical
4. Shoppable videos
5. Brands will create content based on personas not generic concepts
Mordecai Holtz is Chief Digital Strategist at Blue Thread Marketing, a boutique agency based in Israel, serving clients across 8 countries.
John Gregory
Prolific on Twitter
Wider adoption of live video including the use of 360 degree immersive video and drone footage.
John Gregory shares his video marketing tips for 2019
Wider adoption of live video including the use of 360-degree immersive video and drone footageJohn is prolific on Twitter with up to 10,000 tweets a year on behalf of the International Canoe Federation.