Todos sabemos cuán efectivo y atractivo es el video marketing. No cabe duda de que hoy en día es absolutamente necesario incluir vídeos en las campañas de marketing de marca y producto para que tengan un éxito masivo.
Pero la pregunta principal sigue sin resolverse:¿cómo crear un video perfecto que haga que su producto se destaque ante la audiencia? Le pedimos a más de 100 expertos que compartieran su consejo número 1 para crear excelentes videos de marketing. Sus ideas colectivas se dividen en 12 temas. ¡Sigue leyendo para saber lo que dijeron!
- 1. Investigue y conozca a su audiencia
- 2. Planifique con anticipación
- 3. Utiliza el poder de las historias
- 4. Atrae la atención de inmediato
- 5. No intentes ser perfecto o demasiado serio
- 6. Los detalles marcan la diferencia
- 7. Conéctate con los espectadores a nivel humano
- 8. Sea conciso
- 9. Abordar problemas reales
- 10. Acepta tu marca
- 11. Incluir subtítulos
- 12. Promocionar sabiamente
Investiga y conoce a tu audiencia
Christopher S. Penn
Cofundador de TrustInsights, autor y orador
Mi mejor consejo para crear excelentes videos de marketing es observar los datos que ya tienes. Y preste atención al contenido que ya resuena con su audiencia utilizando su propio análisis como Google Analytics para ver las publicaciones de blog anteriores que han funcionado bien y los correos electrónicos anteriores de su sistema de marketing por correo electrónico.
Puede usar cosas como Google Trends, las herramientas de SEO de su elección, pero mire lo que la audiencia quiere de usted, de proveedores como usted, de empresas como usted. Mira lo que la gente está preguntando y responde esas preguntas.
No hay manera más fácil de crear excelentes videos de marketing que darles a las personas lo que quieren, lo que necesitan para hacer mejor su trabajo. De esa manera, será mucho menos autopromocionado, será mucho más útil y la gente disfrutará de la comprensión inherente del valor que brinda, como demostró al ser útil. No puedes equivocarte si eres útil, como dice mi amigo Chris Brogan:"cualquier oportunidad de ser útil es una oportunidad para hacer negocios".
Así que sé útil. Concéntrese en las preguntas que le hacen las personas o empresas como usted en las redes sociales, SEO, correo electrónico y sus propios análisis para crear los mejores videos de marketing que pueda.
Christopher S. Penn es una autoridad en análisis, marketing digital y tecnología de marketing. Reconocido líder intelectual, autor de best-sellers y orador principal, ha dado forma a cuatro campos clave en la industria del marketing:adopción de Google Analytics, marketing basado en datos y relaciones públicas, marketing por correo electrónico moderno e inteligencia artificial/aprendizaje automático en marketing.
Mariah Liszewski
estratega y consultor de sitios web
Indiscutiblemente, lo más importante desde el principio cuando se trata de crear videos con fines de marketing o para su negocio, en general, es saber con QUIÉN está hablando.
Comienza como una pregunta básica de “¿para quién se creó este video? ¿Quién es el público objetivo? pero luego tienes que profundizar más que eso.
No solo tienes que saber QUIENES son, sino que tienes que saber CUÁLES son sus problemas. ¿Dónde están luchando en este momento? ¿Cuáles son sus puntos de dolor? ¿Cómo describen ELLOS sus puntos débiles? ¿A qué soluciones están abiertos? ¿Cuál es el presupuesto que probablemente tengan?
Cuanto más sepa acerca de su gente, más podrá conectarse genuinamente con ellos. Y cuanto más te conectes con ellos, más compromiso obtendrás.
Porque al final del día, los humanos compramos a personas que conocemos, que nos gustan y en las que confiamos. Entonces, en el futuro, incluso si su video tiene una marca perfecta con una calidad asombrosa, pero no ha alcanzado a su público objetivo, su video no tendrá tanto impacto como podría haberlo hecho.
Mariah Liszewski es estratega de sitios web y consultora en mariahmagazine.com, donde ayuda a los propietarios de negocios en línea a obtener más tráfico en el sitio web y mejorar su SEO mediante la creación de una estrategia de sitio web única para su audiencia ideal.
Viveka de Rosen
Experto en LinkedIn y cofundador de Vengreso
Aquí está mi truco ninja de 9 pasos cuando comparto videos nativos en LinkedIn (¡también funciona para todas las demás formas de actualizaciones!):
- Haga uso COMPLETO de los 1200 caracteres que tiene en la sección de descripción. ¿Por qué? Porque hemos visto una y otra vez que la audiencia de LinkedIn responde a secciones de descripción más largas Y creo que el algoritmo de LinkedIn detecta las palabras clave que podrían estar incrustadas. (Además de #Hashtags y @Menciones)
- Dirección de quién podría estar interesado en el artículo (buyer persona)
- Dígales de qué se trata el contenido (tal vez un resumen en forma de viñetas)
- Hágales saber cuánto tiempo llevará revisar el artículo, video o documento
- Utilice un CTA para "dejar un comentario a continuación" (o haga clic, lea o lo que sea)
- Utiliza emojis para llamar la atención
- @Mencione a cualquier persona relevante para la publicación (empresas o individuos)
- Use 1 hashtag #Único y dos hashtags #populares (como #VengresoPics, #ContentMarketing, #LinkedInTips)
- Comparta con sus colegas y personas influyentes y pídales que también lo compartan.
Esto aumentará exponencialmente las visualizaciones de su contenido en LinkedIn e impulsará la visibilidad de su negocio.
Viveka von Rosen es cofundadora de Vengreso, el mayor proveedor de soluciones de transformación de ventas digitales de espectro completo. Conocida como @LinkedInExpert, es la autora del best-seller Marketing de LinkedIn:una hora al día y LinkedIn:¡101 maneras de revolucionar tu marca personal!”.
Mitt Ray
Fundador de redacción de marketing social
Mi principal consejo es que investigues mucho para descubrir el tipo de videos que tu audiencia quiere ver. Averigua si prefieren tutoriales, entrevistas, estudios de casos, screencasts u otro tipo de video.
Luego, cree varios videos sobre las opciones preferidas durante uno o dos meses y luego analice los resultados para ver qué tipo de videos funcionan mejor.
Después de eso, puede usar los datos para escalar su producción de video y solo crear videos (en formatos) que generen los mejores resultados para su negocio.
Mitt Ray es el fundador de Social Marketing Writing.
Darcy Schuller
Marketing digital y estratega de marca, orador y escritor
¡Conoce a tu audiencia!
Cuanto más sepa sobre su público objetivo (quiénes son, qué les gusta y qué no les gusta, qué los motiva, cuáles son sus necesidades, etc.), mejor será para crear un video que capte su atención. Y para hacer eso, su video debe ser relevante y relacionable con su público objetivo en los primeros segundos.
Se trata de elaborar el mensaje correcto para la audiencia correcta. ¡Así es como te aseguras de que tu video sea extraordinario!
Darcy Schuller es directora de marketing digital en Suvonni, una agencia boutique de marketing digital. Darcy es una dinámica estratega de marca y marketing digital, líder de pensamiento de marketing creativo y oradora y escritora atractiva.
XayLi Barclay
Consultor de marketing de vídeo
arcilla xaylibar
Mi consejo de video número 1 sería usar contenido basado en el conocimiento para que su audiencia lo conozca, le guste y confíe en usted lo suficiente como para comprarle.
¿Por qué deberías hacer esto? Porque la educación adecuada es igual a ventas. Aquí hay una fórmula que creé que quiero que recuerdes:
- Es posible que su cliente no sepa que necesita sus productos y servicios.
- Es posible que no sean conscientes del dolor que están experimentando actualmente
- Es posible que tampoco sepan que usted es la persona que tiene una solución para ese dolor.
Aquí es donde disfruto usando imágenes e información excepcionales para atraer, educar y entretener a mi cliente o cliente ideal. Esto les ayuda a:
- Darse cuenta de que tienen un dolor prominente
- Obtenga más información sobre cómo están perdiendo y qué es posible
- Aprenda que hay una solución
- Conóceme a mí/negocio como el experto y la persona que va a aliviar ese dolor
XayLi Barclay es consultora de marketing de video, experta en cursos en línea de Thinkific y creadora de la academia de video Start Shoot Grow.
Zontée Hou
consultor de marketing digital y ponente
Mire sus publicaciones de blog, artículos y libros electrónicos de mejor rendimiento como una gran fuente de inspiración para videos de marketing. Extraer información de ese contenido y convertirla en videos que tengan el texto en pantalla, las imágenes que lo acompañan y la voz en off puede ser una forma económica de sacar más provecho de su contenido de alto rendimiento.
¡Además, el recuerdo aumenta con las imágenes! Según el Dr. John Medina, biólogo molecular del desarrollo, solo recordamos el 10% de la información en promedio tres días después, cuando solo se nos dice esa información; agrega una imagen relevante y podemos recordar el 65 % de esa información tres días después.
Zontee Hou es una de las 50 comercializadoras de contenido más influyentes de TopRank, una experta en marketing digital que trabaja con las principales marcas como codirectora de consultoría para Convince &Convert de Jay Baer y asesora de pequeñas y medianas empresas a través de su agencia con sede en Brooklyn, Media Volery. .
Subrat Kar
Co-fundador y CEO de Vidooly, especialista en video digital e información de la audiencia
Comprender la audiencia y la plataforma son muy importantes para hacer un excelente video de marketing.
Subrat Kar es cofundador y director ejecutivo de Vidooly, especialista en videos digitales y análisis de audiencia.
Liza Gangi Heiskell
Productor de video en InnerAction Media
Como productor de video en InnerAction Media, creo que conocer y comprender el tema (empresa o individuo) es la mejor manera de crear un excelente video de marketing porque tendrá la capacidad de expresar su historia de la manera más impactante .
Por ejemplo, si está en el campo de la atención médica, la producción de videos que muestren a sus enfermeras, médicos o personal de oficina genera una buena relación. Desde nuestra propia experiencia publicitaria, los videos de médicos generan la mayor participación. A los consumidores les ENCANTA poder elogiarlos y compartir sus experiencias. Se sorprenderá de la cantidad de acciones, Me gusta y Me encanta que recibe un video de un médico.
Para otras profesiones, dejar que los consumidores vean con quién trabajarán les da la oportunidad de ver la personalidad del negocio. Por ejemplo, si usted es un constructor de viviendas, puede presentar a su vendedor en la pantalla. Esta será probablemente la primera persona que un cliente potencial conozca. Verlos hablar sobre el proceso de construcción de viviendas, cómo es el viaje y responder preguntas comunes puede ayudar a empujar al cliente potencial a contestar el teléfono.
Para conocer el tema, siempre tenemos a nuestros clientes con nosotros desde el principio hasta el final del proceso de producción del video, comenzando con una reunión de admisión para tener una idea de lo que están buscando para desarrollar el guión, el tono y el mensaje. y también al final cuando lanzamos el video. De esta manera, podemos hablar con nuestro sujeto, obtener sus pensamientos y guiarlos en su viaje de marketing.
Para que los consumidores entiendan el tema, para ayudar a contar la historia de su tema, así como ayudarlos a comercializar su negocio o empresa, primero debe comprender el tema. Si no entiende su mensaje, los consumidores no lo entenderán.
Liza Gangi Heiskell se graduó de la Universidad de West Virginia y ganó el premio National Daytime Emmy Award en 2006. Tiene años de experiencia produciendo programas de televisión por cable y redes en la ciudad de Nueva York para TLC, Discovery, NBC News y Fox Broadcasting Network.
Jan Gordon
Fundador y director ejecutivo de curatti.com, estratega de medios digitales, influyente en las redes sociales y autor
Creo que lo más importante que cualquier persona debe recordar con cualquier contenido es ponerse en el lugar de los espectadores. (o lectores). ¿Qué atrae primero y luego retiene tu atención? ¿Qué te hace querer compartir ese gran video que acabas de ver?
Las obras de genio innovador o de pensamiento incisivo sin duda serán vistas si son de alguien que ya es muy respetado, como Gary Vaynerchuk. Pero si no tiene ese reconocimiento de nombre o respeto, el video más brillante no llegará a muchos ojos si es largo o se presenta en forma de conferencia.
Entonces, la mejor estrategia es hacer que su video sea corto, para que las personas no "vuelvan a verlo cuando tengan más tiempo". ¡Pocos harán eso! Cíñete a un tema. Si ese tema es amplio, reduce el enfoque a un aspecto del mismo.
Informar y hacer uso de los medios más visuales. ¡Preparar! La incertidumbre en tu voz, si la estás improvisando, hará que los espectadores se pierdan rápidamente. ¡Y no te muestres como un maestro severo! Sea cálido y atractivo. Dale a la gente motivos para querer gustarle.
Jan Gordon es el Top 20 Global Social Media Influencer 2017, editor, autor, estratega de medios digitales, fundador y director ejecutivo de curatti.com.
Erich Franck
Inbound Marketer certificado por Hubspot
No trates de complacer a todos.
La mejor manera de asegurarse de que su video sea impactante, relevante y útil es tener en cuenta un grupo central de personas al hacerlo. Si ese grupo es demasiado grande, probablemente tengas que echar otro vistazo a tus compradores. Si sientes que necesitas que tu video llegue a varias personas compradoras, probablemente necesites un segundo (o tercero, etc.) video.
Es mejor hacer 2 o 3 videos que realmente impacten a varios compradores, que hacer 1 video que "llegue" a todos, pero no muerda.
Erich Franck es un nativo del condado de Frederick con experiencia en marketing digital y administración de cuentas, y es un Inbound Marketer certificado por Hubspot. Ha tenido presencia en branding, publicidad, redes sociales y viviendas multifamiliares en el área de D.C. durante los últimos 6 años, y trae su talento a casa para asumir un papel en la gestión de cuentas aquí en Digital Bard.
Marca Timberlake
Autor del Curso Masterclass de Redes Sociales
Concéntrese en el tipo de video al que "Bob", su cliente ideal, responderá .
Mark Timberlake es el autor del curso Masterclass de redes sociales más vendido.
Andrew Hutchinson
Jefe de Contenido y Redes Sociales en Social Media Today
Conoce a tu audiencia.
No hay reglas definitivas para el contenido de las redes sociales, lo que funciona para una empresa puede no ser efectivo para otra . La forma clave de tener éxito es investigar a aquellos dentro de su nicho y los intereses de la audiencia con la que busca conectarse, luego formular una estrategia basada en dónde ve una intersección entre estas ideas y su mensaje.
Andrew Hutchinson es el jefe de contenido y redes sociales en el sitio líder de noticias de redes sociales Social Media Today.
Serena Mastín
Presidente de Pulse Marketing Inc.
Equipo de marketing de Pulse
Llevamos a cabo una investigación exhaustiva sobre el mercado objetivo para identificar desencadenantes emocionales y construir la historia para conectarse con el espectador.
Serena Mastin es presidenta de Pulse Marketing Inc.:"creamos experiencias de marca sentidas al crear mensajes convincentes, compartir historias y capturar audiencias a través del diseño gráfico, el diseño web, la filmación, la producción de videos y la publicidad".
Adam Vincenzini
Uno de los principales especialistas en marketing digital de Australia
Adam Vincenzini
Perspectiva de la audiencia:si dedica tiempo a comprender lo que motiva a su audiencia e identificar una verdad humana relevante , aumenta las posibilidades de que su historia resuene dramáticamente. Obtenga la historia correcta y la producción del video como salida debería ser un hecho consumado.
Adam Vincenzini es reconocido como uno de los principales especialistas en marketing digital de Australia. Ha fundado agencias y dirigido empresas de comunicaciones globales en una carrera que ha abarcado más de 16 años tanto en Australia como en el Reino Unido.
Marko Saric
Consultor de marketing digital
Piensa en la audiencia a la que intentas llegar. No se preocupe por volverse viral y obtener toneladas de visitas. No se preocupe por promocionar y vender su producto. Pon a tu público objetivo primero. Concéntrate en ellos y sus necesidades como tu prioridad.
¿Qué preguntas quieren que se les responda? ¿Qué problemas quieren que se resuelvan? ¿Cuál es la mejor manera de ayudarlos a mejorar su vida y su situación? Crear valor como este para personas reales es la mejor manera de obtener vistas comprometidas y realmente mover la aguja hacia el logro de sus objetivos.
Marko Saric es un consultor de marketing digital con la misión de ayudarlo a compartir lo que ama y ser descubierto por personas que también aman las mismas cosas.
Josías De La Espada
Director General de Pirsonal
Para hacer un gran video, necesita saber quién verá ese video, dónde están ubicados geográficamente/culturalmente los espectadores, en qué dispositivo, por qué motivo y cuándo se activará el video y estará listo para verlo.
Además, el video es más efectivo cuando lo creas para un individuo de acuerdo con las necesidades, los gustos y otra información recopilada de esa persona específica. Una vez que haya investigado la información anterior y haya establecido un plan, debe usar toda la información contextualizada para que el video provoque la reacción deseada en la mente del espectador.
Cuanto más se adapte el mensaje a quién verá realmente el vídeo, mayor será la tasa de conversión.
Josías De La Espada es el director general de Pirsonal.
Planifique con anticipación
Briana Booker
Estratega de medios digitales y consultor de marketing
De niña a niña
Mi consejo favorito para hacer un excelente video de marketing es este:decide los objetivos de la campaña, elige las métricas de la campaña y siempre apégate a un guión gráfico .
El guión gráfico es esencial porque brinda una base para hacer un excelente video de marketing conversacional. Piense en ello como una reunión de café o brunch con un buen amigo:se siente lo suficientemente cómodo como para mostrarse confiado pero al mismo tiempo listo para dar la primicia sin la pelusa. Desea ir al grano y asegurarse de que el video resuene con el público. ¿Cómo resuena el vídeo de marketing de tu marca entre las personas? Conoce la respuesta a esta pregunta:‘¿Cómo puedo ayudarte?’. Si puede responder a esa pregunta, puede escribir un excelente video de marketing.
Prefiero seguir los guiones gráficos en lugar de leer guías o manuales extensos porque el guión gráfico sirve como control y equilibrio sobre si está destacando la información correcta sobre su producto y servicios. El objetivo es crear un guión fácil de seguir y asegurarse de que ayude a su público objetivo.
Briana Booker es una estratega de medios digitales y consultora de marketing, que lidera a empresarios de todas las industrias para crear y ejecutar una estrategia en línea integral que maximice sus esfuerzos de marketing de medios y relaciones públicas, incluida la creación y desarrollo de contenido, diseño y desarrollo centrado en el usuario, participación social y análisis de rendimiento basado en datos.
Johnny Eaker
Co-fundador de Salsa Cósmica
Tenga un plan de video estratégico y alguien que le ayude a ejecutar ese plan. Demasiadas marcas/propietarios de negocios deciden que necesitan un video porque es lo “caliente” en este momento sin pensar en cómo se relaciona eso con los objetivos generales de la empresa.
¿Qué problema estamos tratando de resolver y cómo el video puede proporcionar una solución? ¿Qué tipos de videos vamos a hacer? ¿Quién es nuestra audiencia? ¿Por qué a nuestra audiencia le importa este contenido? ¿Cuál es su viaje de cliente? ¿Cuál es el plan de distribución con estos videos? No responder a estas preguntas básicas dará lugar a una campaña de marketing de vídeo mediocre.
Además, sin tener a alguien, ya sea dentro de la empresa o una agencia, para liderar este esfuerzo de marketing de video, también es una forma segura de que una campaña fracase. Alguien tiene que monitorear la estrategia, el proceso de producción y las métricas de la campaña para garantizar el éxito. Simplemente contratar a un camarógrafo local para hacer un video bonito y colocar ese video en las redes sociales no garantizará el éxito.
Johnny Eaker es cofundador y estratega jefe de Cosmic Sauce, una agencia de marketing de videos en Columbia, Missouri, donde ayuda a los clientes a crear campañas en las redes sociales que generan resultados.
Marc Hobelman
Animador principal en Flimp Communications, Inc.
Todo está en el guión. Asegúrate de haber puesto suficiente cuidado en la etapa de creación de guiones porque, aunque los videos evolucionan a lo largo de la vida del proyecto, una base sólida es esencial. .
Marc Hobelman es el animador principal de Flimp Communications, Inc.
Funda Troya
Experto en producción y estrategia de video
Supongo que la mayoría de la gente mencionará algo similar a Tell a Story. Esta es también una de mis creencias, sin embargo, para ofrecer algo diferente, te sugiero que planifiques la promoción de tu video. .
La mayoría de las personas hacen un video, lo suben a Youtube o Facebook y luego simplemente esperan. Los videos exitosos no solo se vuelven exitosos por casualidad. Son parte de un plan de marketing y este plan debe incluir cómo promocionará esto a su público objetivo. Esto podría ser a través de publicaciones de blog, artículos destacados, publicaciones promocionadas, boletines, canales de youtube, actualizaciones periódicas, empresas conjuntas con otras empresas, etc.
Realmente es ilimitado, pero si, como la mayoría de las personas, lo deja en una sola vía de promoción o, peor aún, simplemente súbalo a Internet y espera que termine decepcionado sin importar cuán bueno sea el video. Planificar, Crear, Promocionar, Medir, Repetir.
Troy Sheather es un experto líder en producción de video y estrategia de video, con sede en Sydney, Australia. Tiene más de 10 años de experiencia trabajando con una variedad de clientes, desde propietarios de pequeñas empresas hasta empresas multinacionales. Le apasiona educar a los clientes sobre el poder del video marketing y está entusiasmado con los próximos años en esta industria en constante cambio.
Gregory S Wildman
El fundador y director general de OVC
La clave para un excelente video de marketing es preparar, planificar lo que va a decir y ser conciso y directo. . El video de marketing promedio no debe durar más de 30 segundos.
Gregory S Wildman es el fundador y director ejecutivo de OVC, INC. Gregory se ha distinguido como líder en la industria del marketing legal. Su profundo conocimiento de las estrategias de marketing en Internet ha ayudado a que muchos clientes de OVC sean encontrados en los resultados de búsqueda, atrayendo a más clientes a sus puertas.
Logan Hale
El propietario de V3 Media Marketing
Un guión bien concebido y una premisa que satisface las necesidades del público objetivo .
Logan Hale es el propietario de V3 Media Marketing, una empresa de estrategia, producción y marketing de videos comerciales. Logan obtuvo su título en la Escuela de Cine y Televisión de la UCLA y tiene un amor de por vida por el arte, el cine y la música.
Utilice el poder de las historias
Ian Cleary
Fundador de RazorSocial
Mi mejor consejo de marketing es que no importa la duración de tu video, cuenta una historia a través de él y todas las historias tienen un principio, un medio y un final.
El comienzo es donde tienes que captar la atención de la audiencia con algo realmente interesante sobre lo que quieran saber más. El medio es donde das la esencia de la historia y, al final, te aseguras de decirle a tu audiencia qué hacer con esta información.
Incluso si está creando un video de 10 segundos, debe contar una historia.
Ian Cleary es el fundador de RazorSocial y ayuda a las empresas a ofrecer proyectos digitales más rentables.
Whitney Hahn
Socio Director de Digital Bard
Encuentra al villano. Cada cliente quiere ser el héroe de su propia historia y cada héroe necesita un gran villano. State Farm Insurance tiene "Caos". Mucinex tiene ese tipo de flema. Los reclutadores tienen... todos los estereotipos de "espacio de oficina" contra los que criticar. ¿Cómo personificaría un cliente a su archienemigo?
Una vez que identifiques al villano, puedes elegir la parodia que quieres hacer o si quieres jugar directamente. Pero elige con cuidado. Puede ser fácil elegir al villano equivocado.
Por ejemplo, recientemente trabajamos en un video de recaudación de fondos para un fondo sin fines de lucro que brinda equipos de última generación para la detección y el tratamiento del cáncer de mama en una determinada comunidad. Hubiera sido fácil hacer que el cáncer fuera el villano, pero eso habría sido incorrecto para este proyecto. Nuestro villano era el “tratamiento a distancia”, porque la percepción era que había que ir al área metropolitana a casi 2 horas de distancia para recibir atención de calidad para el cáncer de mama. Al convertir correctamente el "tratamiento a distancia" en el tipo malo, hicimos que el espectador se imaginara que se sometía a un procedimiento quirúrgico o tratamiento de quimioterapia y luego tenía que ponerse el cinturón de seguridad, sentarse en el tráfico y esperar estar en casa en la cama antes de la medicación para el dolor. desgastó. ¿En serio?
Este villano de "tratamiento a distancia" dejó muy claro por qué un espectador debe apoyar este fondo y en qué se diferencia de apoyar a otras organizaciones sin fines de lucro relacionadas con el cáncer. Es poderoso, emocional y efectivo.
Encuentra a tu villano y tu video de marketing tendrá mucha más claridad e impacto.
Whitney Hahn es la socia gerente de Digital Bard y lidera una pequeña y exuberante banda de vendedores de videos. Ella escribe, habla y consulta sobre el poder del video en línea y las campañas de marketing integradas. Whitney también presenta "The Zesty Marketing Podcast", disponible en iTunes, Stitcher y más.
Registro Sorrell
Especialista en conversión de video en Online Videos Perth
Mi mejor consejo para hacer videos de marketing es una palabra. Historia.
Cuando decimos crear contenido altamente atractivo, ¿qué significa eso realmente? Significa contenido que retiene la atención del espectador/lector/audiencia. Al contar historias, siempre que sean al menos divertidas, la gente querrá quedarse para llegar al final de la historia.
Es una premisa simple. Ya sea que esté contando su historia en el transcurso de un video, o una serie de videos solo se suma a las capas y al nivel de interés en su historia. Recuerda, es un maratón, no un sprint, así que divide tu contenido, cuenta historias y sé constante. Eso en sí mismo es una historia.
Reg Sorrell of Online Videos Perth is passionate about helping businesses take advantage of the worlds insatiable appetite for digital content. Having witnessed the world go video crazy, Reg saw the opportunity to take his extensive TV production background and help business leaders produce engaging video content.
Michaela Alexis
linkedin expert and keynote speaker
A good marketing video tells a story. A GREAT marketing video not only tells a story, but transports the viewer into your brand’s narrative and makes them feel like the protagonist.
Your audience member needs to feel empowered, they must feel like the hero that slays their own dragons, no matter how big a supporting role your product/service plays to help them get there.
Michaela Alexis is one of North America’s most in-demand speakers on topics related to LinkedIn and personal branding. Over the past decade has managed the online presence of more than 100 high-profile brands, built her own personal brand to over 150,000 followers on LinkedIn, has starred in an Amazon Prime reality TV show called “The Social Movement”, and recently co-wrote a book called Think Video:Smart Video Marketing and #Influencing.
Pedro Katchborian
content coordinator at Green Park Content
Videos should be real, original and tell a story with a purpose that will resonate with your target audience. There has to be a strong message and a strong narrative throughout and the first few seconds must grab the user’s attention to encourage them to continue.
In a world where attention spans are low and many digital platforms class three seconds as a view, we need to ensure those first few seconds count for something. Like any good story, there must be a beginning, a middle and an end with purpose and originality running through the heart of it.
By making sure you’re creating video content you know people want, you know people are searching for and what will ultimately aim to help, inform and educate, you can keep the viewer there for longer to hear what you have to say. We demonstrate this perfectly in our work for Unilever’s ‘All Things Hair’, the content hub for haircare, tips and tricks, each piece of content is carefully crafted, we know it’s what people want and the results speak for themselves.
Pedro Katchborian is content coordinator at Green Park Content, a global brand publishing agency with offices in London, Sao Paulo, Jakarta and Singapore. To date, they’ve produced more than 50,000 videos, images and articles, and generated over 100 million visitors to client sites around the world.
Julie Revelante
The owner of Revelant Writing, Health Journalist
Like any type of content, marketing videos must tell a story . Before writing the script and creating the storyboard, think about your goal for the video and what your audience needs and wants.
Capture your audience’s attention from the beginning with an idea that takes your viewer on a journey. Inform, educate or inspire them. Give them a behind the scenes look at your business for example, teach them something they would not otherwise have known or couldn’t learn from another type of content. Leave them feeling more positive and uplifted and walk away with an idea and a feeling they’ll never forget.
Breathtaking music, amazing graphics, even celebrities can’t make up for strong, compelling storytelling.
Julie Revelant is the owner of Revelant Writing, LLC, a firm that provides content marketing, copywriting and brand journalism services for the healthcare and medical industries. As a health journalist, Julie has written hundreds of stories for magazines and outlets such as EverydayHealth.com, FoxNews.com and FIRST for Women magazine.
Arnie Kuenn
The founder of Vertical Measures, Digital Marketing Expert, Speaker and Author
Be sure to tell a story in your video .
You want to showcase your own personality or even the “personality” behind the product or service. There is nothing more boring than to watch a talking head spewing information or someone trying to be a reporter. Just try to have fun and relax…while telling a story .
Arnie Kuenn es un autor, orador y experto en marketing digital reconocido internacionalmente. Arnie founded Vertical Measures, a highly respected digital marketing agency.
Courtney Purchon
Head of Marketing for SproutVideo
Tell a great story. Stories transport viewers emotionally, prompting them to share. Son memorables, convincentes e inspiradores.
Comience con un gancho para captar la atención de su audiencia. Construya el arco de la historia para que se ajuste a su narrativa. Use imágenes y música para evocar diferentes respuestas emocionales en sus espectadores. Termine con una llamada a la acción clara que se ajuste a sus objetivos para la campaña.
Call-to-action created in Wave.video
You do not need a big budget to leverage storytelling for video marketing. Careful pre-planning will do much of the work for you in terms of delivering an effective end result. Consider your goals for the campaign at a high level, then develop your concept in detail through script-writing and storyboarding. If you are outsourcing any parts of the video production process, make sure your aims are clearly communicated to any 3rd parties, and stay heavily involved in the creative process.
For inspiration, this article contains examples of exceptional storytelling by B2B companies.
For specific pointers, this article will walk you through the 11 key ingredients for building a compelling story with video.
Courtney Purchon is the head of marketing for SproutVideo, a video hosting provider for business.
Michael Wood
The Founder of Helium Video
I’ve found the most important thing in video is creating a compelling message through storytelling. Video gives us the capability to show so much more than any other medium which is why users love it.
If you are creating a marketing video, get out of the office and talk to your customers, members, or community members and, if possible, incorporate their stories . At the very least you will learn about how they perceive you and help you shape your message.
Michael Wood is the founder of Helium Videos:“I tell personal, business, and community stories through the lens of my camera, and share them with the world through video marketing“.
Veronica Stoddart
travel editor and content consultant
Each video should be a perfect little story.
Storytelling is the oldest of all the arts, and there’s nothing as powerful or long-lasting as a well-told story. It connects information to emotions to influence, educate, and inspire – which is the goal of effective content marketing, after all.
Veronica Stoddart is an award-winning travel editor and content consultant with more than three decades in travel publishing. A thought leader in travel and tourism, she provides content marketing solutions for travel clients via her consultancy, VS Content Strategies LLC, and as Chief Content Officer for Percepture, a marketing communications agency.
Summer Felix-Mulder
Co-founder of The Draw Shop
To make a powerful, high-converting marketing video, make your customer the hero.
¿Por qué? It’s simple:before your customers can care about your brand, you need to show them that you care about their story. So tell it back to them — through your marketing videos! Take them along on their own “hero’s journey.” That way, your customers will see that you understand what they’re going through and what they want.
From there, it becomes easy to introduce your product or service as the solution to their problems and urge them to take action. Now that your customers know how your offer fits into their story, they will have every reason to pay attention and decide if they want to say yes.
There are lots of ways to make “customer-driven” marketing videos. Here are my 3 favorites:
- Make a case study video about one of your best customers. Tell the story of how they changed their life with the help of your product or service. Make sure that you paint a vivid picture of the customer’s “before” and “after” and how exactly your offer has helped.
- Create a character who will serve as a stand-in for your target customers. Someone with a similar background, someone who’s dealing with the same problems. You can also create a character who embodies everything they want to be — someone who’s already struggled and came out on top!
- Make a video that talks directly to the customer instead of at them. Use the words and phrases they’d use to describe their situation, their fears, and their desired results. It will take some research and a few drafts to nail the tone and the content, but the results will be worth it!
Here’s an example of a marketing video (made by my agency, The Draw Shop) that uses this technique to tell a compelling story:
Summer Felix-Mulder is the co-founder of The Draw Shop, LLC, a video animation company focused on sales, marketing and training videos. A copywriter by trade, Summer believes that marketing and storytelling are everything, no matter what business you are in and that video is an essential storytelling tool to getting your audience hooked on your brand.
Dev Sharma
Founder of WPKube
Storytelling is the key to making impactful and more memorable marketing videos. If you ask someone to name a marketing video or an advertisement they remember, they’ll immediately recall a video that tells a heart touching story like the #LikeAGirl commercials made by Always.
People remember stories and ones that arouse emotions like empathy and kindness tend to stick around in our minds for long periods of time.
Or, if you can’t come up with a good story, you can always take a much grandeur approach like hiring Jean Claude Van Damme to do an epic split between two moving Volvo trucks.
Personally, I prefer the storytelling approach to be much easier and less expensive.
Dev Sharma is the founder of WPKube, a WordPress resource site which focuses on WordPress Themes, plugins, tutorials, news, and modifications.
Louie Luc
entrepreneur, internet marketer, blogger and podcaster
Whether you’re a company or a personal brand, storytelling can do wonders when it comes to video marketing.
Put yourself out there, be honest, stay transparent and speak from the heart. If you’re struggling with something, don’t be afraid to let your audience know about it. If you’re excited about a new business opportunity, spill the beans.
Don’t just tell a story, tell YOUR story. That’s exactly what your customers and followers are looking for. They’re looking for people just like them; they’re looking for actual human beings behind companies or personal brands; they’re looking for stories and experiences to which they can relate.
Louie Luc is (almost) all things digital marketing:entrepreneur, internet marketer, blogger and podcaster at OnlineBusiness.FM. He loves teaching others what he knows about online business while sharing his stories and experiences running his authority and niche sites.
Mordecai Holtz
Content Strategy Coach, Keynote Speaker, Author and Brand Ambassador
Instead of being overtly salesy, an effective video tells a story. Businesses should utilize the emotive power of video by appealing to their customer’s needs and desires.
Mordecai Holtzis the Chief Strategist of Blue Thread Marketing, a boutique Israeli digital agency working with clients that have spanned across 8 countries. He also serves as the New Media Director for the city of Jerusalem’s tourism division.
Bhavik Haria
The Founder of Cincera
Know your story. This is so simple yet so complicated. The bottom line is every business has a story to share , so make sure that shines through in your video creation process.
Bhavik Haria is the founder of fast-growing video agency Cincera. Cincera work across a wide variety of industries and are constantly innovating new ideas ensuring no videos are the same.
Tamer Tewfik
Video Creator
Find the story first, then LISTEN to where the story leads you during the edit.
Start with the basics. If you selling services or a product, you’ll need to keep the length under two minutes. If you are making a video to inspire people to donate to your organization for a worthy cause, juxtapose the urgency of the cause with the success stories due to past support received. If you have a proven record of great customer service or 5-star reviews of your product, you’ll definitely want to employ powerful customer testimonials in your video. Once you identify the story, you will then be able to produce the footage and find the right resources that will best tell it.
Nothing is more compelling than a well-told story. There’s magic that happens during production. Stories are organic. They have a life and a personality. Pay close attention during production and make notes. People may say something unique, or events will unfold off-camera.
During the edit, following the pre-produced script may feel forced or unnatural. It’s ok to admit that the script may not be the best way to tell the story if you feel the story pulling you in a different creative direction. You need to be comfortable with it and give it a chance. It’s amazing what can happen.
SJ Periodontics &Dental Implants – Meet the Staff from SQ Productions on Vimeo.
The footage in the first half of the video normally stays on the virtual cutting room floor. It was creatively included in this video because it juxtaposes how nervous people can be before an on-camera interview with how eloquent they can sound when they believe in what they are saying, regardless of the nerves. Following this story resulted in the most powerfully honest and compelling testimonials we’ve ever shot.
Tamer Tewfik uses his creative skills in production to create, as he claims, the best video marketing products possible.
Andrew Lassiter
Digital Strategist and Video Producer
I firmly believe that ‘the business is the people,’ so conveying the personality and professionalism of the organization is my number one goal when creating video marketing content. Not everyone loves to be in front of the camera, but with good direction I believe that anyone can represent their company in a compelling way that will resonate with viewers.
Technical skills, new camera gear, and editing style are all important aspects of a good creative video, however I believe the most important tip is to be a good director/interviewer and make sure that the narrative comes first , even if that means using a script. There is no substitute for compelling, engaging dialogue when it comes to making a great marketing video.
Andrew Lassiter is a digital strategist and video producer based in Charleston, South Carolina.
Grab the attention right away
Kim Garst
keynote speaker and social media influencer
The old adage “stories sell” is especially true with great marketing videos! Make sure you pull your viewers in with a compelling story.
Your story should “hook” the viewer within the first 3-5 seconds so you want to make sure that you set the stage for the story immediately to keep viewers watching.
Here is a great example:
Kim Garst is a renowned marketing strategist, keynote speaker and an international best-selling author of Will The Real You Please Stand Up, Show Up, Be Authentic and Prosper in Social Media. Kim focuses on helping entrepreneurs grow their business using social and digital media strategies.
Ian Moyse
Social Influencer, Blogger and Keynote speaker
Social is awash with content, the 1st step is grabbing attention and engaging the audience.
Making your video grabbing from the thumbnail and the opening scene is key to draw the viewer in. Think of articles or videos you click on, its called “clickbait” for a reason. Then deliver interesting engaging visuals to keep the viewer watching.
Ian Moyse is an EMEA Sales Director at Natterbox, a recognized cloud influencer widely published and used by many leading global technology brands as a Social Influencer, Blogger and Keynote speaker.
Vinay Koshy
Digital marketer, Writer, and Editor
Focus on crafting the best title and the intro in order to capture your audience’s attention. The rest of the video is important too but the title and intro are what gives you the best chance of getting viewed in an age where your content is probably competing with hundreds of other videos and other content formats.
Vinay Koshy helps brands and businesses use interview style video podcasts to grow their business without wasting time and falling into the content money pit.
Merry Ann Moore
Content Marketing and Communications Strategist
I could say storytelling, but so often it requires creative concepting beyond the budget of many businesses. A school district tax campaign may just warrant a smartphone, a few clips from students and YouTube’s video editor to get the job done, for example. And some businesses may need salesforce-facing video versus consumer-facing, which also reduces the importance of storytelling.
So my number #1 tip for great marketing video is hooking your audience in the first five seconds , like here:
(which, by the way, is also a great example of product storytelling). Here’s another with a strong visual hook, for a tire company (disclosure:scripted by moi):
Merry Ann Moore is a content marketing and communications strategist. Moore Creative Strategies helps clients sift through the all the latest-and-greatest possibilities with a simple goal:to make your communications both creative and strategic.
Jason Berkowitz
Digital Agency owner and SEO Specialist
My favorite tip for video marketing is definitely doing something different/memorable within the first 3 seconds . We all know attention spans don’t last much longer than that so you need to catch viewers’ attention right away.
Jason Berkowitz is a digital agency owner &SEO specialist. Based out of NYC, his agency, Break The Web, focuses on increasing visibility for brands of all sizes.
Judi Fox
Social media content strategist and speaker
Capture the viewers’ attention in the first 3-10 seconds with an editing cut or an “easter egg” type of surprise moment for the consumer to enjoy.
Judi Fox is a sought after social media content strategist with her signature program called “LinkedIn Business Accelerator” and she loves bringing the results and energy into video and social selling strategies.
David Murdico
Creative Director and Managing Partner of Supercool Creative Agency
Grab attention from the very beginning! Be funny, quirky or unexpected if at all possible. That’s what we specialize in.
Don’t bore the viewers and don’t make your video too long, with too many verbal/spoken details that can be easily highlighted in text and motion graphics, which shortens the video and makes it more visually appealing.
David Murdico is the creative director and managing partner of Supercool Creative Agency, specializing in video creative, production and social media marketing for startups, brands and businesses worldwide. He’s a contributor to AdAge, iMedia Connection, Hubspot / Agency Post, MediaPost, Business Insider, Business2Community, and many more.
Priit Kallas
Content marketer at FixWillpower
Focus on the value from the 1st second.
You have to grab the attention of your viewer from the start. Don’t start with 10 seconds of your logo spinning on the screen for “bränding.” Start with the following formula:
- Ask them an intriguing question with a surprising fact or value that you are going to talk about. For example, “Did you know that *the interesting thing* happens? Do you want to know why?”
- Next, tell them that you are going to tell them lots of interesting things. For example, “In this video I will help you understand everything about *the interesting thing*.”
- Now you have to prove that you are going to fulfill that promise. Give them an example of what they are going to get when they watch your video. For example, “For example, *the interesting thing* has these weird properties that give you this value.”
Put it all together into a 10 to 20-second intro that will hook them to your video.
Priit Kallas is a content marketer at FixWillpower. Priit has been working in sales and marketing for more than 20 years. He has built websites that have risen to the top of their niches.
Don’t try to be perfect or too serious
Andrea Vahl
Social Media Consultant and Speaker
The best marketing videos entertain in some way. When you make the video itself an experience then the video gets watched and shared.
Also, don’t worry about making a mistake. The video doesn’t have to be perfect, just get it out there!
Andrea Vahl is a Social Media Consultant and Speaker and is the co-author of Facebook Marketing All-in-One for Dummies. She speaks and trains all over the world and has appeared in top lists on Entrepreneur.com and Inc.com. She is also a stand up comedienne.
Amy Landino
YouTube series host, author, and speaker
Stop worrying about algorithms and start creating something you’re excited about.
Your community will find you if you’re patient. If you show more than you tell, you will build a loyal following for life.
Amy Landino is the award-winning host of AmyTV, a YouTube series dedicated to helping women go after the life they want. With millions of views and more than 300,000 subscribers, she is a leading authority on getting digital attention. Amy is a professional speaker, traveling the world to teach businesses how they can get the attention they deserve online and she shares her insights on this in her best-selling book Vlog Like a Boss:How to Kill It Online with Video Blogging.
Dennis Seymour
SaaS Founder and Entrepreneur
My advice is different from the norm. My best tip is to actually keep churning out videos.
I’m in different startups, so instead of just taking it slow, planning a content calendar with complex branding and whatever, I encourage the team to just keep making videos. Put it up, share with the newsletter, put it up on social for the week and promote a little bit with paid ads. We’ll get the data of how it’s working and converting into sign-ups or actual users. It’s how we can get better (because you’ll be practicing!) and know what your audience wants faster.
We shoot B-rolls, behind the scenes footages, demos, interviews, flights to meet clients, etc. We compile and document as much as possible just so we’d have footage when needed. You don’t have to use all the footage you have just for the next video you make.
Dennis Seymour is a SaaS Founder and Entrepreneur.
Lilach Bullock
Speaker, Lead Conversion Expert, Content Marketing and Outreach Specialist
My best tip for creating great marketing videos in 2020? Don’t be boring.
There needs to be some kind of value for the people watching your video:either it’s because it’s telling a gripping story, or because it’s funny or shares some really interesting insights – whatever it is, it needs to be interesting and catch people’s attention.
Not only does this help you get more views and shares but it will mean more people will watch until the end – and see your call to action.
Lilach Bullock is a professional speaker, lead conversion expert, content marketing and outreach specialist. She is listed in Forbes as one of the top 20 women social media power influencers and was crowned Social Influencer of Europe by Oracle.
Christine Gritmon
Social media strategist
Keep it a few notches more exciting than feels natural! If you don’t keep it moving, they’ll keep on scrolling.
Christine Gritmon helps small, local businesses be less intimidated by social media so that they can take better advantage of the incredible community-generating opportunities these platforms offer – all with an eye towards strategy, efficiency, and, most of all, personality.
Rachel Lindteigen
President/Founder of Etched Marketing
Deja de pensarlo demasiado. Your video doesn’t have to be perfect to convert. Don’t let technology stop you from making video.
Rachel Lindteigen is the President/Founder of Etched Marketing. She’s been in Marketing for nearly 20 years and now teaches small business owners how to market their businesses like the pros do without spending a fortune.
Sam Hurley
digital marketer and marketing influencer
Aside from ANYTHING else, just:
- Be yourself, while fine-tuning an ideal persona for your target audience
- Don’t be afraid of being different (experiment and find what works best)
- Brand videos needn’t be so serious! Inject some personality
- Add effects, music and slick cuts to seamlessly blend everything together
- Spend time perfecting your sound/picture quality (essential for first impressions)
Sam Hurley is a lateral-thinking, people-focused digital marketer — holding solid experience in both agency and client-side settings. He now runs his own global personal branding and influencer marketing business:OPTIM-EYEZ.
Jennifer Sultzaberger
The Founder and CEO of #vidit
The best way to ensure your business marketing videos will be great and to get the most desirable reaction you want from your audience; is to be sure you start recording while you are in the most positive mindset .
Get your energy level where it needs to be prior to recording. Your positive energy sets the tempo of your video marketing message, which will ensure you deliver the best first impression for your viewers.
Jennifer Sultzaberger has over 17 years’ experience in digital marketing. Jennifer’s invented her patented technology of #vidit, a high-performance video campaign platform. Applying her considerable knowledge of (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) and social media, #vidit delivers superior targeting and response rates, while lowering campaign cost-per-lead (CPL) for improved ROI.
Martin Ray-Jones
Creative Director of Eden Videos Whiteboard Animation Studio
Regular video content creates a familiarity with your audience that can’t always be measured easily in likes and view count.
Start making regular video content as soon as possible, and improve as you go. Don’t be a perfectionist about it otherwise you’ll never get started.
The sooner you start, the sooner you can start to build this familiarity with your audience that will pay off hugely in the long-term.
Rand Fishkin, Founder of Moz, once said that his famous Whiteboard Friday series would have been canceled early if they based the decision solely on the immediate results they could easily measure.
Have faith in your video content and be persistent, the results will come in time.
Martin Ray-Jones is the creative director of Eden Videos Whiteboard Animation Studio, and has overseen the production of hundreds of marketing and training videos for a wide variety of companies and charities since 2012.
Ian Anderson Gray
founder of the Confident Live Marketing Academy
Don’t try to be perfect. Embrace the wrong and have some fun.
A great place to start is by broadcasting it as a live video. This way it can’t be perfect. It will be raw and much more authentic. If you can, use a tool such as Ecamm Live which saves the video as a high-quality video as well as broadcasting it live. If not, you can always download the video directly from Facebook or YouTube. Then it’s time to have some fun and edit it.
When mistakes happen, use that as a blooper real at the end or spliced up within the video. Use an online editing tool like Wave.video to where you can add your own royalty-free music and sound effects.
Ian Anderson Gray Ian is the founder of the Confident Live Marketing Academy and helps entrepreneurs to level up their impact, authority and profits by using live video confidently. He’s an international speaker, trainer, teacher, and consultant. As well as being a geek, husband, and dad to two kids, Ian is also a professional singer and lives near Manchester in the UK.
Maryrose Lyons
founder of Brightspark Consulting, expert in digital and social media marketing
Always be happy! Overdo the energy levels, think like a children’s TV presenter, and you will come out well.
Nobody wants to watch videos of people who are not smiling, talking in monotones. They stick around if you are smiling, looking directly at the camera and get to the point fast!
Maryrose Lyons is the founder of Brightspark Consulting and one of Ireland’s leading experts in digital and social media marketing. Great results helping clients win at video marketing consistently and on brand.
Nikola Baldikov
digital marketing manager at Brosix
Basically, when it comes to marketing videos you have two main challenges:describing why your product is the right one for the customer, and to do it in a way that catches their attention. That’s why my best advice for creating a great marketing video is to describe the benefits of your product in a funny way.
I’ve found that humor is by far the best way to captivate your audience long enough for them to learn more about what you’re offering. That’s why we at Brosix created a series of animated videos where we demonstrated the main benefits of our product in a humorous way. We did this by showing potential problem situations you can come upon if you don’t use a tool similar to ours for your communication, and we added jokes and funny parts to the videos to make them.
Nikola Baldikov is a digital marketing manager at Brosix, a secure instant messaging software for business communication. Besides his passion for digital marketing, he is an avid fan of football and loves to dance.
Details make the difference
Andy Crestodina
co-founder and CMO of Orbit Media
Lighting and microphones are key. If you can’t see it and hear it, it’ll fail for sure. But assuming you’ve got that covered, next pay special attention to the thumbnail. If the thumb is bad, no one will press the play button. That’s another way to fail.
A great thumbnail has a face and the shot is close enough that you can see the whites of their eyes. If they’re too small, it won’t convey emotion. Second, overlay some text to give the visitor an idea for what it’s all about. If there’s no headline on the thumbnail, how will they know what they’ll get if they click? Finally, a slash of color makes all the difference. The more vivid it is, the more likely it’ll be to catch their attention.
Source:Orbit Media
Andy Crestodina is a co-founder and CMO of Orbit Media, an award-winning 38-person digital agency in Chicago.
Over the past 18 years, Andy’s provided guidance to 1000+ businesses. He speaks at national marketing conferences, writes for big marketing blogs and hosts a little podcast.
Derek Doeing
video marketing specialist
The best tip I have for marketing videos is to keep it mobile-friendly. Over half of all video is viewed on mobile platforms. Keep this in mind as you’re planning the creation and distribution of your video content. If you want your content seen, don’t make your audience come to you, find them where they’re at and optimize your videos for mobile viewing.
Square-shaped videos perform especially well on most mobile devices so do your research and keep factors like this in mind when putting forth your video marketing strategy.
Derek Doeing is with G2.com specializing in video marketing trends and insights. He’s a recent graduate of Iowa State University and a proud son of Chicago. He can usually be found discussing pop music, politics, and digital marketing on the internet.
Nicky Kriel
social media speaker, author, and trainer
I believe that many businesses get trapped in the belief that they can either produce cheap, but low-quality videos using smartphones and basic video equipment, or they need to pay a video production company to produce expensive, high quality videos for them. My number one tip for producing great video content quickly and inexpensively is to use templates.
Templates provide a great structure for video content and it is easy to customize the template to fit in with your branding by adding your own images and video clips or using the built-in library. Make sure that you add your logo and use your corporate colours to make the video feel like your own.
When I deliver social media marketing training, I introduce delegates to Wave.video and give them a quick 5-minute demonstration on how it works. I then give them about 15 to 20 minutes to produce their own video. I’m always amazed at the quality of videos they produce and how unique each one is even if they have used the same template.
If my delegates can produce interesting videos with minimum instruction and within a tight time constraint, so can you.
Nicky Kriel is an internationally recognised social media speaker, trainer and author of two social media books. She is regularly ranked as one of the top social media experts in the world. She believes in keeping jargon to the minimum, and focuses on giving practical advice, top tips and guidance.
Sue B. Zimmerman
social media educator, speaker, and business coach
The focus is on you and your face when doing video and not the background. When creating videos it’s important to do away with as many distractions as possible and to keep everything on-brand.
Sue B. Zimmerman is a social media educator, speaker, and business coach. She’s also one of the most popular CreativeLive instructors and has been named by Huffington Post – Top 50 Must-Follow Women Entrepreneurs in 2017.
John Gregory
Strategy &Digital Communications Consultant
When using smartphones for creating video content, always remember to place it in airplane mode before you record. It will cut out cellular background noise interference and avoid any annoying interruptions while you are recording.
John Gregory is a Strategy &Digital Communications Consultant at Opencity Inc. John is prolific on Twitter with up to 10,000 tweets a year on behalf of the International Canoe Federation covering Olympic canoeing.
Adam White
the founder of SEOJet
Having worked in the film industry I can tell you that there is nothing more important than having really good audio in your marketing videos.
I know it sounds crazy that audio is the most important for video but as human beings, we automatically tune out if audio is bad. On the other hand, if you have great audio and terrible video people will still watch.
Invest in a good lavalier (wireless) microphone and a good microphone that connects to your computer. I personally use the Sennheiser EW 112P G4 lavalier microphone (there are cheaper options that will do the trick) and the Blue Yeti USB microphone. Having great audio will keep your audience engaged in your videos longer.
Adam White is the founder of SEOJet, a backlink strategy software that takes the guessing out of building backlinks. He lives in Arizona with his wife and seven kids. In his spare time, he wrote and directed the feature film Inspired Guns.
Aaron Free
Cinematographer, Editor and Studio Manager at Empire Creative Marketing
There are many aspects that go into creating an outstanding marketing video. Story, composition, music, color, and energy can all play vital roles in impacting your target audience. Personally I feel that where most marketing videos fall short is in technical precision. Study framing, lighting, and your camera! Know the limitations and strengths of your equipment and use those to create the most stunning visuals you can.
There are infinite resources available online to grow your technical skill set. Study and utilize them to give your client a strong, polished, and professional piece. If you are not the one doing the filming then be sure to properly vet your filmmaker and ensure that they are utilizing proper technique.
Aaron Free is a cinematographer, editor and studio manager at Empire Creative Marketing in the Houston, Texas area. Aaron is a perfectionist when it comes to creating videos. His eye for detail and creative storytelling experience come together to create polished videos for our clients.
Richard Byrne
President of Byrne Instructional Media
Put yourself in front of the camera.
People want to know who they’re buying from so put your face and voice out there even if you don’t think you have the prettiest face or voice.
Richard Byrne is the President of Byrne Instructional Media, LLC. which manages multiple websites and training programs for teachers including PracticalEdTech.com and FreeTech4Teachers.com. Tech &Learning Magazine called Richard one of their “people to watch” for the future of educational technology.
Connect with viewers on a human level
Adam Franklin
co-founder of Bluewire Media
My #1 tip for creating great marketing videos is to share information that is useful to your ideal clients, so they can get to know, like and trust you. The secret is to keep it simple and be yourself!
I like the simplicity of talking directly to the camera (usually my iPhone on a selfie stick), and then I speak like I’m talking 1-on-1 with a client. It keeps it authentic and casual, and allows viewers to connect with me and my message.
It doesn’t need to overly produced or scripted, but if you feel more confident with an autocue, by all means use one – there are plenty of free autocue apps you can use.
Adam Franklin is the co-author of Web Marketing That Works – an Amazon #1 best seller. He is also a professional speaker, university lecturer and co-founder of Bluewire Media.
Jessika Phillips
the founder of NOW Marketing Group
Don’t just create a video. Create an emotional experience with your video. Ask yourself these questions before you get started:
- What is the purpose of the video? Better said, What do we want our viewers to feel, know, experience and leave with from watching the video?
- Who am I envisioning will be watching the video? Knowing your ideal audience will help you select music, messaging, look, feel and purpose. It will also allow you to know if you add in little touches like captions and call to actions.
- Where will the video be hosted? Knowing your audience and purpose of the video will let you know the primary network to craft the video for so the layout is optimized for the platform.
- What images or video will best help you articulate your message for your ideal audience. Having your own video clips and images will help personalize the video and be more relatable.
- Bring the energy! If you’re speaking on video – bring all the energy and personality you’ve got!! The best thing about video is that it’s a humanizer – which means your audience will be able to feel the energy you’re putting off. What will make your audience want to listen, respond and keep them coming back for more?
- How can we make our video craveable? What is the unique aspect of you and your brand that you can add to make it memorable?
- What is your measurement of success and how will you track it? Knowing this ahead of time will help you plan, execute and continue to improve your videos.
Lastly – make sure you have fun! Videos are a great way to build relationships with your audience. If you’re having fun and can feature others in the process it’s a win-win!
Jessika Phillips is a digital marketing strategist and the founder of NOW Marketing Group. The company is now a Forbes recognized Agency Partner and a certified inbound partner with Hubspot.
Neal Schaffer
keynote speaker, author, and consultant
Great marketing videos speak to your audience as if they were in the same room with you, having a conversation. The more crafted and slick they look, the more of an advertisement they might look like.
When you connect with someone in a human and authentic way, that content will better resonate with your community and you will be better remembered as well.
Neal Schaffer is a digital and social media marketing keynote speaker, author, consultant, and author of The Age of Influence (HarperCollins, 3/2020), the definitive guide to influencer marketing and understanding why digital influence is the key to online success.
Jacob Cass
graphic designer and branding expert
Videos have many different purposes but what matters most is making the viewer feel emotion. This not only makes your videos more memorable, but allows your brand to connect with them on a human level.
So when you’re making your next video, think to yourself… what emotion(s) will this make them feel?
Jacob Cass is a prolific graphic designer &branding expert who runs the popular design blog, JUST Creative, which doubles as his award-winning branding &design firm. Jacob helps brands grow by crafting distinctive logos &brand identities that are backed by strategy.
Robert Weller
Content Strategy Coach, Keynote Speaker, Author and Brand Ambassador
My number one tip for creating a marketing video is to make it a conversation.
It’s easy to simply stare into the camera while concentrating on making no mistake in your cautiously pre-written speech but really it’s a lot more engaging if you treat it like a real conversation – imagining your ideal listener/watcher behind the camera and talking to her directly. It is her after all for whom you’re producing the video so be user-centric in every step you take .
Robert Weller is a content strategy coach, keynote speaker, multiple book author and brand ambassador based in Germany. He focuses on improving companies’ customer experience by optimizing their content design. His experience is based on projects with leading brands such as Adobe, Telekom and Wrigley.
Keep it concise
Larry Kim
CEO of MobileMonkey and the founder of WordStream
Keep your videos short and concise.
Typically, shorter video clips are more likely to attract attention from viewers than longer ones, especially in social media. The highest-rated duration includes clips that fall from 60-90 seconds.
Make sure you’re able to capture your audience’s attention within that period using high-valued content.
Larry Kim is the CEO of MobileMonkey, the World’s Best Facebook Messenger Marketing Platform and free chatbot builder. He’s also the founder of WordStream, Inc., the leading provider of Google Ads, Facebook Ads and keyword tools used by over a million marketers worldwide. Larry is ranked the #8 most popular author on Medium.
Jordana Borensztajn
Keynote Speaker, Social Media Trainer, Author, and Coach
It’s 2019 and we have short attention spans. Very short attention spans. (Are you even still reading this? OK, great.)
According to some reports, humans have shorter attention spans than even a goldfish. Now, I don’t know if that statistic is true but it serves as a good warning sign:where and when possible, we should keep our promotional video content short and sweet .
So, grab your video script and planned sequences, and try cutting it in half. OK, have you done it? Impresionante. Now, try cutting out some more. Trust me, I know it’s not easy. To you, the creator, every message seems crucial and every scene adds to the impact of what you’re trying to achieve. Lo entiendo totalmente. But your audience won’t know that anything is missing. They only see what you show them.
So if you can make a shorter and snappier version that communicates your key messages, with impact, and in less time, then generally it makes it much easier and more enjoyable to digest in this crazy age of endless digital distractions. Plus, whatever you cut can be used to create a second promotional video. So you can repurpose and jazz up the ‘edited out’ content and end up with a two-for-one video content situation. #winning
Jordana Borensztajn is a keynote speaker, social media trainer, author, humourist and presentation skills coach who works with clients to enhance their social media marketing, content marketing, public speaking and creativity skills. Jordana loves dark chocolate, new Apple products and taking selfies with miniature dogs.
David Nirav
CTO &Co-Founder at Capsicum Mediaworks LLP
Keeping in mind the short attention span of most customers, the #1 tip to create a great marketing video is to keep it short, simple, and visually engaging. A shorter video gets more clicks, and it increases the odds of a customer watching the video until the end.
When creating a video, follow the principle of ‘Show, don’t tell.’ This will help you get a better response. Also, to engage users, make sure that the video is informational and not solely promotional. A video should offer valuable information that resonates with your target audience. This will help increase shares and garner higher returns.
Nirav Dave is the CTO &Co-Founder at Capsicum Mediaworks LLP, web designing &website development company.
Address real problems
Florin Muresan
CEO of Squirrly
Read tons of questions received by your support team, so that when you make the video you’ll certainly address real problems . Your customers will love you for that. Plus, if your customers were thinking about those, it makes sense that your new prospects also need answers to those questions.
Being in touch with your customer service team when preparing your next marketing video is crucial to success.
Florin Muresan is the CEO of Squirrly, helping people go from “Never Found” to “Always Found” on search engines.
Kyle Bailey
SEO, Content, Social and Sales Consultant
Relevancia. The NUMBER ONE wast of energy that I’ve seen from my consultations with small business owners is video.
I’ll tell you.
Video is expensive. That is, it’s expensive if you do it the traditional way. You can pay upwards of $3,000-$4,000 easily for a 60-120 second video.
It will look GREAT, because there are a lot of talented video people out there, but comparing apples to apples, video is the most expensive form of content, so a swing and a miss on video hurts a lot more than missing on a blog post or other content marketing.
Here’s where the problem comes in:The video is not relevant to the customer’s needs. It’s written from the POV of the business owner, and not the customer. Make a video that is relevant to the core problem you solve for your customer, and you’ll win.
Relevancia. It’s king, and it’s always been king.
Kyle Bailey is a SEO, content, social and sales consultant:“I solve problems and tell stories, sometimes in that order”.
Anna O’Byrne
Chief Copywriter at Captivate Content Inc.
There are many, many great copywriting formulas that work for video scripts. I tend to follow the Ray Edwards one. Introduce the problem &agitate – make the viewer understand that you get what they’re aspiring towards or struggling with . Then, introduce your solution. Back it with proofs (awards, testimonials, stats, etc.). Finally, make an offer and ask for a response.
Every business should have one video with this classic pitch.
Anna O’Byrne is a chief copywriter at Captivate Content Inc.
Raghav Mathur
Co-founder and CEO of Black Shell Media, Author
Remember the context in which your audience will be viewing your video. They’re not looking for a sales pitch or a self-promotional video. They want to consume native content on the channel they are browsing.
Make sure you tailor your video content appropriately for the channel you are marketing on. Deliver genuine value through your video first, before pushing your sales pitch .
Raghav Mathur is the co-founder and CEO of Black Shell Media, a marketing agency supporting tech and gaming startups. Raghav is a published author and prolific blogger, and has spoken at key events including SXSW and PAX.
Jonathan Aufray
co-founder and CEO at Growth Hackers
To create great marketing videos, try to be authentic, yourself and provide value in your video. If you try to be too ‘salesy’, your viewers won’t be receptive.
For instance, take a video of yourself with a smartphone, dress casually and give tips/insights that help your target audience. By giving free value first, you’ll receive inbound leads and people will feel more confident to get in touch with you.
Jonathan Aufray is the co-founder and CEO at Growth Hackers. Growth Hackers helps startups, SMBs, entrepreneurs, marketers, and organizations grow with digital marketing and growth hacking.
Jonathan Stefansky
CEO and Co-founder of Viewbix
The key to making a great marketing video is to turn your elevator pitch into a video . To clarify, the elevator pitch for your business is a simple and clear message that identifies the problem you’re solving and how you’re uniquely solving that problem.
This should be the basis of your marketing video. During the planning and production phases, you should be continually ensuring that this is the message that is being presented to your audience. Although your video will be longer than the elevator pitch, all the supporting content should be focused around this central message.
If you stick to this, then when your viewers are finished watching the video, they’ll understand exactly what you do, how you do it and how it can help them and hopefully lead to a lot more business for you!
Jonathan Stefansky is the CEO and co-founder of Viewbix. He has an extensive background is both sales and marketing as well as technology, working as a leading executive in leading firms like Akamai, Goldman Sachs &Co and IDT Global Services.
Daniel Daines-Huty
chief marketing nerd at Ampmycontent
All good direct response marketing follows a set structure:
- Call out to the pain of life before
- Talk about the life they want after
- Bridge the gap of how to get there
- Share your story
- Remove objections
- Make your offer
- Stack the benefits
- Make the offer again
And that’s it – as simple as that!
Daniel Daines-Huty is a chief marketing nerd at Ampmycontent.
Omar Kattan
Managing Director &CSO at Sandstorm Digital FZE
Make product/service marketing videos that address your customer pain points (benefits not features) and make them short and sweet (15 seconds or less). Don’t forget to include a clear call to action at the end.
Omar Kattan is Managing Director &CSO at Sandstorm Digital FZE. He has over 25 years experience in corporate and branding strategy, marketing communications and advertising, spanning MENA and Europe.
Joe Williams
Digital Marketer and online SEO trainer at Tribe SEO
I follow Donald Miller’s “one-liner” marketing formula. It comes in three steps:
Step one:The Problem. Is starts by answering “What’s the pain point you help your customer resolve?” It needs to be clear, relatable and something the customer really cares about.
Step two:The Solution. “What’s your unique solution to that pain point?” This is where your product is described in a way that’s different, and/or better than alternatives.
And step three:The Result. “How does your customer’s life look after their pain is resolved?” This is the transformation of what your customer can achieve by doing business with you and the results they can expect.
Joe Williams is a Digital Marketer and online SEO trainer at Tribe SEO. He’s on a mission to make SEO simple, fun and profitable. He’s been featured in Search Engine Watch, the Guardian and Cosmopolitan.
Embrace your brand
Brittany Berger
content marketing consultant
When you’re creating video, brand voice and energy come through even more than in written copy. Which means it’s not something that you can ignore.
While I don’t script out videos word for word, I do outline not just the content, but how a brand voice will impact that content. I’ll make sure ahead of time that the brand personality is clear through things like on-brand jokes, language, and references.
Brittany Berger is a strategically lazy content marketing teacher who helps burnt out and overwhelmed marketers stop doing the MOST with their content, and start using the goldmine of old content they’re sitting on through smart updating, optimizing, and remixing.
Dave Serino
The Founder and Chief Digital Strategist of TwoSix Digital
The best tip on using video for promotional marketing in today’s social environment is to be sure you deliver your branding, message and call to action as soon as possible within the content . We have always been conditioned to draw the consumer into the experience with compelling imagery and visual storytelling, engage them with a memorable hook and then provide a branded call to action. The average time always ran between :30 and :60-seconds for a standard video spot.
In today’s digital environment, the majority of video consumption is happening within social media applications, on mobile devices and with the sound muted. The average attention span also continues to decrease. So, when developing your video promotions, you must begin with compelling imagery to draw in the consumer – or create a “thumb stopper”, immediately incorporate your branding component in the form of a graphics or content and then work into the engagement hook and final call to action. And, remember the new promotional times have also decreased greatly. It now starts with 6 to 7 seconds on YouTube pre-roll ads and moves up to about a maximum of one minute.
So, the earlier you can visually deliver your brand message and call to action in the video, the more successful your video promotions will be!
Dave Serino is the founder and chief digital strategist at TwoSix Digital. He has been extensively involved in the digital and online marketing process from more than 22 years.
Rebekah Radice
The Founder of RadiantLA, Author
The best marketing video is one that’s authentic and true to the brand. Too often, I see marketers mimicking what they’ve seen rather than paving their own path.
To build a business online, you must inspire confidence and trust. You can only do this when who you are is accurately depicted in what people see on screen.
That means you have to stop trying to be your competition. Instead, take what you know and translate that into videos that solve a real problem . Tenga el coraje de responder las preguntas que nadie más en su mercado lo hará.
Cuando realmente ayudas a otros a mejorar sus vidas, sus negocios y sus resultados... obtienes una audiencia leal y un cliente potencial de por vida.
Rebekah Radice is the founder of RadiantLA, a premier training and development firm, the author of “Social Media Mastery:A Comprehensive Guide to Strategic Growth”, and creator of the best selling course, “The Smart Guide to Marketing Your Business on Social Media.”
Madeline Johnson
Marketing and Media Strategist
Show, don’t tell.
Demonstrate your product or service, don’t just use a talking head to explain the benefits.
Madeline Johnson is a marketing &media strategist specializing in health, wellness, fitness, and nutrition.
Include captions
Donna Moritz
Visual Content Strategist and founder of Socially Sorted
We, humans, watch a LOT (a lot!) of video. But it’s also becoming pretty well known that we watch a lot of that video with the sound turned off too! Being able to quickly and easily add video captions to your videos is super important, from Instagram Stories to YouTube videos (and everything in between).
Lucky for us, it has never been easier to add video captions to video. You can use a tool like Wave.video to add text to match your story or message. Or you can go face-to-camera and add captions afterwards by using a tool or service. Quicc is a great app for doing this via AI (in minutes!). Or if you prefer the popular letterbox style videos, try Splasheo. It’s a great service for getting letterboxed-captions added to videos, with a very quick turnaround.
Either way, add back the captions and give your videos the voice they deserve!
Donna Moritz is a Visual Content Strategist and founder of Socially Sorted, listed by Forbes as a “Top 5 Social Media Blog You Need to Know About in 2019”. Donna helps brands leverage the power of visual storytelling and content strategy in their business and is a keynote speaker internationally.
Krishna De
Social Business and Video Marketing Strategist, Professional Speaker and Educator
No matter what platform you are using, look for ways to include captions and call outs on your video . This means that the content of your video will be accessible and able to be understood by a larger audience, PLUS it has the benefit of providing the viewer an insight into what the video is about, even if they choose to watch the video with the turn off the sound. Mashable, for example, did a great job with adding neat captions to this video:
This also means that you can use the captions to reinforce your call to action, which can increase leads and sales for your product or service. This might seem complex but there are many resources available for us to use. Here are three ways to get you started in creating captions:
– use video creation software on desktop or mobile that have templates which enable you to add captions as you create the video;
– take advantage of the freely available automatic captioning tools on social video platforms such as Facebook and YouTube (remember to review the captions to correct any spelling errors);
– or if you prefer, you can outsource the production of subtitles to third party providers.
Krishna De is a social business and video marketing strategist, professional speaker and educator. She guides executives, PR and marketing professionals in how to integrate social media, online video and live streaming into their communication plans.
Vivek Raghavan
Co-founder of WowMakers Explainer Videos
Good thumbnail and text overlay !
Vivek Raghavan is the co-founder of WowMakers Explainer Videos.
Amanda DiSilvestro
Marketing Manager and author
Honestly, this differs platform to platform, but we started putting captions, or a transcription of dialogue, on our Facebook videos and it really did make a world of difference in terms of our conversion rates.
This has always been a best practice but not something we prioritized, but I wish we had done this sooner!
Amanda DiSilvestro writes digital content that helps businesses grow their website traffic and establish thought leadership through her freelance writing at Plan, Write, GO. She is also a passionate traveler, working as the Marketing Manager for Discover Corps by day.
Promote wisely
Mari Smith
Premier Facebook Marketing Expert
Repurpose your Facebook Live videos using Wave.video in vertical 4:5 format for use in promotional campaigns.
Craft a strategic plan for your Facebook Live video broadcasts, deliver plenty of good value with great soundbites you can then excerpt. Using a tool like Ecamm Live for your broadcast, you’ll have the HD recording automatically on your hard drive. Select clips, load to Wave.video and create the ‘letterbox’ effect with text top and bottom, add fun emojis and a strong call-to-action.
How to Create a Letterbox Style for Your Videos | Tutorial
In this tutorial, we are going to show you how to create a letterbox (or meme) effect for your videos. What is a letterbox effect? The letterbox is a video style where there is a space at the top and bottom (or the left and the right-hand side) of your videoBonus tip: you can also do the very same process with vertical 9:16 format for your Stories and create a series of great marketing Story videos for your organic and paid campaigns.
Mari Smith is the Premier Facebook Marketing Expert and is often referred to as “the Queen of Facebook.” Forbes magazine says, “Even Facebook asks for her help.” Facebook hired Mari to teach businesses throughout the US and help create Blueprint certification programs. Mari is a top keynote speaker, corporate social media strategist and brand ambassador for numerous organizations. She is an expert webinar leader, dynamic live webcast host and author of The New Relationship Marketing.
Tabita Jean Naylor
certified Inbound Marketing Consultant
For the sake of saving resources, I see a lot of businesses producing one video and pushing it out an absolutely every possible platform. My favorite video marketing tip is to step away from this non-strategy, and instead optimize video content for different platforms.
When you think about it, this really makes sense. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, etc., all appeal to different demographics. These audiences intuitively crave something different from the brands they interact with online. A one-size-fits-all video marketing strategy is going to fall short in optimizing audience reach.
And what about the segment of your audience that you’re reaching through multiple platforms? They’re going to grow tired of seeing the same video content repeatedly. Differentiating your video strategy based on the platform is a way to keep your brand image fresh and relevant as you increase engagement with your audience.
Tabitha Jean Naylor Tabitha Jean Naylor is the owner of TabithaNaylor.com and a certified Inbound Marketing Consultant with over 15 years of sales and marketing experience.
Stephanie Liu
Digital Marketing Strategist and live streamer
The key to a successful live broadcast is promoting the show beforehand.
Treat your live stream as an actual event especially if you’re broadcasting to Facebook. Even if fans of your Facebook Business Page receives a notification when you start streaming, you want to give your viewers enough lead time to block out time on their calendars to stop, look, and listen to your show.
One of the best ways to promote your show in advance is to get viewers buzzing before you actually go live. For Lights, Camera, Live, we typically promote a show a week in advance by creating short promo videos of our guests. We’ll update our Facebook Cover with a promo video and create 1-minute teasers to get viewers excited.
Another pro-tip for promoting a show is to create a Facebook Event. In the description, we highlight why viewers should tune in, what the topic is, how the show will impact viewers, and what will happen if they don’t tune.
In addition to creating a Facebook Event, set aside time to create a scheduled broadcast link. You can do this in most third-party live streaming apps like Ecamm and BeLive. When you schedule a live stream, you can promote the permalink to your email list, across your social channels, and share it to the Facebook Event so attendees know exactly where to go.
Remember, if your audience don’t know about your show, they won’t go. Therefore, set your show up for success by promoting at least a week in advance.
Stephanie Liu is a Digital Marketing Strategist and live streamer. She is the founder of Captivate on Command™, owns a boutique social media agency in San Diego, and produces four Facebook Live shows including Lights, Camera, Live®, 360 Marketing Squad Live, and the Midwest Digital Marketing Conference live series.
Keith Keller
Twitter Video Specialist
Consider some “2 Minute Teasers”.
Twitter allows for up to 140 seconds now and these can be a great way to feed people back to your longer YouTube or LinkedIn videos.
It really is a fantastic way to get additional views on your existing videos.
Keith Keller is considered by many to be one of the world’s leading authorities on Twitter marketing, especially Twitter Video Marketing. He is now regularly invited to speak on podcasts, webinars and telesummits around the globe. Keith has his own podcast series on iTunes called “Crack the Twitter Code” and offers one-on-one consulting to clients all over the world via Zoom.
Ann Smarty
brand manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas
I am an SEO, so I tend to optimize everything, including marketing videos. I always try to get all of my content assets bring in organic visibility, both in Google search and inside a native video platform (e.g. Youtube search and video recommendations).
I described my process optimizing videos for organic visibility here:3 Ways to Improve Your YouTube Watch Time.
In a nutshell:
- Research your keywords and use them in the video title
- Create unique text content to include into video descriptions using tools like Text Optimizer
- Use keywords and related terms you find in Text Optimizer to come up with both tags and hashtags to use
- Use Youtube Timestamps to put together a clickable table of contents to drive people deeper into the video
Obviously, these are not very exciting tasks to perform is but it needs to be done. After all, keyword research and content creation tasks are likely to be much easier than putting a good video together.
Ann Smarty is brand manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas and founder of ViralContentBee.com.
Laura Lash Fitzgerald
Digital Marketing Expert and Trainer
There are many elements involved in a good video (audio, strategy, etc.) but if you are going to invest time and money into making a video, be sure to create your own YouTube channel and optimize it.
A video is one of those leveraged activities meaning you make the video once and it continues to work for you , so be sure your YouTube channel is optimized for keywords, links to all of your important sites, and portrays the best image possible for your business.
Laura Lash Fitzgerald is a digital marketing expert and trainer.
Mel Carson
The Founder and Principal Strategist of Delightful Communications
At Delightful Communications, we encourage our clients to think about the potential ROI from their video work by leveraging different lengths and content slices for different platforms .
When story-boarding video, it’s not just about one version, it’s about ensuring your message will translate across different social channels. What might work on YouTube at a minute in length probably won’t work on Instagram where attention spans are shorter.
Bonus tip:Add closed captions for people watching with sound off and because all brands should be taking accessibility into account with their marketing.
Mel Carson is the founder &principal strategist at Delightful Communications – a Seattle-based Modern Marketing and Digital PR agency. Mel’s mission is to help businesses and their people be more discoverable, shareable and memorable.