Hablamos con expertos de Instagram (además de nuestro propio equipo de creadores) que compartieron sus ideas de historias de Instagram y mejores prácticas para que sepa qué tipo de historias de Instagram hacer, cómo hacerlas y para qué sirven.
Saltar a una sección
- Las 5 mejores ideas para historias de Instagram
- Las mejores ideas de historias de Instagram para empresas
- Nuevas ideas de historias de Instagram para publicaciones
- Ideas para juegos de historias de Instagram
- Ideas para historias interactivas
- Prácticas recomendadas para crear historias de Instagram atractivas
- Prueba estas plantillas de historias de Instagram listas para usar
[#TOC1]Las 5 mejores ideas para historias de Instagram[#TOC1]
Estas ideas destacadas son su pan y mantequilla, ya sea que esté promocionando una nueva publicación en las historias de Instagram, promocionando un próximo lanzamiento o simplemente tratando de aumentar el conocimiento de la marca.
1. Use etiquetas adhesivas de cuenta regresiva para promocionar contenido e impulsar la participación
1. Use etiquetas adhesivas de cuenta regresiva para promocionar contenido e impulsar la participación

Una etiqueta de cuenta regresiva en las historias de Instagram le permite a su audiencia saber la hora precisa en la que tendrá lugar su próxima publicación, transmisión en vivo, lanzamiento de productos, o cualquier cosa.
Establece la fecha, la hora y el título para que tu audiencia sepa para qué estás contando. ¡Tus seguidores pueden incluso configurar una alerta para recibir una notificación cuando se complete la cuenta regresiva y compartir la cuenta regresiva en su Historia, lo que significa más compromiso para ti!
Aquí hay una sugerencia sobre cómo estructurar la narración de su historia de Instagram al conectar una etiqueta de cuenta regresiva:
- Historia 1 de 3: Hable sobre el problema que busca resolver y por qué capturar y retener la atención del espectador
- Historia 2 de 3: Dígales a las personas que hizo algo que ayudará con eso y que establezca alertas en la próxima historia con la etiqueta de cuenta regresiva.
- Historia 3 de 3 :Coloque la etiqueta de cuenta regresiva en la historia
2. Organice capacitaciones recurrentes gratuitas o eventos de historias para mejorar la participación de la audiencia

Hacer que tu audiencia te recuerde cuando tienes menos de 100 seguidores puede ser un desafío. Y las historias son una herramienta subestimada para simplificar esto.
Así es como.
¿Qué puedes ofrecer en tus historias de forma recurrente para mejorar la vida de tu audiencia? Los eventos recurrentes o tutoriales sobre historias son una excelente manera no solo de establecer su autoridad sobre un tema, sino también de generar confianza y conciencia a medida que se corre la voz.
Por ejemplo:
- Una marca de belleza puede hacer tutoriales de maquillaje de ojos todas las semanas
- Un influencer de la moda puede compartir consejos de estilo todos los viernes antes de una gran noche
- Una cuenta de actividad física puede publicar un minientrenamiento diario del día en las historias y alentar a las personas a hacerlo y etiquetarlas
- Un entrenador o consultor puede organizar una sesión de preguntas y respuestas una vez a la semana
Mantenga estas capacitaciones semanales destacadas en su cuenta de Instagram para que las personas sepan que existen y puedan registrarse cuando lo deseen si se perdieron una semana.
Consejo profesional enviado por: Diana Briceño
Usuario de Instagram: @dianagetssocial
3. Organice y participe en adquisiciones de historias de IG para maximizar el alcance orgánico de Instagram

Una toma de control de la historia de Instagram es cuando colaboras con alguien que estará activo en las historias de tu marca. No necesitan su contraseña para hacer esto. Simplemente pídales que graben previamente las historias y luego podrá publicarlas.
Debido a que la cuenta que realiza la adquisición llevará a sus seguidores a su historia de Instagram, esta es una excelente manera de exponerse a nuevas audiencias a las que les puede gustar lo que usted es.
Estos son algunos ejemplos de adquisiciones:
- Una marca de belleza se asocia con un influencer de belleza para hacerse cargo de sus historias y compartir cómo usan sus productos favoritos de la marca.
- Un especialista en marketing se asocia con un escritor para enseñarle a su audiencia consejos útiles para escribir contenido que los convertirán en mejores especialistas en marketing. El especialista en marketing enseña a la audiencia del escritor consejos sobre cómo promocionarse mejor.
4. Obtenga nuevas ideas para publicaciones con encuestas y pegatinas de preguntas y respuestas

Preguntar a sus seguidores qué publicar en Instagram es una situación en la que todos ganan porque aumenta su compromiso al ayudar a sus seguidores y también obtiene ideas para una nueva publicación. Puede hacer preguntas como, "¿Quieres más consejos de edición de video de mí?" o “¿De qué te gustaría que hablara en mi próxima sesión en vivo?”
Pegatinas y para qué tipo de preguntas son mejores:
- Pegatina de encuesta: Genial para preguntas simples como esto o aquello o sí o no.
- Pegatina de pregunta: Mejor para más preguntas abiertas.
- Pegatina del cuestionario: Ideal si tiene opciones que desea ejecutar por su audiencia para saber qué prefieren.
- Escriba su pregunta: Use la opción de texto para escribir las preguntas y deje que sus espectadores le envíen mensajes si espera que las respuestas sean más largas.
5. Organice vlogs diarios o semanales a través de historias

¿Tienes una toma caliente para compartir? ¿O tal vez algún consejo? ¿Por qué no usar las historias de Instagram para compartir tus pensamientos?
Organice vlogs diarios o semanales sobre temas con los que esté familiarizado y que puedan ayudar a promocionar su marca entre sus seguidores.
Por ejemplo, Kat Boogaard, una escritora independiente, comparte sugerencias y consejos sobre el trabajo independiente en sus historias de Instagram todos los miércoles. El objetivo es capacitar a otros trabajadores independientes sobre cómo administrar su negocio de manera efectiva, lo que está en sintonía con su propia marca.
[#TOC2]Las mejores ideas de historias de Instagram para empresas[#TOC2]
Si desea obtener aún más de las Historias de Instagram, hemos compilado una lista de ideas para hacer crecer su negocio y sus seguidores
6. Cómo usar las pegatinas de la historia de Instagram para la concienciación, el compromiso, los clientes potenciales y las ventas

Elise Darma ha ayudado a más de 20 000 empresas a generar ingresos con Instagram.
Así es como puede hacer crecer su negocio como Elise utilizando las características específicas de las Historias de Instagram para aumentar su compromiso, crear conciencia de marca, generar tráfico a su sitio web y, sí, generar ventas.
Pegatinas de historias de Instagram para mayor conciencia y visibilidad
Si lo que necesita es una mayor visibilidad, intente usar la etiqueta de ubicación, la etiqueta de mención o la etiqueta Hashtag en Historias. Puede ser descubierto por nuevas personas a través de estos adhesivos, ya sea que se trate de personas que revisan la ubicación que acaba de etiquetar, que lo descubren a través del hashtag que usó o que la cuenta que mencionó volvió a compartir su historia.
Pegatinas de historias de Instagram para aumentar la interacción
Para una mayor participación, permita que las personas compartan fácilmente sus opiniones utilizando la etiqueta Encuesta, la etiqueta Preguntas, la etiqueta Cuestionario o la etiqueta Control deslizante. Cuantas más personas participen, más el algoritmo mostrará su historia a más seguidores.
Pegatinas de historias de Instagram para captar clientes potenciales
Para capturar clientes potenciales de Instagram, intente usar la etiqueta Encuesta y, aquí está el truco, evite usar "No" como opción. En su lugar, intente "Enviarme el enlace" y envíe un mensaje directo a cualquier persona que seleccione esa opción con su enlace o la mejor oferta.
Stickers de Instagram Story para Cerrar Ventas
Finalmente, para cerrar ventas a través de Historias de Instagram, asegúrese de responder cualquier pregunta común que le hagan sobre su oferta al informar a las personas que pueden responder a su Historia (lo que abrirá un hilo privado de Mensaje Directo), o puede usar el Calcomanía de preguntas para que su audiencia pueda hacer todas sus preguntas para que usted las responda más adelante en Stories.
Consejo profesional enviado por: Elise Darma
Usuario de Instagram: @elisedarma
7. Cree y actualice los aspectos destacados de la historia de Instagram para educar a las personas sobre cómo puede ayudarlas

Los aspectos destacados son como un menú de lo que tiene para ofrecer o como la barra de navegación de un sitio web que muestra lo que hace. Un buen conjunto de destacados le muestra a su audiencia exactamente lo que necesita y debe saber.
En general, un buen comienzo para la mayoría de las cuentas comerciales es incluir un punto destacado con:
- Tu historia
- Reseñas
- Qué ofreces
Por ejemplo, las ideas destacadas de la historia de Instagram para un emprendedor de marketing en redes sociales pueden incluir:
- Acerca de
- Reseñas de clientes
- Productos digitales
- Servicios
- Discursos/Eventos
- Consejos rápidos
Dado que estas historias tendrán una vida útil más larga debajo de su biografía hasta que decida actualizarlas, está bien poner más esfuerzo en ellas que en la historia diaria promedio. Graba dentro de la aplicación o, si quieres llevarlo al siguiente nivel, graba en tu teléfono y luego pulíralo en el editor de video en línea de VEED.

8. Cuente su historia en Historias

No tenga miedo de publicar y promocionar su marca si le va bien y recibe reconocimiento. No hay nada mejor que una historia de éxito en Instagram.
Las Historias de Instagram se pueden usar para publicar estudios de casos de tamaño reducido o para transmitir testimonios en video de sus consumidores. Pre- and post-production images are also guaranteed wins. Be sure to highlight your brand's unique selling propositions and the ways in which your audience may benefit from them in your Stories.
In the event that you have a product or service that solves a customer's problem, make sure to include that social proof in your Instagram Stories.
9. Vlog Your Behind-The-Scenes

By providing your followers a glimpse behind the scenes, you can keep them up to date on what's going on and get to know you better.
- Are you working on a new project?
- Do you have an interesting day planned at the office?
- Are you visiting the warehouse where your products are manufactured?
Give your followers a glimpse into the workings of your business with these business story ideas to better establish credibility and transparency with potential customers.
10. Share Screenshots of Testimonials for Social Proof

Customers are looking for companies that deliver on their promises.
People are more likely to make a purchase if they see positive feedback about your brand from others. The less overly-designed it looks the better or else you risk people believing you wrote the reviews yourself.
Examples of places you can source customer reviews from:
- Screenshots of DMs or emails (ask for consent to share)
- Ask for video testimonials
- Check review sites
Sprinkle in customer testimonials into your stories of how your service or product has benefitted your customers and don’t forget to also save them as a highlight.
11. Promote and drive attention to “big” pieces of content

Gary Vee talks about making 64 pieces of content in a day. And a key part of this is starting with one big pieces of content and then slicing it up into smaller posts as you repurpose it for other platforms.
For example, if you've recently written a blog or released a new YouTube video, you can use Instagram Stories to promote them using the link sticker to drive more traffic. In this specific scenario you’d edit your video into smaller 15-second videos, highlighting the most important aspects of your content.
More ideas for repurposing content for stories:
- Use parts of a blog as inspiration for what to talk about on a story and include a link sticker to it
- Screenshot a tweet to turn it into a story
- Share a clip from your podcast to promote it on stories
Consejo profesional: Need to do some light edits to make your big piece of content IG story ready? Resize and repurpose content for Instagram stories with VEED.
12. Introduce Your Team

Getting personal is not just for personal brands. Provide an opportunity for your team members to shine by introducing them,their role, and a fun fact in their own words. You can even mix and match this idea with others and have a teammate do a story takeover or behind the scenes of their day to give your audience a taste of your company’s culture.
This type of story can also help make your company more attractive when recruiting. Beyond the job description, people want to know what it’s like to work somewhere so what better way to show them than through your team?
Ideas for Instagram stories with your team:
- A day in the life story showing the behind the scenes of different roles in your company
- Instagram story takeover by different departments in your company
- Play two truths and a lie using the quiz sticker to guess the lie
- Celebrate important milestones and wins
- Do an office tour
[#TOC3]New Post Instagram Story Ideas[#TOC3]
Sometimes your followers might miss a post from you and an easy way to solve that problem is to promote your post on your Instagram Story. Here’s how.
13. Try the PPB (Preview, Problem, Bridge) Formula for Pitching a New Post
Avoid simply sharing a post to stories with barely any context. To get more excitement and overall engagement you need to convince people why they should care to check your new post.
Heres how to do this with the PPB formula.
Share a short preview of a problem in your first story. This can be any problem that members of your niche community face quite often.
Then you can gently nudge them towards the solution in your next Story. Share your new post on the Story and add a text that essentially highlights you’ve found an easy solution to a common problem.
Example of what this would sound like:
- Preview: Making Instagram Reels can be time consuming.
- Problem: And while Reels are important you just don’t think you have the time to make it work.
- Bridge: Today we’re sharing our simple 3-step process to create a batch of Reels in record time.
[#TOC4]Instagram Story Game Ideas[#TOC4]
Instagram story game ideas get a lot of reshares, which increases your reach and visibility significantly! Plus Instagram Stories don't always need to be serious. Here’s how to liven it up a bit with some fun story games to get to know your audience better and spark conversation.
14. This or That Instagram Story Game

Find or, even better, make your own template for people to screenshot, use, and reshare. This or that is when you ask your audience to pick between two different things and then share their results by tagging you.
This is a great way to have fun with random questions. But also, this is a great way to get to know your audience’s preferences so you can deliver a better content experience to them.
If you’re opting for a more fun and games type of this or that you can ask:
- Sushi or pizza?
- Morning person or night owl?
- The office or parks and recreation?
- Coffee or tea?
- Sweet or salty?
Or let’s say you’re a social media manager getting to know your audience
- Instagram Reels or TikTok?
- Video Content or Static Images?
- Videos under 60 seconds or 3 minute long videos?
Don’t forget to watermark your Instagram story template with your handle so even if people forget to tag you they still know the template is yours when reposted!
15. Quizzes:Teach and Quiz Your Audience

People enjoy challenging themselves to learn new things.
This is why the classic quiz format has always been a popular choice. Use the Quiz sticker on your Instagram Story to test your followers' knowledge on a variety of subjects.
Be sure to choose the correct answer before you post. People will be able to see if they were correct or incorrect when they select an answer. You can even use the close friends list to make stories like this supplemental content people gain access to when they sign up for your online course or purchase something from you.
16. GIF Challenges

Pick a topic or occasion, and leave squares or circles for gifs that are relevant to that topic or occasion. When your followers repost your story, they can fill in the blanks with gifs. Make sure to reshare the best and funniest replies to your article – it's a terrific way to boost engagement with your story viewers and will inspire more people to join in the fun challenge!
[#TOC5]Interactive Story Ideas[#TOC5]
These easy-to-apply tips from Instagram pros will teach you how to get more engagement with your Instagram Stories.
17. How to Get More Engagement from Instagram Question Stickers

Question stickers are notorious for being tricky for newcomers when it comes to getting a good response rate. Here’s how Natasha–host of the Shine Online Podcast and founder of Shine with Natasha–has built a successful engagement strategy for question stickers.
- I like to start the Stories series by introducing what the Stories are going to be about to prepare them to engage with the Question Sticker.
- Then, post the sticker with a very specific prompt or question.
By keeping this question specific vs a generic "Ask Me Anything" it makes it easier for people to actually engage with the sticker by giving them less to think about.
I love using the Question Sticker for specific Stories series that bring my community into the conversation which really boosts my replies and retention. I've done this with assumptions (assume something about me), "show us BTS of ___", and even their own confessions.
Pro Tip Submitted By: Natasha Samuel
Instagram Handle: @shinewithnatasha
18. Say (or Do) Something to Capture Attention in the First Few Seconds

“Don't start your Instagram Story with "I just thought I'd jump on..." or "I just wanted to get on here and tell you..."
Get straight to the point with impact. Jump into frame, run at the camera, start with a massive “HAYYYYYY” and clap. It's gotta be something that gets people's attention at a level of appropriateness for your account, intended audience, plus what they expect from you.
So change up the scene, break up the message over several stories, and vary your intonation. Again, if it's appropriate, adding greater energy that is 10% beyond what you think your 100% energy level is, has proven to work really well in my experience. That extra 10% may seem too much, but it'll be far more electric to watch as it becomes far more memorable than the next or previous stories they'll be watching”
Pro Tip Submitted By: Reagan “Frank” Mackrill
Instagram Handle: @gdayfrank
19. How to Use Stories to Improve Mentions, Profile Visits, and Follower Growth

Every weekend, I engage my followers with a template they can also share with their audience. I also ask them to tag me when they post.
This increases my overall engagement, profile visits, stories view and sometimes gets me new followers. Since most people rarely create content to share during the weekend, I see this as a great way for my followers to engage with their own followers.
Pro Tip Submitted By: Tomisin Smith
Instagram Handle: @thetomisinsmith / @26.digital
Other Popular Instagram Story Ideas You Should Know About
Here’s a quick roundup of other simple Instagram story ideas which are creative enough to boost engagement and make you more relatable to your audience.
- Share stories that mention you: Express your gratitude and share the exciting news with your followers.
- Share a motivational quote: Motivational, thought-provoking, or just plain humorous, your message can be anything you want it to be.
- Shoutouts: Shout-out someone who inspires you and explain why you adore their page to your followers.
- Play Instagram story bingo: A fun game to play with your audience using your own bingo template.
- Play 2 truths and a lie: Use the "Quiz" Sticker to make an Instagram Story quiz where viewers guess the lie.
- Promote a giveaway: Run giveaways and contests where people can win anything from product samples to an hour of your time.
- Share photos: Share the pics that didn’t make the cut for the feed to your stories.
[#TOC6]9 Best Practices to Create Engaging Instagram Stories[#TOC6]
We have done the groundwork for you and spoke to people who have some amazing tips on how to improve your Instagram Story game ideas! Echemos un vistazo.
How to Look Natural on Camera
“Talk to the camera and imagine it's your best mate's face in the lens of the camera. So that way you feel like you're talking to someone, rather than to a camera.”
– best practice submitted by @gdayfrank
What’s the Best Time to Post on Instagram Stories?
“Here’s a scheduling hack for Instagram Stories:show up in Stories 3 times per day – in the morning, afternoon, and evening. That way, your account will continually be pushed to the top of your followers’ feeds where Stories appear, and you will stay top of mind for your followers.”
– best practice submitted by @elisedarma
How To Avoid Quickly Tapping Thumbs Missing Your Story’s Question Sticker
@shinewithnatasha suggests dedicating an entire story to remind people to tap back. “I add a tap back slide shortly after to slow their tap in case they missed the sticker and then kick off the (story) series.”
– best practice submitted by @shinewithnatasha
Instagram Dimensions:Where Should I Place Stickers for Optimal Engagement?
Away from the edges and closer to the center is the best spot to add stickers, according to @thetomisinsmith.
“Instagram stories have safe zones and exclusion zones. Putting your tags, polls or quizzes in the exclusion zone makes them not clickable. This interferes with the app's interface. Avoid your polls and quizzes being too close to the edge of your screen, as this may skew your results, since that's where users tap to move on to the next story, so they may vote on something they didn't intend to.”
– best practice submitted by @thetomisinsmith
Save Time by Answering FAQs In Stories (Then Convert Into a Highlight)
The more you grow, the more you’ll find yourself spending more time answering the same questions. Here’s how to save yourself precious time by making FAQ videos.
- Make a note of your most frequently asked questions
- Record Instagram stories answering each one
- Add subtitles to make it inclusive
- Publish the FAQ stories
- Save as a highlight
You can also direct people in your DMs to the FAQ either by responding yourself or using quick replies!
– best practice submitted by @dianagetssocial
Don’t Neglect Instagram Highlights
Instagram highlights are to your Instagram bio what the navigation menu is to your website. Highlights help people understand more deeply what you’re about and where to learn more about it.
The problem? People often forget to make them at all and others who do make them forget to update them.
“Setting monthly reminders to update your highlights with the stories from the past month is one of my favorite tips. This keeps your highlights up to date, relevant and always fresh.”
– best practice submitted by @thetomisinsmith
Add Subtitles for Added Engagement (Plus It’s Kind)
“Thankfully, Instagram stories has a caption sticker to automatically add subtitles! Growing up, subtitles helped me learn English when watching movies and TV shows. It’s also important to note 5% of the global population (around 466 million people) are deaf or hard of hearing. On top of it all, most people watch videos with the sound off. It takes just a few extra seconds to make your story more inclusive and engaging with subtitles.”
– best practice submitted by @dianagetssocial
How Do You Use Hashtags on Instagram Stories?
We're sure you've heard about hashtags and seen them in other people's Stories. They're a terrific way to get your Story in front of those who aren't already following you. Your audience and following will grow as a result of using relevant hashtags.
In the stickers menu, select "hashtag" to add a hashtag to your post. Alternatively, you may use the text icon to just write in a hashtag. Both methods will result in a hashtag that can be tapped and searched.
– source Social Media Examiner
[#TOC7]Try These Ready-to-Use Instagram Story Templates by VEED[#TO7]
Now you’re on your way to creating some Instagram stories that’ll support your brand.Need some video templates to make Instagram story design even simpler?
Here’s a quick guide on how to use VEED's Instagram Story Templates to create fun and creative stories for your brand or business.

How to Access Templates
1. Go to VEED.IO and make a free account (or login if you already have one)
2. Start a new project
3. Click on use template from the new project dashboard

4. Sort templates either by Portrait size from the top menu

5. Pick a template

6. Start customizing and download when done!

Frequently Asked Questions
What should I put on my Instagram story?
You can poll your audience on what you should post next, tell your story, or even host a short tutorial. Pick an idea from a variety of suggestions we've provided above.
How do I make my Instagram stories attractive?
Try using gifs or stickers to make your stories more visually appealing to your audience. Animated filters, experimenting with layout modes, or overlaying text are other ways to have fun with your Instagram Stories.
What size is an Instagram story?
1080px x 1920px are the dimensions of Instagram's Story format. Having an aspect ratio of 9:16 indicates that your image or video should be 1080 pixels wide by 1920 pixels high for best results.
How long is an Instagram story?
Instagram Stories have a 15-second time limit. If your video is longer than 15 seconds, Instagram will cut it up into four 15-second pieces for your followers to watch.