Ahora, los videos son cada vez más importantes para que presente sus pensamientos y sentimientos en Instagram, YouTube o Facebook.
Pero, ¿cómo hacer que su video se vea profesional, creativo, impactante y digno de compartir? Un software gratuito de edición de video puede hacerte un favor.
Entonces, ¿cuál es el mejor editor de video? disponible en el mercado?
Si no está seguro del software de edición de video que debe usar para editar sus videos, ha venido al lugar correcto. Porque lo guiaremos a través de los mejores editores de video, incluidas las versiones gratuitas.
Los recién llegados al mundo de la edición de video, así como los profesionales experimentados, pueden usar esta guía para encontrar el software de edición de video que los ayudará a producir un mejor contenido visual.
Profundicemos y exploremos todos los aspectos que vale la pena considerar antes de decidir qué software es mejor para usted. Y puede hacer clic en el Filtro en el lado izquierdo de este artículo para encontrar el mejor software de edición de video para usted.
- Parte I:Mejor editor de video para PC/Mac/Linux
- Parte II:el mejor software de edición de video en línea
- Parte III:Mejor aplicación de edición de video para iOS/Android
Pasamos alrededor de un mes investigando y probando todo el software de creación de videos popular en el mercado y ahora recopilamos los 35 mejores editores de video para usted. Esta lista de cineastas se puede usar en Windows, Mac OS, iOS, Android y Linux. Además, algunos de ellos son editores de video en línea que puedes usar directamente.
Ahora, filtremos la lista para encontrar el mejor editor de video para ti. Compruébalo:
No. | Nombre del producto | SO compatible | Precio | Mejor para | Resumen | Enlace de descarga |
1 | Maravilla Filmora | Windows 7/8/10, Mac OSX | Prueba gratuita; $79.99 perpetuo, $49.99/año | Principiantes, semiprofesionales | 4.9 | Descargar |
2 | Windows Movie Maker | Windows7/8/10 | Gratis | Principiantes | 4.1 | Descargar |
3 | iMovie | Mac OS, iOS | Gratis | Principiantes | 4.3 | Descargar |
4 | Final Cut Pro | Mac OS | 30 días de prueba gratis; $299.99 | Profesionales | 4.4 | Descargar |
5 | Wondershare Filmii | Windows 7/8/10 | Prueba gratuita; $9.99 | Principiantes | 4.3 | Descargar |
6 | Obras de luz | Windows 7/8/10, Mac OS, Linux | Prueba gratuita; $437,99 | Profesionales | 4.2 | Descargar |
7 | Corte de disparo | Windows 7/8/10, Mac OS, Linux | Editor de video de código abierto gratuito | Semiprofesionales | 3.9 | Descargar |
8 | HitFilm Express | Windows, Mac OS | Gratis | Semiprofesionales | 4.1 | Descargar |
9 | Licuadora | Windows 7/8/10, Mac OS, Linux | Gratis; Financie $6/mes para apoyo | Profesionales | 3.8 | Descargar |
10 | Avidemux | Windows 7/8/10, Mac OS, Linux | Gratis | Principiantes | 3.5 | Descargar |
11 | Editor de video VideoPad | Windows, Mac OS X, iOS, Kindle | Gratis | Principiantes | 3.9 | Descargar |
12 | Toma Abierta | Windows 7/8/10, Mac OS, Linux | Editor de video de código abierto gratuito | Principiantes | 3.8 | Descargar |
13 | Kdenlive | Windows 7/8/10, Mac OS, Linux | Gratis | Semiprofesionales | 4.1 | Descargar |
14 | Adobe Premiere Pro | Windows 7/8/10, Mac OS | 7 días de prueba gratis; $20.99/mes; $33.99 /mes | Profesionales | 4.5 | Descargar |
15 | Magix Vegas Pro | Windows 7/8/10, Mac OS | $399-$799 | Profesionales | 4.2 | Descargar |
16 | Elementos de Adobe Premiere | Windows 7/8/10, Mac OS | $99.99 | Semiprofesionales | 4.7 | Descargar |
17 | CyberLink PowerDirector | Windows 7/8/10, Mac OS | $69,99 - $129,99 | Semiprofesionales | 4.5 | Descargar |
18 | Magix Movie Video Fácil | Solo Windows | Prueba gratuita; $49,99 | Semiprofesionales | 3.6 | Descargar |
19 | Magix Video Pro | Windows 10 | Prueba gratuita; $79.99 | Principiantes | 4.1 | Descargar |
20 | Media.io | En línea | Gratis | Principiantes | 4.75 | Comprobar |
21 | YouTube | En línea | Gratis | Principiantes | 4.8 | Comprobar |
22 | Cortador de video en línea | En línea | Gratis | Principiantes | 3.6 | Comprobar |
23 | Creador de películas en línea | En línea | Gratis | Principiantes | 3.7 | Comprobar |
24 | ClipChamp | En línea | prueba gratuita de 14 días; $7/mes | Principiantes | 4.1 | Comprobar |
25 | WeVideo | En línea | Prueba gratuita; $11.99-$79.99 | Principiantes | 4.4 | Comprobar |
26 | Kizoa | En línea | Gratis | Principiantes | 3.8 | Comprobar |
27 | Ancho | En línea | Gratis | Principiantes | 4.3 | Comprobar |
28 | FilmoraGo | iOS, Android | Gratis | Principiantes | 4.1 | Descargar |
29 | Vlogit | iOS, Android | Gratis | Principiantes | 3.6 | Descargar |
30 | Tienda de videos | iOS, Android | Gratis | Principiantes | 4.8 | Descargar |
31 | Filmmaker Pro | iOS | Freemium; $5.99/mes | Semiprofesionales | 4.6 | Descargar |
32 | KineMaster | iOS, Android | Gratis | Semiprofesionales | 4.4 | Descargar |
33 | LumaFusión | iOS | $29.99 | Semiprofesionales | 4.8 | Descargar |
34 | Vizzywig 2019 | iOS | $79.99 | Semiprofesionales | 4.1 | Descargar |
35 | PowerDirector | iOS, Android | Gratis | Principiantes | 4.5 | Descargar |
Parte I:el mejor software de edición de video para Windows/Mac/Linux
1. Wondershare Filmora
Plataforma: Windows, Mac
Precio: Prueba gratis; $79.99 perpetuo, $49.99/año
Nivel: Principiantes
Aunque es ampliamente considerado como una de las mejores opciones de software de edición de video de nivel de entrada, Wondershare Filmora también ofrece herramientas de edición avanzadas. El producto de software viene con recursos de aprendizaje detallados y brinda soporte a sus usuarios que tienen poca experiencia en edición. La amplia gama de formatos de archivo y las opciones de exportación notablemente diversas hacen de Filmora una opción interesante para aquellos que recién ingresan al mundo de la edición de videos, pero también para editores más experimentados.
Características: La rica biblioteca de efectos de Filmora contiene más de mil efectos especiales modernos de nichos como juegos, éxitos de taquilla o tutoriales, y se agregan nuevos efectos cada mes. La herramienta Action Cam está diseñada para hacer que la combinación de secuencias filmadas en cámaras de acción sea fácil y rápida. Filmora es compatible con una amplia gama de formatos de archivo, incluidos AVI, MP4 o MKV, por lo que no tiene que preocuparse si su metraje se grabó en 4K o HD porque puede editarlo fácilmente con este software.
La gran cantidad de funciones de edición de video profesional que ofrece Filmora, así como su interfaz de diseño moderno, la convierten en una de las mejores opciones para los creadores de videos aficionados.
Puede usar todas las funciones en la versión de prueba gratuita, pero debe pagar para eliminar la marca de agua.
Obtén más información sobre Wondershare Filmora aquí:Canal oficial de Filmora en YouTube
2. Creador de películas de Windows
Plataforma: Ventanas
Precio: Gratis
Nivel: Principiantes
Este es probablemente uno de los programas de edición de video para PC más antiguos, si no el más antiguo. Microsoft ha anunciado que Windows Movie Maker ya no estará disponible para su descarga. Este software todavía se puede encontrar en línea, aunque no en el sitio web de Microsoft, y actualmente hay dos versiones diferentes de Windows Movie Maker disponibles. Incluso los editores de video menos experimentados pueden dominar fácilmente cada una de las versiones de Movie Maker.
Características: El software de edición de video clásico está equipado con todas las herramientas que necesitará para tareas de edición básicas como recortar, cambiar la velocidad de reproducción de video o rotar videos. Incluso cuenta con una opción de Estabilización de video que puede ser útil si desea estabilizar un video y eliminar los movimientos de la cámara que distraen. Windows Movie Maker le permite agregar efectos de texto a su video, insertar transiciones entre dos tomas, realizar ediciones básicas de audio o grabar una pantalla.
Gratis, cumple con sus demandas básicas de edición
Servicio interrumpido
No hay soporte para formatos de archivo modernos
Carece de herramientas de corrección de color, efectos visuales o cualquier otra opción avanzada de edición de video.
Consulte cómo usar Windows Movie Maker aquí:Guía del usuario de Windows Movie Maker
3. iMovie
Plataforma: Sistema operativo Mac, iOS
Precio: Gratis
Nivel: Principiantes
Como la versión de Apple de Windows Movie Maker, iMovie tiene un estado similar al de un editor de video clásico que es mejor cuando se usa para tareas simples de edición de video. El editor de video también se puede usar en un iPhone o iPad si desea editar sus videos mientras viaja. Aprender a utilizar iMovie no le llevará mucho tiempo, ya que todas sus funciones son fáciles de usar.
Características: Editar videos 4K o hacer créditos o títulos son solo algunas de las muchas opciones que ofrece iMovie. Agregar transiciones, aplicar efectos de pantalla dividida o crear videos PIP no requiere que sea un editor de video experto, ya que se puede acceder fácilmente a todas estas opciones y se pueden usar en cualquier proyecto en el que esté trabajando.
Las opciones de edición de audio de iMovie son igualmente impresionantes, ya que el software le permite agregar música, usar efectos de sonido incorporados y grabar voces en off. El editor de video es compatible con la mayoría de los formatos de archivo populares.
Gratis y viene incluido con tu Mac
Interfaz intuitiva
Este editor de video clásico para los dispositivos de Apple no ofrece opciones avanzadas de edición de video, como seguimiento de movimiento o marcado de fotogramas clave.
Consulte cómo usar Windows Movie Maker aquí:Guía del usuario de iMovie
4. Final Cut Pro
Plataforma: macOS
Precio: Pagado, $299
Nivel: Profesionales
Final Cut Pro es probablemente uno de los programas de edición de video más elogiados jamás creados. Se ha utilizado para editar obras maestras cinematográficas como 'Qué pasó, señorita Simone' o 'La chica del dragón tatuado', que dice mucho sobre la capacidad del software. Magnetic Timeline 2 de Final Cut Pro es único y hace que la organización de grandes cantidades de archivos de video y audio parezca fácil. Aunque el precio del software puede parecer desalentador, aquellos que invirtieron en él nunca tuvieron que usar otro editor de video.
Características: Una breve mirada a la lista de herramientas de edición de video de Final Cut Pro lo dejará preguntándose si hay algo que este software no pueda hacer. Además de las funciones básicas de edición de video, el editor de video también está equipado con la opción de edición de video VR de 360 grados, edición multicámara y herramientas avanzadas de gradación de color. Final Cut Pro permite a sus usuarios agregar tantas pistas de audio como deseen a la línea de tiempo, lo que les permite crear bandas sonoras impecables para sus videos.
Limitaciones: Final Cut Pro tiene algunas fallas persistentes que aún no se han solucionado, y su conjunto de herramientas de edición de audio carece de algunas piezas importantes.
Si eres nuevo en la edición de videos y necesitarás un creador de videos diseñado para principiantes. En tal caso, puede leer este artículo para obtener:El mejor software de edición de video gratuito para principiantes>> Son realmente muy fáciles de usar. Puedes hacer un video impresionante en menos de una hora.
5. Wondershare Filmii
Plataforma: Ventanas
Precio: Versiones gratuitas y de pago
Nivel: Principiantes
Este delicado software de edición de video es uno de los mejores editores de video para novatos. La versión gratuita del software ofrece muchas herramientas poderosas de edición de video, pero para deshacerse de la marca de agua, debe pagar 9.99 $ por su plan mensual. Una de las ventajas de Filmii es que tiene una variedad de plantillas de video que pueden ayudar a los principiantes a editar videos increíbles con facilidad debido a su función de creación automática. Además, sus herramientas creativas o de edición de audio son igualmente impresionantes.
6. Obras de luz
Plataforma: Windows, macOS, Linux
Precio: Versiones gratuitas y de pago:437,99 $
Nivel: Profesionales
Lightworks es uno de los mejores programas de edición de video en esta lista con una larga historia en el negocio de la creación de películas. La versión gratuita del software está disponible, pero tiene opciones de exportación limitadas. Se requiere una suscripción mensual de $25 para obtener acceso a todas las funciones del software. Aunque puede ser una opción algo costosa, comprar Lightworks es una inversión rentable que puede ayudarlo a mejorar la calidad de sus videos.
Características: Tanto las versiones gratuitas como las de pago de este paquete de edición de video ofrecen soporte para una amplia gama de formatos de archivos de video. Esto puede ser muy útil para los editores de video que a menudo trabajan en proyectos filmados con diferentes cámaras. La función de edición multicámara permite a los usuarios del software trabajar con imágenes tomadas desde ángulos separados, utilizando más de una sola cámara. Los videos editados con la versión gratuita del software solo se pueden exportar a un formato de archivo MPEG4 con un tamaño máximo de 1280X 790 píxeles, y se deben subir a YouTube directamente desde el editor.
Ventajas: Los medios libres de regalías y un notable panel VFX hacen de Lightworks una opción tentadora para editores de video profesionales y aficionados por igual.
Limitaciones: Las opciones de exportación en la versión gratuita del software son extremadamente limitadas y el software no brinda mucha asistencia a los usuarios sin experiencia.
7. Corte de tiro
Plataforma: Windows, macOS, Linux
Precio: Gratis
Nivel: Semiprofesionales
Si necesita un software de edición de video solo para juntar algunos clips que grabó en las vacaciones familiares, entonces ShotCut puede ser una opción un poco abrumadora para esa tarea. Este software de código abierto está equipado con una rica colección de funciones de edición de audio y video, mientras que también ofrece soporte para casi todos los formatos de archivos de video. Es más adecuado para los usuarios que necesitan un potente software de edición de video que no quieren gastar una fortuna en comprar una suite de edición profesional.
Características: Las opciones de captura de pantalla, grabación de video de la cámara web o captura de audio están disponibles gracias a ShotCut. Las funciones de edición de audio y video del software superan todas las expectativas y permiten a los usuarios del software tener un control creativo completo sobre sus proyectos. Las características como Chroma Key, Crop o Blur están acompañadas por una serie de sorprendentes efectos de video que se pueden usar para mejorar los colores de un video. El uso de ShotCut requiere que solo descargue el software y ejecute su archivo ejecutable, lo que significa que no tiene que pasar por el proceso de instalación para comenzar a editar con este software.
Limitaciones: El software no cuenta con perfiles de exportación predeterminados y las transiciones que ofrece son un poco escasas.
8. HitFilm Express
Plataforma: Windows, mac OS
Precio: Gratis
Nivel: Semiprofesionales
Este editor de video multiplataforma se encuentra entre los mejores productos de software de edición de video actualmente disponibles en el mercado. Su secreto radica en unir las opciones de composición de efectos visuales y edición de video bajo el mismo techo. HitFilm Express está dirigido a usuarios con una cantidad envidiable de experiencia en edición de video, ya que los editores de video sin experiencia pueden encontrar la interfaz del software difícil de navegar. Esta suite de edición de video ofrece muchas herramientas de edición de video, así como efectos visuales y de audio, que se pueden usar fácilmente para mejorar la calidad de sus videos.
Características: La rara combinación de composición VFX y edición de video hace que HitFilm Express sea único, mientras que su diseño de movimiento y opciones de seguimiento ofrecen soporte para acciones de edición de video más complejas. El software admite la composición de efectos 2D y 3D, así como videos de 4K y 360 grados.
Las opciones de titulación de HitFilm Express se encuentran en el nivel básico, mientras que sus opciones de exportación son alarmantemente estrechas. Este software de edición gratuito no ofrece demasiadas opciones para los ajustes de color, pero sus funciones de edición de audio se pueden usar para crear un video con una banda sonora superior.
Limitaciones: Para exportar un video desde el software, debe compartir un enlace en una plataforma de redes sociales y luego descargar el archivo. Las personas que no están familiarizadas con el proceso de edición de video pueden encontrar difícil el uso de HitFilm Express.
9. Licuadora
Plataforma: Windows, macOS, Linux
Precio: Gratis
Nivel: Profesionales
Blender comenzó como un proyecto de código abierto y, a lo largo de los años, animadores, científicos, artistas de VFX y muchas otras personas han participado en el desarrollo de esta suite de creación en 3D. El software se puede utilizar para modelado, animación, edición de video o composición, por mencionar solo algunos de sus muchos propósitos. La edición de secuencias de video no es el punto fuerte de Blender, pero sus funciones de edición de video son lo suficientemente potentes como para permitirle realizar tareas básicas de edición. Sin embargo, esto no significa que no pueda usar este software para crear videos que capten la atención del espectador.
Características: Cortar o recortar videos, ajustar la velocidad de reproducción del video o agregar fotogramas clave a un clip de video es un proceso fácil en Blender. La verdadera fuerza del software radica en sus funciones de animación, modelado 3D o seguimiento de movimiento. La última versión de Blender está equipada con una opción de seguimiento de movimiento que le permite importar las imágenes al software directamente desde una cámara. Puede utilizar esta función para enmascarar áreas de la toma y ver el movimiento en la cámara en un entorno 3D.
Limitaciones: Debe tener un conocimiento profundo de las técnicas de animación, composición y 3D para poder usar Blender.
10. Avidemux
Plataforma: Windows, macOS, Linux
Precio: Gratis
Nivel: Principiantes
Este sencillo software de edición de video tiene todas las herramientas que necesitará para pulir rápidamente sus videos. Sus efectos de audio y video se pueden utilizar para hacer que sus videos se vean y suenen profesionalmente, pero Avidemux no ofrece mucho más que estas opciones básicas de edición de video.
El software brinda soporte para la mayoría de los formatos de archivo de video populares, pero sus opciones de exportación están lejos de ser perfectas. Avidemux no incluye efectos visuales ni transiciones, lo que limita significativamente sus capacidades de edición de video.
Características: A los recién llegados al mundo de la edición de video les encantará la interfaz del software, debido a su simplicidad. La función Transformar le permite realizar fundidos de entrada y salida, recortar o rotar videoclips e incluso agregar logotipos a sus videos. Los efectos de desenfoque o nitidez permiten a los usuarios mejorar sus videos, mientras que los valores de contraste, brillo, saturación o matiz se pueden ajustar para que los colores del video se vean más vívidos. Avidemux también incluye la opción de subtítulos, pero el software solo puede agregar subtítulos codificados a los videos.
Limitaciones: No hay efectos de video ni transiciones, lo que reduce las opciones de edición de video del software.
11. Editor de vídeo VideoPad
Plataforma: Windows, mac OS
Precio: Gratis
Nivel: Principiantes
VideoPad es uno de los mejores productos de software multiplataforma de nivel de entrada que puede usar para tareas sencillas de edición de video. La versión gratuita del software está disponible para usuarios de Mac y PC, aunque la versión de Windows limita las opciones de exportación de video a solo dos formatos de archivo. No toma mucho tiempo acostumbrarse a la interfaz de VideoPad, y se ajusta perfectamente a las necesidades de los editores de video sin experiencia. Paid versions of the software are available to advanced editors who want to use VideoPad for more than just basic video editing.
Features: The list of video editing features VideoPad provides includes several pleasant surprises. The 4K video support, as well as 360-video editing features, are aimed at GoPro owners who want a quick and easy way to process their footage. The visual effects this free video editing software provides are impressive, while the Chroma Key option enables its users to create green screen videos. Even though VideoPad allows its users to edit audio files, its audio editing features are fairly modest.
Advantages: Learning how to use VideoPad is simplified by its intuitively designed interface.
Limitations: There are no advanced video editing options like multi-cam editing and motion tracking and certain features become unavailable when using the free version of the software over a longer period of time.
Download link:If you download the trial version instead of the free non-commercial home edition, or do not find a specific link to it on the website, you can trydownloading it from this link, or contact tech support, and they will send you a direct link.
12. Tiro abierto
Platform: Window, macOS, Linux
Precio: Gratis
Level: Beginners
This award-winning open-source video editor offers a wide range of video editing tools that span from trimming and slicing to Slow Motion and Time effects. OpenShot is an excellent software for training and learning new video editing tricks, but it is best avoided if you are working on a large project. The software's basic video editing features make it an excellent choice for users who only want to perform simple edits without having to waste too much time.
Features: OpenShot lets you add unlimited video and audio tracks to your projects, but its file management capabilities are far from impressive. The software allows you to trim or arrange the video files in any way you want, and it also provides a lot of different Transitions that can be used to make the videos look smoother. The collection of video and audio effects allows users to try out different solutions for the scenes in their video clips. OpenShot features a Vector Title Editor that can assist you in creating perfect opening titles or end credits.
Advantages: The interface of this open-source video editing software is designed to assist its users through every step of the video editing process. OpenShot is a great choice for all video editors who want to save money and use a powerful video editing software at the same time.
Limitations: More complex video editing options such as Rotoscoping, are not available. You may have to install add-ons if the OS you are using doesn't meet the software's system requirements.
13. Kdenlive
Platform: Windows, macOS, Linux
Precio: Gratis
Level: Semi-pros
Almost two decades ago, this open-source project was started by Jason Wood in order to develop a video editing software for Linux OS. Over the years, a small team of developers has created Windows and MacOS versions of the editor that now have a loyal fan base. Even though the software's features make it a reliable choice for more complex projects, Kdnelive can also be used to perform simple edits. This video editing software combines the simplicity of entry-level video editors with advanced video editing tools frequently used by experienced professionals.
Features: The functionality of this video editor will surprise even the greatest of skeptics. The software's timeline lets you to add as many videos and audio files to your project as you want, making it a perfect tool for large-scale projects. The visual effects and transitions enable users to manipulate the footage in any way they see fit, while the extremely powerful analysis tools such as histograms, waveforms or vectorscopes enable them to monitor all the adjustments they make on their footage.
Advantages: Kdnlive provides support for nearly all input file formats that can be added easily to the software's multitrack timeline. The free open-source add-ons can extend the video editor's capability and thus enable you to perform a wider range of video editing actions.
Limitations: Even though the software provides the screencast recording option, it doesn't feature the PIP effect. Multi frame-rate editing isn't possible and software's updates can last for hours.
14. Adobe Premiere Pro
Platform: Windows, mac OS
Precio: Paid, $19.99 per month
Level: Professionals
There are very few video editing suites that can offer as much to its users as Adobe Premiere Pro can. It is probably one of the best video editors ever created, as it has been setting the industry standards for a long time. High-end professionals frequently use Adobe Premiere Pro on their projects, while aspiring filmmakers strive to learn every option this unique video editor has to offer. The much-famed software isn't the best choice for video editors who are just learning the basics of the trade, although it supplies a staggering amount of tutorials and learning materials.
Características: With each new version of Adobe Premiere Pro the list of the software's features becomes longer. Its timeline is famous for its ease of use because it enables you to add as much new audio or video tracks as your project requires. This is arguably one of the best color correction software packages on the market, while its color grading features are no less impressive. Adobe Premiere Pro provides support for a wide range of video file formats including 4K, HDR, and 360 VR videos.
Advantages: Perfect for collaborative projects that involve large teams of experienced professionals. The software is at its best when used with other Adobe's products that enable you to develop projects beyond the boundaries set by the Adobe Premiere Pro's limitations.
Limitations: You cannot purchase the lifetime license to use this video editing software, and paying monthly subscriptions may be hard on the budget of some of its potential users.
15. Magix Vegas Pro
Platform: Ventanas
Precio: Paid:$399
Level: Professionals
Successful independent artists, film producers, and all other film and video enthusiasts can only benefit from purchasing this video editing suite. The software belonged to Sony Creative Software for much of its history, but on May 20. 2016 the company sold it to Magix. Previously known as Vegas Pro or just Vegas, this video editing software is widely accepted as one of the best professional video editing tools ever created. There is virtually no video editing task that cannot be completed in Magix Vegas Pro video editing software.
Features: This video editor is designed to provide support to its users from the beginning until the very end of the video editing process. Magix Vegas Pro recognizes almost all video file formats, even those captured with professional RED or ARRI Alexa cameras. You can use this software to edit 3D or 4K videos, while the Multicamera-Editing feature lets you switch between any number of video sources with a single mouse click. Effects such as Automatic Crossfades allow you to create transitions between shots effortlessly.
Advantages: The seemingly unlimited amount of learning resources makes editing with Magix Vegas Pro a lot easier and it enables less experienced video editors to learn new tricks.
Limitations: There aren't as many visual effects as you would hope for and the software's interface isn't aesthetically pleasing, but it is very functional.
16. Elementos de Adobe Premiere
Platform: Windows, mac OS
Precio: Paid:$99.99
Level: Semi-pros
Although it is often regarded as a simplified version of Premiere Pro, this video editing suite offers enough video editing tools to edit videos at the semi-professional level. Adobe Premiere Elements contains automated versions of Premiere Pro's features and in this manner it enables its users to utilize professional video editing tools on their prosumer level projects. Even though this Adobe's software product lacks the power of professional video editing software packages, it still offers enough video editing tools for the production of nicely polished and well-rounded videos.
Features: Adobe Premiere Elements recognizes all popular video file formats, and it offers support for 4K content. In addition to its remarkable file format compatibility, the video editor also features 3D editing and face detection options that can be very useful when working on more complex video projects. The haze-removal effect is extremely efficient at reducing the fog or cigarette smoke in a shot, while the motion titles let you create visually impressive opening titles or end credits. The Adobe Premiere Elements has performed exceptionally well when rendering large video files.
Advantages: The software's Guided mode provides support to its users and helps them learn how to perform all video editing actions. The asset management tool offers assistance with the organization of large amounts of video and audio files.
Limitations: When compared to other video editors in this guide Adobe Premiere Elements' device and social media optimization features seem to be in short supply.
17. CyberLink PowerDirector
Platform: Windows, mac OS
Precio: Free trial, Paid version:$69,99 - $129,99
Level: Semi-pros
This is probably one of the best and most popular video editing software packages aimed at amateur and semi-professional users. There are several versions of the software available, and each of them contains a different amount of options and video editing tools. Even with somewhat reduced capability, the least expensive version of the editor supports 360-degree as well as VR options for posting on social media such as Vimeo, Facebook or YouTube. CyberLink PowerDirector isn't a professional video editing software, but it still offers a lot of extraordinary options that can take you a step closer to producing a professional video.
Features: The 360-degree video editing options are probably the first thing that catches the eye when you look at the list of features the software provides, but its true power lies in its color tools. LUTs, HDR effects or Split Toning options are just the tip of the iceberg since PowerDirector offers countless tools for fine-tuning of the colors in your videos. Animated PIP effects and video collages make this video editing software a perfect choice for the production of tutorials and all other types of online videos.
Advantages: The audio editing options provided by CyberLink PowerDirector are nothing short of amazing since they enable the software's users to manipulate the audio files in any way they see fit.
Limitations: Motion tracking and color lookup features are not always reliable. The software is a bit overpriced when compared with similar video editing suits.
18. Magix Movie Video Easy
Platform: Ventanas
Precio: Free trial, Paid version:$49,99
Level: Semi-pros
This video editor is a great choice for people who have never edited a video before and who want to learn how to perform basic video editing tasks. Video Easy's intuitive user interface can be mastered by anyone with enough determination to edit videos with this software on a constant basis. Features this editor offers may not be as impressive as to ones provided by professional video editing suites, but they are powerful enough to produce clean edits that give your videos a professional look.
Features: If you choose to make Magix Movie Video Easy your primary video editing software, you will never have to worry about what type of camera you used to record your videos since the software is compatible with all standard camcorders, digital cameras, and Smartphones. The rich collection of transitions and effects, as well as the intro and outro animations, can all be used to create amazing videos. You can export videos to DVDs, Blu-Ray discs or YouTube directly from the software.
Advantages: If you are looking for a video editor that will enable you to add music to your videos, trim or cut videos quickly and choose from hundreds of effects, then you should look no further because Magix Movie Video Easy provides all of these options, and much more.
Limitations: Doesn't perform well when used for demanding video editing tasks.
19. Magix Video Pro
Platform: Windows, mac OS
Precio: Free trial, Paid version:$62,99
Level: Beginners
Magix has been the largest European video editing software manufacturer for more than two decades. Its software products may not enjoy the fame of Adobe's video editing software packages, but this doesn't mean that a video editor such as Magix Video Pro cannot be used for the production of professional-looking videos. Besides offering basic video editing tools this video editor also features advanced video editing options such as Stop Motion animation or 360-degree video editing. Magix Video Pro is often labeled as 'one of the best video editing programs out there'.
Features: Audio editing features that come with this video editor include an audio mixer that enables you to reduce noise levels, control the low, mid and high sounds or simply equalize the sound volume across the entire project. The video editing tools supplied by the Magix Video Pro are as impressive as its audio editing options. Lens correction features, Split screen videos or 360-degree video editing options reveal only a fraction of the software's capabilities. Magix Video Pro delivers professional video editing features to consumer-level users.
Advantages: The software allows you to place any type of media file on its timeline and use it in your project.
Limitations: The effects library installation process can be time-consuming, although it is well worth the wait.
Part II:Best Video Making Editors Online
20. Media.io Online Video Editor
Platform: Online
Precio: starts at $9.99 a month
Level: Beginners
Although online video editors are considered the entry-level editing tool, the Media.io video editor provides some advanced-level video editing options. Media.io's extensive selection of file formats and incredibly comprehensive Export choices make it an appealing alternative not just for those new to video editing but also for more seasoned editors.
Features: You can not only upload photographs, movies, and music files from your local computer to Media.io, but you can also record them live! The in-app record tool allows you to capture a video from your camera or screen, edit it right away, and export it without watermark at 1080p resolution. It has the auto subtitle generator tool, which automatically adds captions and subtitles to movies. Furthermore, because you cannot post a YouTube video to TikTok due to aspect ratio issues, Media.io video allows you to change the aspect ratio of your video.
Advantages: It is an easy-to-use tool that helps you edit the video without downloading expensive software. Moreover, you can also resize your video using the aspect ratio option and mute a video with one click.
Limitations: You cannot export the video to more than 1080p resolution.
21. YouTube
Platform: Online
Precio: Gratis
Level: Beginners
The world's largest video sharing platform also offers basic video editing services. Although Google has discontinued its built-in video editor, it still allows tts users to trim or rotate videos, apply filters or even create time-lapse and slow-motion videos on line. Brightness, contrast or saturation levels can be altered if you want to enhance the colors in your videos. Audio editing features are limited because the platform only allows you to add a single audio file to a project you're working on. However, some of the most important video editing features like adding the text or creating titles are not available.
Advantages: Allows you to polish your videos before posting them on YouTube for free.
22. Cortador de video en línea
Platform: Online
Precio: Gratis
Level: Beginners
If you were looking for a web app that contains all the tools required to cut a small video file, then Online Video Cutter is one of your best options. You won't even have to create an account before you start the video editing process. The videos you upload to this online editor can't exceed the 500 MB size limit. Besides cutting their videos, users of this editor can also rotate or trim their footage for free. Online Video Cutter provides support for nearly all video file formats, so you don't have to worry about the file format in which your video was captured.
Advantages: Offers a quick way to trim videos online and it is exceptionally easy to use.
Limitations: Lacks even the most basic video editing features other than cutting, trimming and rotating videos.
23. Creador de películas en línea
Platform: Online
Precio: Gratis
Level: Beginners
This free online editing tool lets you process videos without even registering or creating an account. You can add videos, photos, text, and music into a single project and mix them together into an awesome video. The platform grants you access to its rich filter library, and it also allows you to add text overlays, fade audio and video files or create smooth transitions between shots. Movie Maker Online features its own collection of royalty free music and photos you can use to make your videos look and sound better. The webpage's design is a little odd, and it may take some time to get used to it.
Advantages: The app offers a lot of different video editing tools and it allows you to perform all basic video editing actions online.
Limitations: Movie Maker Online is funded by ads, and requires you to disable your AdBlock app before you can start editing a video.
24. ClipChamp
Platform: Online
Precio: Free trial, Paid:$7 per month
Level: Beginners
ClipChamp lets you upload videos you already recorded or capture new footage using your computer's webcam. The free version of this web app allows you to export in 1080p video files, but you can't produce more than five videos in a single month. Both versions of the online video editor require you to create an account, and the videos exported from the free version of the app don't have a watermark. ClipChamp provides numerous video editing tools, including transition, color adjustments or cropping. The exporting process doesn't last too long and you can choose whether you want to share the video on social media or download it to your computer.
Advantages: Makes creating webcam videos as well as editing preexisting footage look easy while providing excellent export options.
Limitations: The free version of ClipChamp allows you export only five videos in a month.
25. WeVideo
Platform: Online
Precio: Freemium
Level: Beginners
The capabilities of WeVideo online video editor surpass the basic level of video editing. The platform offers support for iOS and Android devices as well as desktop computers. Producing square or horizontal videos, creating motion titles or publishing videos in 720p HD resolution are just a few amazing options this online video editor provides. The paid versions of the web app are best suited for skilled video editing professionals or large teams that are working on demanding projects. WeVideo's free version doesn't allow its users to publish more than 30 minutes of video content each month and each exported video contains a watermark.
Advantages: Produces videos with great picture quality and offers tons of advanced video editing options.
Limitations: Creating an account is mandatory even for video editors who want to use the free version of WeVideo.
26. Kizoa
Platform: Online
Precio: Freemium
Level: Beginners
Kizoa offers a broad spectrum of transitions, visual effects, animation and text effects to its users for free. The video editing platform is frequently used to create goofy short videos that can be easily shared on Facebook or Twitter. The app allows you to add photos to your video projects and it grants you access to an incredibly rich royalty free music collection. However, you will have to create an account on Kizoa in order to be able to export the videos you created. The editor's timeline is rudimentary, but still functional enough to enable users to combine audio, video, and photo files.
Advantages: Kizoa is a powerful tool for the creation of entertaining social media videos.
Limitations: You must create an account in order to be able to export your projects, and the online video editor doesn't feature any advanced video editing options.
27. Wideo
Platform: Online
Precio: Freemium
Level: Beginners
All video enthusiasts can use Wideo platform to edit their videos, regardless of their skill level. In addition to amazing video editing options, this online video editor also features animations that can be used to create professional presentations. All video content uploaded to Wideo is stored on the cloud, and pricing plans for professionals include unlimited storage space. The Basic version of the editor allows for just ten downloads in a month and it doesn't let its users upload videos to YouTube. Even though this video editor is easy to use, it is better suited for skilled professionals than it is for inexperienced video editors.
Advantages: Even the Basic pricing plan enables users to export HD videos, while Professional and Enterprise pricing plans include the Full HD export option.
Limitations: Limited audio editing options significantly reduce the capabilities of this online video editing platform.
Read More to Get:10 Best Free Online Video Editors With No Watermark>>
Part III:Best Video APP for iOS/Android
28. FilmoraGo
Platform: iOS, Andoird
Precio: Freemium
Level: Beginners
You can edit your videos with FilmoraGo in just three simple steps. All you have to do is choose the videos and photos from your phone's gallery, Instagram or Facebook account, select a theme, insert transitions or add a song and share the video directly from the app on social media or to your email address. Besides the powerful video editing features, this app for iOS and Android devices also allows you to set your video's aspect ratio to Square 1:1 if you would like to share the clip on Instagram or Cinema 16:9 if the video is shared to YouTube.
Advantages: Supports HD export options and provides a diverse set of video editing options.
Limitations: The app can't perform advanced video editing tasks.
29. Vlogit
Platform: iOS, Android
Precio: Gratis
Level: Beginners
The Wondershare's video editing app for Android and iOS devices is designed to offer assistance to YouTubers and Vloggers who want to edit their videos directly from their Smartphones. Vlogit is equipped with video editing tools that enable you to cut, trim or rotate videos, while its sound editing features include recording voiceovers, adding sound effects or choosing the music you want to use as a soundtrack to your video. The app lets you combine photos and videos within the same project, and it also enables you to create customized openers from animated templates. The videos created and exported with the Vlogit app don't contain watermarks.
Advantages: Offers powerful video editing features to YouTubers and Vloggers who want to edit their videos from their Smartphones for free.
Limitations: The list of visual effects the app provides could be longer.
30. VideoShop
Platform: iOS, Android
Precio: Freemium
Level: Beginners
The extensive list of features VideoShop app offers makes it one of the best options for novice video editors who want to quickly create visually impressive videos. This video editing app allows you to work with multiple video files or merge them into a single video. The animated titles enable users of the VideoShop app to create professional-looking intros for their videos, while the transitions feature allows them to seamlessly piece together all shots featured in a project. Tilt-Shift and Stop Motion options are also available to video editors who want to make their videos look more professional.
Advantages: Fun and easy to use video editing app that lets you manipulate footage in any way you want.
Limitations: VideoShop contains ads, and the app's version for iOS devices only supports videos recorded with iPhones and iPads.
31. Filmmaker Pro
Platform: iOS
Precio: Freemium, $5,99 monthly subscription
Level: Semi-pros
iPhone videographers who need access to semi-professional video editing tools will certainly enjoy using this app. Filmmaker Pro offers support for 4K footage filmed on the latest models of iPhone and it enables its users to add an unlimited number of text overlays, video clips, voiceovers or audio tracks to the app's timeline. The video editor grants you access to over 30 filters, video grading features, as well as Chroma Key and Ken Burns effects. In addition to impressive video and audio editing features, Filmmaker Pro's users can also record videos with a camera that lets them adjust settings manually directly from the app, although this option must be paid for.
Advantages: Text overlays, audio editing features and the ability to select the aspect ratio for each video you edit with this app, make it one of the best video editing options for iOS devices.
Limitations: Nearly all of the app's best features must be purchased.
32. KineMaster
Platform: iOS, Android
Precio: Freemium, contains adds
Level: Semi-pros
This cross-platform video editor is one of the premier options for mobile video editing on both iOS and Android devices. KineMaster is currently the only app that enables Android Smartphone owners to add as many layers of videos, photos, and text to their projects as they want. However, it only supports a limited number of video file formats, which means that the app shouldn't be used to edit videos that weren't recorded on an iPhone or Android phone. KineMaster provides a wide range of video exporting options and allows you to share videos on popular social media networks.
Pros: Above average video and audio editing features.
Limitations: Offers a lot of options mobile video editors seldom use.
33. LumaFusion
Platform: iOS
Precio: Paid, $29.99
Level: Semi-pros
Creating neatly organized projects with LumaFusion is a simple task because the app features a powerful Project Manager that lets you sort files or select aspect ratios for your videos. In addition, the Media Library lets you import all types of files from a cloud storage or drag and drop media from other apps. Producing slow-motion videos that have 120 or 240fps or creating green screen videos using the Chroma Key effect is easy with LumaFusion. The app's audio editing features are as impressive as its video editing tools since they provide the complete control over the audio files to the video editor's users.
Advantages: Color correction options, LUTs or numerous visual effects are all part of the reason why LumaFusion is one of the best apps for mobile video editing.
Limitations: Only available for iOS devices.
34. Vizzywig 2019 4K Video Editor
Platform: iOS
Precio: Paid, $79.99
Level: Semi-pros
This award-winning app for iOS devices provides all the tools a skilled video editor could desire. Its features include support for 4K videos, wide selection of aspect ratios as well as stylish intros, end credits, and titles. Besides offering professional video editing tools, Vizzywig also features Multi-Camera recording options that can capture videos in 8K resolution. In addition, the app is capable of producing videos that have eight times more pixels than the Apple's Facetime HD Camera. The non-linear timeline lets you arrange video clips in any way you see fit, and allows you to add multiple media files to each project you are working on.
Advantages: Lets you control the focus and exposure manually and produce videos with stunning picture quality.
Limitations: Single platform compatibility and a high price narrow down the number of the app's potential users.
35. PowerDirector
Platform: androide
Precio: Freemium, contains ads and in-app purchases
Level: Beginners
Unlike the Adobe's app for mobile video editing, PowerDirector lives up to all expectations. This user-friendly app lets you create reverse, 4K, or green screen videos. To make things even better, you can easily apply visual and audio effects or add voiceovers to your projects. In addition to the video editor, the PowerDirector app is also equipped with a powerful photo editor that lets you manipulate images in a professional manner. You can use almost any type of video or audio file in this app because it provides support for all commonly used file formats.
Advantages: PowerDirector is designed to help its users polish their video quickly and effortlessly.
Limitations: Videos in 1080p and 4K resolutions can only be exported after you've made an in-app purchase.
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Which Video Editor Do You Think Is Best for You?
Thank you to read this so far. It's a long but the most comprehensive reviews ever for all hot video editing software compatible with Windows, Mac, iOS, Android and Linux, as well as online video editors. I hope you find the tools that you like.
If you want to get quick selections without too much reading, here is my recommendation:
- Best video editor for Windows and Mac to download:Filmora
- Best video editing software for Linux to download:Lightworks
- Best video editor for Android, iOS to download:FilmoraGo, VideoShop
- Best online video editor to use:WeVideo
If you still can't find a one Or we missed one of the tools you think which deserves to be listed above?
Either way, let us know by leaving a comment below.