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15 mejores descargadores de videos de Reddit para Android, Mac y usuarios en línea

Si hay algo por lo que Reddit es famoso, es sin duda la amplia gama de contenido generado por los usuarios en la plataforma. Desde videos virales hasta memes divertidos, lo que sea, Reddit lo tiene. Sin embargo, la plataforma parece perder una característica:la capacidad de descargar videos. Hay una manera simple de hacer esto:usar los mejores descargadores de videos de Reddit para hacer el trabajo.

Antes de que le digamos cómo descargar videos de Reddit de diferentes maneras, aquí hay algunas estadísticas notables para que las vea.

¿Sabías que?

  • Reddit es el séptimo sitio web social más utilizado en los EE. UU. y el decimonoveno a nivel mundial. (Fuente: Alexa)
  • Reddit tiene 52 millones de usuarios activos diarios en todo el mundo. Marca una inclinación del 44% año tras año. (Fuente: Diario de Wall Street)
  • Más de la mitad (50,7 %) del tráfico de escritorio de Reddit proviene de los EE. UU., seguido de Canadá y el Reino Unido, que aportan alrededor del 8 % cada uno, mientras que Australia tiene un 3,78 %. (Fuente: Similarweb)

Con las estadísticas anteriores, no hay duda de que Reddit es un sitio popular para compartir en redes sociales construido alrededor de comunidades de personas y es excelente para enviar videos, imágenes y publicaciones que las personas pueden votar.

Prácticamente, cualquier tipo de contenido que le interese ya tendrá una comunidad global floreciente en Reddit. Pero ahí es cuando comienzan los problemas. Al ritmo al que la plataforma genera contenido nuevo, es difícil mantenerse al día y aún más difícil encontrar una publicación específica que (que le encantó) la segunda vez.

Con publicaciones que se votan a favor o en contra constantemente, lo más probable es que su video favorito se pierda. Entonces, en el momento en que vea un video emocionante en Reddit, al que desee volver, es mejor guardarlo en su dispositivo de inmediato.

Aquí hay varias formas de descargar videos de Reddit. Puede elegir un método según el dispositivo en el que desee descargar contenido.

Cómo descargar videos de Reddit en Android

Hay aplicaciones de descarga de videos dedicadas que puede usar para guardar videos de Reddit en su dispositivo Android. Aunque una búsqueda rápida en Internet le mostrará miles de opciones para elegir, evite instalar aplicaciones que no sean confiables y parezcan incompletas.

Para ayudarlo a elegir algunas opciones confiables, aquí hay algunas para elegir:

1. Vídeo

  • Precio: Gratis
  • Enlace de descarga: Haga clic aquí

Viddit es una de las mejores aplicaciones para descargar videos que es fácil, rápida y sin complicaciones. La instalación toma solo unos segundos y la interfaz es lo suficientemente fácil de usar para comenzar sin necesidad de instrucciones.

La velocidad de descarga es rápida y te permite descargar videos con sonido o audio. Es una de las aplicaciones más populares y accesibles para usar.

Cómo descargar videos de Reddit con Viddit

Método 1:

  • Paso 1: Abra la aplicación Viddit.
  • Paso 2: Copie y pegue el enlace de la publicación de video de Reddit que desea descargar.
  • Paso 3: El enlace comienza a procesarse automáticamente y, una vez hecho esto, haga clic en el botón de descarga para guardarlo en su dispositivo.

Método 2:

  • Paso 1: Abra una publicación de video de Reddit que desee descargar.
  • Paso 2: Haz clic en el botón Compartir debajo de la publicación. Verá que se abre una pequeña pantalla para compartir con una lista de opciones.
  • Paso 3: Haga clic en el ícono que dice "Viddit" para descargar el video y guardarlo en su teléfono.

Pros y contras de usar Viddit

Ventajas Contras
Descarga videos de Reddit con sonido en unos pocos clics No es una plataforma sin publicidad
Comparta sus videos favoritos con otras aplicaciones directamente a través de Viddit No hay opción para descargar videos en múltiples calidades
Accede a todos los videos descargados dentro de la propia aplicación

2. Revvid

  • Precio: Gratis
  • Enlace de descarga: Haga clic aquí

Revvid es una aplicación de Android gratuita y liviana para ayudar a los usuarios a descargar videos y GIF de Reddit con facilidad. La aplicación móvil incluye algunas funciones útiles, como selección de ubicación, selección de calidad de descarga de video e incluso descarga con audio.

La interfaz es limpia, rica y fácil de usar. La instalación tarda solo unos segundos y las descargas son sencillas y sin problemas.

Cómo descargar videos de Reddit con Revvid

  • Paso 1: Abra la aplicación Revvid y copie y pegue el enlace de la publicación de video de Reddit que desea descargar.
  • Paso 2: La aplicación procesa el enlace y te permite elegir entre 3 calidades de video diferentes:Alta (HD), Media y Baja.
  • Paso 3: Una vez que haya elegido la calidad de descarga, el video comienza a descargarse.

Pros y contras de usar Revvid

Ventajas Contras
Interfaz limpia y fácil de usar No es una plataforma sin publicidad
Admite 3 formatos de calidad de video (HD, Media y Baja)
Descarga videos rápidamente con audio sin interrupciones
Capacidad para reanudar descargas fallidas

3. Descargador de videos de Reddit

  • Precio: Gratis
  • Enlace de descarga: Haga clic aquí

Desarrollado por Roman Koval R, este es otro excelente descargador de videos de Reddit para usuarios de Android. La interfaz es limpia y fácil de usar. La instalación tarda unos segundos y, una vez hecha, estará listo para descargar sus videos favoritos de Reddit sin perder la calidad del audio.

Funciona a la perfección con todas las URL de Reddit e incluso le permite compartir videos directamente desde la aplicación móvil de Reddit o RIF. Incluso es compatible con videos Giphy, Imgur y Gfycat.

Cómo descargar videos de Reddit con Reddit Video Downloader

  • Paso 1: Abra la aplicación Reddit y busque el video que desea descargar.
  • Paso 2: Haga clic en el botón Compartir para abrir un conjunto de opciones. Elija el descargador de videos Reddit (icono naranja con botón de flecha blanca).
  • Paso 3: La aplicación procesa el enlace y comienza a descargar el video.

Pros y contras de usar Reddit Video Downloader

Ventajas Contras
Descarga videos de Reddit con sonido en unos pocos clics No es una plataforma sin publicidad
The interface is simple, clean, and easy to use No option to download videos in multiple qualities
Downloads are fast and seamless No option to change the folder where the downloaded videos are saved

4. Viewdeo

  • Price: Free
  • Download Link: Click here

Whether you want to share Reddit videos on other platforms or download videos without any sound quality issues, this app is ideal to use. The interface might not be that clean compared to the above apps that we have listed, but it does the job of seamlessly sharing and downloading videos.

If the video includes audio, the app automatically merges that with the help of FFmpeg, ensuring that it's ready to be shared as an MP4 file. The videos remain in the Android Downloads folder and can be deleted or viewed anytime.

How to download Reddit videos with Viewdeo

  • Step 1: Open the Reddit app and search for the video that you want to download.
  • Step 2: Click on the share button to pop open a set of options. Choose Viewdeo (green icon with camera).
  • Step 3: The app processes the link and shows the video with a list of options for you to act upon, including Comments, Copy, Share, Download, etc. Click the Download icon button to save the video.

Pros and Cons of using Viewdeo

Pros Cons
Share and download Reddit videos with sound easily Includes pop-up ads
Supports Reddit, Gyfcat, Reddit media, Giphy Imgur, Instagram, Twitter, and streamable
Download Reddit videos with sound in a few clicks

5. Video Downloader by 10000 BC

  • Price: Free
  • Download link: Click here

This is another free video downloader app for all Android users out there. The most significant advantage of using this mobile app is that it lets you download videos in high definition. It is fast, secure, and accessible.

Besides Reddit, it lets you download videos from all major platforms like Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram, etc. It's more like an all-in-one video downloader that comes in handy if you’re someone who downloads and shares videos frequently on different social sites.

How to download Reddit videos with 10000 BC Video Downloader

  • Step 1: Copy the Reddit video link you want to download.
  • Step 2: Open the video downloader app and paste the link in the input box.
  • Step 3: The app auto-detects the link and keeps it ready for you to download.

Pros and Cons of using 10000 BC Video Downloader

Pros Cons
Lets your manage the downloaded video files by allowing you to copy its link, share, and delete anytime Includes pop-up ads
Allows you to download HD videos
Supports Reddit, Instagram, Facebook, Vimeo, LinkedIn, Twitter, Imgur, etc.

How to Download Reddit Videos on Mac

Whether the video you come across on Reddit is embedded (from YouTube or other platforms) or directly uploaded by Reddit, there’s no way to save it to your Mac. This leaves you with just one option—an excellent third-party video downloader—to get the job done.

Here are five reliable apps for Mac that help convert Reddit videos to MP4 while ensuring the highest audio and video quality.

1. SnapDownloader

  • Price: Free &Paid
  • Download link: Click here

If you have come across an interesting Reddit-uploaded video and would like to save it offline (with options to adjust the sound settings), then SnapDownloader is the best bet. It is software that needs to be installed on your PC first and comes in two versions—free and paid.

Once installed, it lets you download Reddit videos seamlessly in MP4 file format and even convert it to MP3 if you want only the audio. Apart from Reddit, the tool also supports many other popular websites and lets you download videos in different qualities.

How to download Reddit videos with SnapDownloader

  • Step 1: Launch the SnapDownloader application on your Mac.
  • Step 2: Copy-paste the Reddit video link to the search box.
  • Step 3: Select the video format and quality of the video to be downloaded in.
  • Step 4: The tool also gives you an option to schedule and trim the video, which is helpful when you deal with a large amount of content. Once done, click download.

Pros and Cons of using SnapDownloader

Pros Cons
Supports 900+ websites Requires you to pay if you want a lifetime license to use SnapDownloader
Converts videos to the audio-only format Requires installation
It lets you download bulk videos
Reliable, secure, friendly, and provides customer support

2. VideoDuke

  • Price: Free (allows only two free downloads) &Paid
  • Download link: Click here

VideoDuke is one of the best video downloaders for Mac. It lets you download videos easily from popular social sites like Reddit, YouTube, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Vimeo, Dailymotion, and many more.

It provides multiple file formats and two modes of quality settings to select from— Simple and Advanced . The bonus here is that you can also download audio-only MP3 files and other media files linked to a video like album art or closed captions.

How to download Reddit videos with VideoDuke

  • Step 1: Launch the VideoDuke app on your Mac.
  • Step 2: Access your Reddit page via the VideoDuke’s search bar and find the video that you want to download. Or just copy-paste the Reddit video link.
  • Step 3: The app auto-detects the video link. Once it’s ready to be downloaded, it will show up in a ‘Video’ tab at the bottom of the screen.
  • Step 4: Choose the format you want the video to be downloaded in. Once done, click on the download button to save the video to your computer.

Pros and Cons of using VideoDuke

Pros Cons
Use either Simple or Advanced mode to manage downloads profoundly Demo version allows you to download only 2 videos, after which you are required to pay
Integrate the tool to your browser anytime by clicking on the bookmark button. Requires installation
Search for videos through the tool’s inbuilt search feature directly
Reliable, secure, friendly, and fast

3. Elmedia Player

  • Price:
  • Download Link: Click here

Elmedia Player is one of the most popular Mac video players designed to provide more advanced streaming options. It's powerful and flexible enough to handle different media formats.

You can stream the files to AirPlay, Chromecast, DLNA, and Roku devices. And the best thing is that it doesn’t require any additional codecs for it to work.

Being a video streaming and video player app, Elmedia excels at everything. Speaking of its player capability, it supports unlimited audio and audio formats. It has everything covered from MP3, MP4 to MOV, AVI, MKV, and many more.

Tú. can use video links directly to play them immediately without any ads in terms of its streaming ability.

How to play Reddit videos that are taken from YouTube using Elmedia Player

  • Step 1: Launch the Elmedia Player.
  • Step 2: Navigate to File>> Open Online Video (or press ⌘ + U).
  • Step 3: Copy-paste the video link and select the resolution. Click open and play.

Pros and Cons of using Elmedia Player

Pros Cons
Sleek, simple, and light in design Demo version allows you to download only two videos, after which you are required to pay
Video thumbnail previews, bigger playback controls in full screen, etc. Requires installation
Reliable, secure, friendly, and fast

7 Best Reddit Video Downloaders Online

If you don’t want to install mobile apps or software to download your Reddit videos, the most hassle-free way is by using some good Reddit video downloaders online. Although there are many options available, here are some reliable ones to go with:


  • Price: Free
  • Website: Click here

Redv is one of the best Reddit video downloaders that is powerful, user-friendly, and fast. It doesn’t require any installation or registration. All you need is a Reddit video link, and the platform will process it for you automatically.

Don’t expect it to be a fully featured web app. It sticks to what it says. No matter the device you use (Android, Mac, smartphone, or windows), it lets you download videos from Reddit without any trouble. When compared to other online platforms, this site has advanced features.

For example, it lets you adjust the video quality, trim the length, or instantly convert to an audio-only file.

How to use Redv Reddit video downloader

  • Step 1: Copy-paste the Reddit video link to the input box that you want to download.
  • Step 2: Once you hit the enter button, the platform processes the link.
  • Step 3: Either right-click on the video to save it or press the download button.

Pros and Cons of using Redv

Pros Cons
Minimalist design with friendly interface Lots of ads
Reliable, secure, and seamless to use
It lets you download videos quickly
No registration or installation required

2. RedditSave

  • Price: Free
  • Website: Click here

Next on our list is RedditSave. From videos, GIFs to Imgur, streamable, Gfycat, Giphy, and many more, you can extract everything that’s embedded on Reddit for free.

There’s a catch, though. When you access the site and use the search feature to download or convert files it may keep a tab on information. This includes non-personal information like the IP address, origin country, and non-personal details about your device (like web requests, browser language, browser type, operating system, referring URL, and time &date of request). This is only log file data and aggregated traffic information that is recorded.

It doesn’t track your personal information or maintain any history of the videos you’re trying to download.

How to use RedditSave Reddit video downloader

  • Step 1: Copy-paste the Reddit video link to the input box and click the download button.
  • Step 2: The link is processed in no time, and the platform redirects to a new window with two options:Download HD Video or SD Versions. It also shows the subreddit and source the video was posted.
  • Step 3: Choose one of the options and download the Reddit video.

Pros and Cons of using RedditSave

Pros Cons
Simple and fast interface to download Reddit videos Bombarded with ads, which a few users might find annoying
Reliable, secure, and seamless to use
Includes Firefox and Chrome browser extension
No registration or installation required


  • Price: Free
  • Website: Click here

This is another well-known online Reddit video downloader that’s worth trying. The best thing about using this website is that it allows users to download Reddit videos either as MP3 or MP4.

This means that you can also use it to download your favorite music (provided that it’s copyright-free and you’re not going to use it commercially).

The system also snoops out animated gifs and different video files; even native Reddit uploaded videos, Gfycat, Imgur, etc. Besides these, the platform is free and has an option to download videos from Reddit in HD quality.

How to use RedditSave Reddit video downloader

  • Step 1: Copy-paste the Reddit video link to the input box and click the submit button.
  • Step 2: The link is processed in no time and extracts the file link to download the Reddit video file easily.
  • Step 3: The platform redirects to a new screen, showing the video thumbnail and multiple quality options. Either click the red “Download HD video” button or choose from the list of options available. You can even convert the file to MP3 or share it if you want.
  • Step 4: Once done, save the video to your computer.

Pros and Cons of using RedditSave

Pros Cons
Hosts the video directly on Reddit’s servers Not an ad-free platform
It doesn’t track or maintain any history of your downloads
Supports HD and other formats
No registration or installation required

4. Keepsaveit

  • Price: Free
  • Website: Click here

From Facebook, Twitter to Reddit, Instagram, Vimeo, and many more, Keepsaveit is a one-stop video downloader that supports all major social platforms. Keepsaveit lets you download videos in HD, 1080p, 720p, 480p, 360p, 240p, and MP3 formats seamlessly from highest to lowest resolutions.

How to use Keepsaveit Reddit video downloader

  • Step 1: Copy-paste the Reddit video link to the input box and click the download button.
  • Step 2: The application automatically processes it and provides a snapshot for you to verify.
  • Step 3: It also shows a list of options to download the video as either MP3 or MP4. Also, the platform allows you to choose from different video qualities. Select the preferred size and quality and click "Download" to save it.

Pros and Cons of using Keepsaveit

Pros Cons
Supports 35+ social sites Has ads but very minimal
Clean and simple interface that’s easy to use
No registration or installation required
Downloads videos easily

5. RVDL (Reddit Video Downloader)

  • Price: Free
  • Website: Click here

RVDL (or Reddit Video Downloader) is a nifty tool that lets users download Reddit videos easily and for free. All you need is a link to the video. Once entered, the site’s AI-based servers will automatically convert it to file formats such as MOV, MP4, WEBM, etc., within seconds.

The site is secure and safe to use. It doesn’t store or track the downloaded history. Instead, it directly hosts the link on Reddit’s servers.

How to use RVDL Reddit video downloader

  • Step 1: Copy-paste the Reddit video link to the input box and click the download button.
  • Step 2: Select the video quality and file format. Once done, click the Download button.
  • Step 3: Save the video to the computer.

Pros and Cons of using RVDL

Pros Cons
The downloader is 100% free from malware or virus Not an ad-free platform
All files are pre-scanned before downloading
No registration or installation required
Doesn’t compress the quality of the files. Supports multiple resolutions like HD, FHD, SD, 4K, 8K, based on the quality of the uploaded video

6. SoundCloud to MP3

  • Price: Free
  • Website: Click here

For users who prefer using a robust, reliable, and ‘set-it-and-forget video downloader that works with Reddit and other popular social sites, SoundCloud to MP3 makes an ideal choice.

Soundcloud to MP3 is a no BS video downloader which works with more than 36 websites, including 9GAG, Tumblr, ESPN, Vimeo, Buzzfeed, etc. The site is straightforward to use. It's a little frustrating to see those Google ads all over the place, but that’s the case with any free online video downloader.

How to use SoundCloud Reddit video downloader

  • Step 1: Copy-paste the Reddit video link to the input box and click the download button.
  • Step 2: The link is processed and shows up the download button in no time.
  • Step 3: Save the video to the computer.

Pros and Cons of using SoundCloud

Pros Cons
Doesn’t require login or installation Lots of ads, which can be distracting
Download is quick, secure, and free
Doesn’t track your downloads
Supports all major platforms and devices


  • Price: Free
  • Website: Click here

When it comes to online video downloads or audio conversions, Keepvid is another popular choice. Although the platform is hassle-free to use, the one thing that you might find annoying is the number of ads (seriously, there are too many) but it gets the job of downloading videos done in minutes.

It lets you install it as a web app so that it's convenient and quick. Besides Reddit, enables you to download videos from 100+ websites like Vimeo, Dailymotion, Twitter, Facebook, etc., and in multiple formats.

How to use Keepvid Reddit video downloader

  • Step 1: Copy-paste the Reddit video link to the input box and click the download button.
  • Step 2: The platform redirects to a new window, allowing you to download the video in HD.
  • Step 3: Save the video to the computer.

Pros and Cons of using Keepvid

Pros Cons
Doesn’t require login or installation Lots of ads, which can be distracting
Supports 100+ major platforms
Supports multiple video resolutions
Fast, quick, and easy to use


Undeniably, Reddit is one of the best treasure troves of content on the internet today. If you are someone who downloads and shares videos from social media platforms, you know the problem. It doesn’t

Talking about Reddit, most videos are embedded on the platform itself, so you have to be online to view them, which can be frustrating at times. However, with the help of the right Reddit video downloader, you can download them without any hassle but make sure not to use a tool that’s not secure or unreliable.

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Producción de vídeo